“The world is a book and those who do not travel read
only one page.”
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Drawmij |
Or that they would be instrumental in guarding one’s secrets.
Few know his, for instance.
But in that you would be mistaken. I have to say, few
(none, actually) reveal much about the man. Maybe that is as telling as are
those we are aware of. Drawmij spent a considerable time “on the road,” and
lived to tell the tale; or not tell the tale, in his case.
Those spells of his that are in circulation (or might I
say, those spells we are aware of) must have been researched while he was
concerned with adventuring. They are about getting from here to there, and
carrying loot; and in a few cases, with safeguarding one’s skin. All worthy
tools if you were delving dungeons.
As to what he may have developed after his inclusion in
the Circle of Eight, your guess is as good as mine. They are all likely under
lock and key, as it were, in his citadel under the sea.
Level One
Drawmij’s Beast of Burden
Drawmij’s Light Step
Level Two
Drawmij’s Adventurer’s Luck
Drawmij’s Breath of Life
Drawmij’s Scent Mask
Drawmij’s Swift Mount
Level Three
Drawmij’s Marvelous Shield
Drawmij’s Iron Sack
Level Four
Drawmij’s Handy Timepiece
Drawmij’s Instant Exit
Drawmij’s Protection from Non-magical Gas
Drawmij’s Tool Box
Level Five
Drawmij’s Flying Feat
Level Six
Drawmij’s Beneficent Polymorph
Drawmij’s Merciful Metamorphosis
Level 7
Drawmij's Instant Summons
Drawmij’s Beast of Burden (Alteration)
Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Range: 30 yds
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 2 hours/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Explanation/Description: This spell partially lightens
goods placed upon a single mount. The effective encumbrance of all objects on
the mount, including riders, is reduced by one-half, in effect doubling the
amount of weight the mount can carry.
A mount that suddenly finds itself carrying
one-and-one-half its maximum load without the spell’s protection cannot walk,
slowly sinks to the ground, and stands a 50% chance of going lame. A mount
suddenly burdened by twice its maximum load collapses to the ground, suffering
1d6 points of damage and automatically going lame.
The material components are a lodestone and pinch of
metal filings.
[GA – 54]
Drawmij’s Light Step (Alteration)
Level: 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature
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Drawmij’s Light Step |
The creature can also move across a fluid as well as a
solid surface, but the movement rate is reduced to one-half the creature’s
normal walking rate, as the creature must step carefully. The light step spell
will not enable a creature to walk across turbulent water or ocean waves,
however, since the chaotic motion of the fluid disturbs the levitation field.
The spell actually makes the creature unable to activate pit traps. It doesn’t
allow the creature to leap higher or jump safely from a cliff, only to walk
with a lighter step. This spell will also increase the movement rate of the
creature by 50 percent for the duration of the spell. The material components
are a bit of fur taken from a cat’s paw and a duck’s feather.
[GA – 54]
Drawmij’s Adventurer’s Luck (Alteration)
Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 3 turns
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Explanation/Description: This spell bestows upon the
touched creature a special form of luck. For the duration of the spell, the
recipient of this magic can act as though he or she were holding a luckstone
and using its magical effects. The material component is 5,000 gold pieces worth
of ruby dust sprinkled over the creature’s head; this vanishes after the spell
[GA – 54]
Drawmij’s Breath of Life (Alteration)
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Drawmij’s Breath of Life |
Components: V
Range: 100 yds
Casting Time: 1/6 segment
Duration: 5 turns
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: Special
Explanation/description: With the power of this spell,
the mage can endow one or more creatures with sufficient endurance to hold
their breath for five full turns. Affected creatures cannot drown or be subject
to the effects of inhaled gases while holding their breath. The caster can
bestow the spell upon one creature for every level of experience. The spell is
only one word long, and has no somatic or material components, so the mage can
cast the spell quickly in an emergency.
[GA – 54]
Drawmij’s Scent Mask (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature/level
Explanation/Description: This spell will conceal all
odors emanating from a creature for the duration of the spell. If cast upon the
mage or another person, that person cannot be detected by scent. The recipient
of this spell cannot be tracked by an animal or being that uses its sense of
smell to track, such as a bloodhound. If cast upon a creature that uses its
odor as a weapon or form of defense, the spell negates the odor if the creature
fails a save versus spells. The musky odor of a skunk or wolverine or the
stench of a troglodyte could be suppressed by the spell. The material component
is a scentless flower.
[GA – 54]
Drawmij’s Swift Mount (Alteration)
Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 2 hours + ½ hour per level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One mount per two levels
Explanation/Description: This spell will double the
movement rate of any mount that runs, swims, or flies for the duration of the
spell. After the spell expires, the mount is completely exhausted and refuses
to move any farther for 24 hours. The spell will in no way increase the amount
of weight a mount can carry. The maximum encumbrance limit for the mount is
unaffected. Overloading the mount beyond its limit automatically negates the
spell. Drawmj’s beast of burden cannot be combined with swift mount to increase
the load a racing mount can carry. The material component for the spell is a
hare’s foot or a bit of fur from a cheetah.
[GA – 54]
Drawmij’s Marvelous Shield (Evocation)
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Drawmij’s Marvelous Shield |
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: The mage
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell is an improved
version of the 1st level shield spell. The improved shield will protect the
caster against attacks from all sides, including the rear and above, provided
the mage is aware of the attack. A surprise attack will completely dispel the
protection of the improved shield. The protection afforded by the spell is -2
against all attacks, so the improved shield acts as AC 0 against hand-hurled
missiles, AC 1 against device-propelled missiles, and a -2 bonus on the mage’s
armor class against all other attack forms.
[GA – 54,55]
Iron Sack (Alteration)
Level: 3
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 6 hrs + 2 hrs/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One sack
Explanation/Description: This spell will provide
greater protection for the contents of one normal sack or backpack. An affected
sack is protected as if the interior were completely lined with inch-thick
solid steel, although the sack becomes no heavier or less flexible. The sack
makes its saving throws against physical or magical damage as if made of hard
metal, with an additional +2 bonus applied to the saving throw. Items within
the sack must check only if the sack fails its check. The material component is
a strip of leather with mail sewn on one side.
[GA – 55]
Drawmij’s Handy Timepiece (Conjuration/Summoning)
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Drawmij’s Handy Timepiece |
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 hour
Duration: Length of other spell
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Explanation/Description: After this spell is cast, the
next spell cast by the same caster is timed. A small golden gong appears in
front of the caster and softly chimes a warning one minute before the spell
ends. This magic only works with spells with a duration less than 48 hours. To
cast the spell, the mage must collect a feather from a migratory bird, a fruit
fly, a few grains of sand, a solid silver pendulum worth 100 g.p., and a solid
gold orb of exquisite craftsmanship worth 5,000 g.p. all of these vanish with
the end of the spell.
[GA – 55]
Instant Exit (Alteration-Conjuration)
Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 30 yds
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
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Drawmij’s Instant Exit |
The party has no control over where they will be
teleported, and there is always a 5% chance the spell will malfunction and dump
the party into the ethereal plane. To determine where the mage and his friends
are sent, consult the DM map, track back along the path of the party, and place
them in a random area where they have been before. This spell cannot send the
party into unknown territory. The material component is a miniature silver door
decorated with ruby chips worth 5,000 g.p. that vanishes after the spell is
[GA – 55]
Drawmij’s Protection from Non-Magical Gas (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 20’ radius sphere about the caster
Explanation/Description: This spell creates a volume
of space 20 feet in radius about the caster, within which all creatures are
protected from the effects of all non-magical gases, fumes, and smoke. All natural
gases that touch the edge of the sphere of protection are dispersed. The air
within the sphere always remains clean, fresh, and replenished with oxygen, so
those within the sphere will not suffer from lack of oxygen if the air outside
is contaminated or its oxygen consumed by fire. The spell will not work
underwater or in a vacuum. The sphere moves with the caster. It is dispelled if
touched by magical gases or if the caster moves using magical means. The
material components are a fan and a small vial containing perfume worth at
least 100 g.p. Both vanish after the spell is cast.
[GA – 55]
Drawmij’s Tool Box (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Explanation/Description: This useful spell permits the
mage to temporarily acquire one to ten tools when needed. The object or objects
conjured can be as large as 200 g.p. encumbrance value of goods. The caster can
continue exchanging items for new items throughout the duration of the spell.
The caster can conjure a hammer and chisel in the first round, exchange them
for a saw in round five, trade the saw for a pry bar in round eight, and so on.
Only non-living matter can be conjured. The tools cannot be taken more than 100
yards away from the box. The box is immovable and only the caster can take
tools from it. The only tools that can be taken from the box are things that a
carpenter or builder might have. Things that shouldn’t be taken from the box
include: thief tools, wax key blanks, ball bearings, magical weapons, and gem
cutter blades. Things that might be in a skillful carpenter’s box include:
rope, skeleton key, huge hammers and metal stakes, large canvas sheets, nets,
and sand. The material component is a miniature wooden tool box.
[GA – 55]
Drawmij’s Flying Feat (Alteration/Enchantment)
Level: 5
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yds
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 3 turns/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special
Explanation/Description: This special flying spell is
not cast upon a creature but an object. The enchanted object gains the power to
fly up to 180 feet per round under the caster’s direction. A broom, chair,
table, carpet, wagon, or hut could all be made capable of flight. The mage can
affect up to 500 g.p. weight per level of the caster, and the object can carry
twice that amount of weight in passengers or freight if the object is large
enough and sufficiently strong to support the weight under normal circumstances.
An 18th level mage could lift a 9,000 g.p. weight boat and up to 18,000 g.p.
weight of cargo, for example. The caster must concentrate upon the flying
object to direct its motion and maintain its flight. If the caster is knocked
unconscious, stunned, or slain while directing the flying object, the object
will immediately begin to plummet earthward as a falling object. The material
component is a wing feather taken from a roc.
[GA – 56]
Drawmij’s Beneficent Polymorph (Alteration)
Level: 6
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 segments
Saving Throw: None
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Explanation/Description: This spell endows the touched
and willing creature with all the benefits of a polymorph self spell. The
creature affected does not need to make a system shock roll to survive. While
the first form taken by the creature is chosen by the caster, the creature is
totally in control of its form changes for the remainder of the spell’s
duration, and can change form as often as it wishes, abiding by all the
limitations of polymorph self: The spell does not bestow any special abilities
of a polymorphed form. The spell does not affect the creature’s mental state in
any way. When the creature returns to its original form, 1d12 hit points are
The material component of the spell is a soft, silk
caterpillar cocoon.
[GA – 56]
Drawmij’s Merciful Metamorphosis (Alteration)
Level: 6
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yds/level
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of Effect: One creature
Explanation/Description: Drawmij developed this spell
as a merciful way to get rid of an adversary. The spell polymorphs an opponent
into another creature as does polymorph other, but the target’s save is made at
-2. The target can only be polymorphed into a natural animal no larger than a
typical herd beast. The polymorphed creature does not need to make a system
shock roll to survive the spell. The polymorphed creature automatically assumes
the mental state of the animal, forgetting all knowledge of its previous self.
The animal does not radiate magic or the creature’s original alignment aura, so
there is little evidence the animal was anything other than what it appears to
be now. If returned to its original form by dispel magic or a wish, the
creature will be quite bewildered, suffering the effect of a confusion spell
for 2d4 rounds. After the confusion passes, the creature gradually recovers its
previous knowledge and memories over a period of 1d4 days. The material
component is a cocoon soaked in a balm of honey, powdered yellow-white moss
agate worth 500 g.p., and powdered emerald worth 700 g.p., all of which vanish
with the casting of the spell.
[GA – 56]
Drawmij's Instant Summons (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: Infinite + special
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One small object
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Drawmij's Instant Summons |
[PHB – 87]
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it
is the journey that matters, in the end.”
The Left Hand
of DarknessOne must always give credit where credit is due. This piece is made
possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard
Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E.
Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining.
The list is interminable.
Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his
compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.
The Art:
2010 Players Handbook 1e,
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide,
1st Ed., 1979
2017 Unearthed Arcana, 1985
2023 Greyhawk Adventures,
Dragon Magazine
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