Friday 8 April 2022

History of the South, Part 10: Turbulent Seas (576 to 584 CY)

“A great many things keep happening, some good, some bad.”
― Gregory of Tours, The History of the Franks

Upon a Yellow Sea
Uncertainty rules with the decline of empire. Petty warlords are sure to rise, as are brigands and pirates. Those who do command their immediate environs invariably contract their spheres of patrol and control, and all too soon the roads and seas turn lawless, as those nations who once safeguarded their demesnes found themselves hard-pressed to safeguard their fields and ports, let alone their coasts.
But for the most part, life carried on for most as it always had. Farmers tilled the soil, fishers cast their nets, and trade flowed.
Or did until war is declared, or evil spills out from the hills or drops anchor offshore.

576 CY
The Slavelords

Klim and his compatriots scoured the coasts of the Azure and Gearnat Seas, landing, abducting, and carrying away those unfortunates he and his came across.
Slavelords begin operations [from the] Pomarj [up and down the] Wild Coast [.] [Slavers – 121]
[O]rganized bands of pirates and slavers have made a living by raiding the coastal towns on the Sea of Gearnat. Ranging from Onnwal to the Wild Coast, they have descended quickly and ruthlessly on the small towns and villages, and carried off innocent citizens into the night. Although these marauders were not approved of by the lords and rulers of the lands they raided, they were allowed to continue their depredations. Feuding amongst the lords and lack of funds prevented all but an occasional naval battle with the villains and the slow fortification of towns. Bribery was often a more effective method of protecting one’s lands from the incursions of these avaricious sea-wolves. [A1 – 2]
One wonders: Although these marauders were not approved of by the lords and rulers of the lands they raided? How civilised were these nations that waxed as the empires of old declined that they may approve the actions of marauders? Did they commission privateers? Commandeer cargos? Attack foreign fleets routinely?

And indeed, how civilised were even the most stable of baronies when those lofty lords might not have been able the safeguard their own walls?
(1 Planting) Events of Module L2, The Assassin’s Knot
Baron Grellus of Resternford is dead. All clues point to the small town of Garrotten, a day’s journey to the south. The [sorcerer] Pelltar of Restenford has asked you to undertake a secret investigation of the crime. Can you succeed before the murderer strikes again? [L2 – 1]

576-580 CY
Mercenaries were Commissioned
The Slavelords plied the waters of the Gearnat and Wooly Bay for nigh on half a decade and mayhap more before the lofty lords finally deemed to put an end to their raiding of their coasts.
Original Slavelords terrorize the coast.  [Slavers – 120]
For several years, organized bands of pirates and slavers have made a living by raiding the coastal towns on the Sea of Gearnat. Ranging from Onnwal to the Wild Coast, they have descended quickly and ruthlessly on the small towns and villages, and carried off innocent citizens into the night. [A1 – 2]
Before long, his Yellow Sails were the terror of the seas.
The lords have finally become determined to take action, forgetting their petty squabbles to unite against the marauders of the yellow sails. [A1- 2]
Mercenaries were commissioned, and the machinations of Klim and his associates were put to an end. Or were they? Klim and many of his allies escaped, whence, none could say.
What could be said is that the lords and ladies of the Wooley Bay were ever nervous that yellow sails would once again sail their seas with as much brazen impunity as they had until then.

c. 577-578 CY
The Scarlet Brotherhood Sets Sail
Even as the Slavelords were defeated and the seas and coasts were once again declared safe and civilised, the Scarlet Brotherhood sent emissaries to the Iron League. They had designs upon the seas, just as the Slavelords had. Indeed, the Order of the Scarlet Sign had taken a hand in those evil deeds, even if the lords and ladies of the Gearnat were not aware that they had been. Why had the Brotherhood emerged from behind their curtain? Because as they had been watching the accelerating downward spiral of the once Great Kingdom with concern. They required a buffer to such chaos and potentiality and the Iron League were already one such, and it suited their plans that they remain so. For now.
After pursuing his own aims for most of 577, the Holy Censor [of the See of Medegia] decided obedience to the Malachite Throne would be a better course to follow. Severe losses in manpower due to the successes of his enemies, coupled with threats of a punitive invasion by the Overking’s forces, brought about this change of attitude.
During the remainder of the year, and well into CY 578, the See has been a hive of frenzied activity. Spidensa, His Equitable Nemesis of Medegia, is now heavily into the councils of Ivid. Past transgressions evidently forgiven, the arch-cleric has been named Imperial Constable, with instructions to gather an army and send it deep into the heart of Sunndi. [Dragon #63 – 16]

577 CY
The Scarlet Brotherhood had not failed in their seduction of the Schnai. You were once the greatest nation upon the Solnor, they said. The Schnai agreed. Go forth and be so again, they said. These whispers were very much to the Schnai’s liking.
Bellport grew tired of the repeated raids by the Schnai, and demanded the protection due them as a city of the North Province and the Great Kingdom. Lord Captain Aldusc was dispatched from Asperdi of the Sea Barons with a squadron of warships and troops to do just that.
The warships are now reported to be operating along the coast. Included are no fewer than six large galleys and perhaps a score of other war ships. The troops were divided after landing into main [joining Herzog Grenell] and reserve [defending Bellport's landward approaches] groups. [Dragon #63 – 15]

Although the Schnai had not raided as far and as often as the Fruztii had in their days of glory, they were no strangers to such things; indeed, they were the most accomplished of seafarers, and they were truly as fierce as their cousins, as were the Cruski. They increased their raids, and their longships swept down the coast, striking the North Province and the Baronial Isles both, luring those who chased them or sought to stop them far out to sea where they could lose them with ease.
But not all were so lucky.
During the season of 577, much minor activity took place along the coast of North Province and off the northern end of the Island of Asperdi. Some raiders were met and actions were fought; some slipped through, some turned elsewhere. Reportedly a squadron of seven Schnai longships were set upon whilst sinking the hulks of two provincial merchants, the vessels Marntig and Solos. Guided by the smoke and flames, a flotilla of Baronial warships surprised the barbarians. Three of the Schnai were rammed and sunk. In hand-to-hand action, the flagship of the barbarians’ fleet was captured, but the three remaining longships escaped after jettisoning all of their captured cargo.
In hand-to-hand action, the flagship of the barbarians' fleet was captured. Jarl Froztilth, leader of the Schnai, many of his men, and the captured ship were all taken to Asperdi. News of this success was said to have greatly heartened the Herzog.
This event notwithstanding, many of the vessels from the cold north did manage to avoid patrolling warships and successfully raid North Province and the Baronial Isles. [Dragon #63 – 16]

The Schnai had been humbled. They recalled how they and the Fruztii had once been the terror of the seas, and they wished the southerners to fear them so again. So, the Schnai treated with their cousins, the Cruski. And the Cruski were glad to treat with them, for the Schnai held what was theirs. The Schnai gave up the lands south of Glot along the east coast [and] the Cruski regained their southern harbors. This made the raids into North Province and the Isles of the Sea Barons all the easier next year, and most of the able-bodied men were away on those journeys when the warbands of Stonefist (now Stonehold) rode into the tundra which the King of Cruski claimed. The few wandering tribes of Coltens there welcomed the invaders, while surviving Cruskii headed east as quickly as possible. The returning warriors were enraged at the boldness of the invasion. [Dragon #57 – 14]

Chelor III, of the South Province, was every bit as ambitious as any of House Naelax. He, like Ivid, too had dreams of conquest and empire, and strove to gather in what lands he might in the ensuing chaos.
Gathering His Forces
Herzog Chelor, third of that name to rule the once-greatest fief of Aerdy, scion of the House of Naelax-Selor, spent two years securing his base of power. In 577, Chelor sent troops from the Thelwood (at the head of the Thelly River) along the east bank of the Thelly. At the junction of the Grayflood, these soldiers crossed the Thelly and swept along the south bank, securing all of the land between the river and the Glorioles and Hestmark Highlands to the point where the Flanmi is joined by the Thelly. Despite leaving garrisons throughout the area, the force under General Reynard’s command grew from 2,000 horse and 5,000 foot to 3,000 and 7,000 respectively. Vacillating petty nobles hastily bowed to the Herzog, abandoning the Censor and sending contingents with the Provincial army. Furthermore, recruiting, mercenaries, and irregulars (brigands and bandits) allowed the Herzog to place over 3,000 troops in garrisons and still field a growing and more effective force.
[Dragon #57 – 15]

In 577 CY, however, Herzog Chelor's forces crossed the Thelly, seizing Sunndi's northeast frontiers in a series of bitter charges. [LGG – 111]

Chelor’s forces crossed the Greyflood and pressed into the Downs, and then further, into the Rieuwood. The elves and dwarves stood with Sunndi at Rieuwood against the might of the South Province and held against his greater force.
Rieuwood: This forest lies entirely within northern Sunndi. Its mighty ipp trees stretch between the Hollow Highlands and the foothills of the Glorioles. It is heavily patrolled and defended by gray elves and many rangers, in case Ahlissa ever invades across the Grayflood. This was the site of [a major battle] in 577 (failed invasion by South Province) [.] [LGG – 141]
It was a small miracle that Sunndi held against the Herzog. They were stretched thin, oh so very thin, to the point of breaking, for they were defending north and south. If not for the elves and gnomes and dwarves, they would surely have fallen.

Suundi was reeling. It was barely able to muster defence against Chelor’s invasion, as most of its forces were arrayed in defence of its south.
The Vast Swamp has long been home to many nonhumans, particularly bullywugs, and has also housed desperate outlaws of every race who raid frequently into southern Sunndi for their needs. The swamp is also home to the cult of the demigod Wastri, the Hopping Prophet. [LGG – 154]
Wastri was ever a thorn there, and always would be so long as he dwelt deep in the Vast Swamp, plotting the end of all demihumans, believing them to be a blight upon the Flanaess.
Humans are superior to all other races [, he believes]. Orcs, goblins, bullywugs, and such are sufficient to serve humans, but creatures such as elves, dwarves, gnomes, and Halflings deserve only death. Those who disagree with you are wrong and must be convinced of their error, with a weapon if need be. Those who live in the water and on land deserve respect, for having a refuge when one of your realms becomes too dangerous is clever and resourceful. [LGG – 187]
[Around 6088 SD (572 CY)] Wastri and his followers began an active campaign against Suundi; the Hammer of Demihumans sent more and more minions into Suundi’s south, destroying all demihumans and unbelievers they met. This campaign peaked in 6093 SD (577 CY), after which the gnomes of the Hestmarks and elves of the Menowood pushed back, eventually reducing the raids from the swamp to fewer than five per year.
[SB – 5]
It was a wonder that Suundi was able to hold its own against Chelor and Wastri both. But they were determined that they should. They were determined that they should remain free.

Chelor was confident of a quick and inevitable victory against Sunndi, so he sent his fleet against Onnwal, too.
Several naval actions were fought in 577 between Onnwalish ships and Provincial ones. These battles took place in both Relmor Bay, where the Herzog wishes to close off trade between Nyrond-Almor and the Iron League, and in the Sea of Gearnat. No decisive engagement occurred, however. [Dragon #57 – 16]

The Great Kingdom Takes to the Sea
The Great Kingdom took to the sea. Or more specifically, Relmor Bay. Were they posturing? Were they presenting a show of force? Or were they en route to Onnwal, in aid of Chelor’s assault of the Iron League. Whatever its intent, Nyrond engaged the Great Kingdom’s fleet.
The first major naval skirmishes between the Great Kingdom and the powerful Nyrondese navy took place in Relmor Bay in CY 578. Some say the Nyrondese engineered these skirmishes, preparing for what they considered to be an inevitable war.
Certainly, Ivid V was making noises at court about reclaiming Aerdy's great imperial heritage, and Nyrond was the first major power heading west. He did have designs on Nyrond, but it may well be that the Nyrondese forced his hand. [Ivid – 4]

One would think that the blight of slavery had come to an end. But it was alive and well, despite the defeat of the Slavelords, and despite the well-wishes of many a good folk; for slaves were much sought in the Amedio, and in the Tilvenot; indeed slaves were still abundant in the Thillonrian, and the Great Kingdom, to say nothing of the Empire of Iuz and the Bandit Kingdoms. It comes as no surprise that the Sea Princes should be reticent to end a practice that had been as profitable to them for as long as it had beem, no matter that there were a few, even within their fold, that found the practice abhorrent.
Prince Jeon II of the Sea Princes put forth a plan to end slave trade to assembled grand council, but the Prince of Toli, the Plar of Hool, the Grandee of Westkeep, the commodores of the Isles, and others shouted down his plan.
In 577, Jeon assembled a grand council of his peers and demanded an end to slave-taking. The prince of Toli, the plar of Hool, the grandee of Westkeep, and the commodores of the Isles shouted down his plan. Only the ineffectual governor of Sybarate Isle and the duke of Berghof supported him. In disgust, he withdrew his proposal. [LGG – 101] 

578 CY
Ivid V declared that the Great Kingdom and the nations of the Iron League were hereby in a state of war. Nyrond had little choice but to reciprocate.
During CY 578 (late Needfest) a proclamation of war was issued against the Great Kingdom and her satellites by the Kingdom of Nyrond, the Prelacy of Almor, and their allies. This, in conjunction with the various military activities already in motion, makes the southern and eastern portions of the Flanaess as busy as the marketplace at Rauxes, and the masterless men gather round as a pack of famished wolves clusters near weakened prey. [Dragon #65 – 77]

Wastri continued to raid into Suundi as though he knew that it was hard pressed to its north.
Raids from the Vast Swamp peaked in 578 CY; such assaults now could be a prelude to a true invasion. [TAB – 29]
King Hazendel
He might have been more successful had Hazendel not already taken measures against just this possibility.
King Hazendel has ordered a series of castles built along the kingdom’s southeastern border, where mast of the attacks have fallen. [TAB – 29]
Regardless, Wastri’s raids, Hazendel held firm against Chelor’s invasion of his northern border.
Chelor became ever more displeased with his armies inability to defeat the lesser strength of Sunndi, dismissing the excuses of terrain and the guerrilla tactics used by the enemy; so much so that he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Chelor himself took the field, gaining the territory between the Grayflood and Rieuwood. The amassed army, under the command of General Reynard, crossed the northern Hollow Highlands, hoping to cut off all of Sunndi from her allies in Irongate, Onnwal, Almor, and Nyrond. The invasion achieved only modest gains, however, thanks to an allied force of nearly twenty thousand men, dwarves, and gnomes. Though fighting continued in the region, with guerilla raids staged from the Rieuwood and the hills, Ahlissa held on to its gains. [LGG – 111]

The Iron League was now forced to guess which army would strike where. Would each move southward? Would one move across the northern Hollow Highlands to join the other? Could they aim at taking the Iron Hills and Hollow Highlands preparatory to a campaign against ldee next year?
Men of Sunndi harassed the flank of General Reynard’s force from the safety of Rieuwood, but this was a mere annoyance, and late in the summer, the general led his force across the arm of the Hollow Highlands. The plan was to march the combined force south into Idee, not stopping until reaching the Azure Sea. This move would effectively sever half of ldee and all of Sunndi from Irongate, Onnwal, and aid from Nyrond and Almor. [Dragon #57 – 15]

So went the first engagements. It was a vicious, brutal war. It could be said that there was little glory to be had. Few fought with honour. Sunndi learned that soon enough; quarter was not received; so, none was given. Such is the way when orcs and hobgoblins and demons are put to the field.
Luckily for Sunndi, their foe was hardly unified.
The Overking intends that, one way or another, the Iron League will be fatally crippled through thrusts against Sunndi and Idee. Spidensa is a willing tool, for he apparently can’t lose either way. If the war goes in favor of the Great Kingdom, Medegia will have contributed substantially to the victory. If it fails, the Holy Censor can’t be blamed, as he will (ostensibly) have committed his every available unit to the plan.
 In actuality, it is believed that the cream of Medegia’s troops are remaining with the Holy Censor. There are no fewer than 6,000 “guards” of various sorts at the capital city [of Mentrey], and about 1,000 more at Pontylver. These troops can follow up a victorious foray into Sunndi, cover a retreat, or see to the arch-cleric’s personal safety.
The Holy Censor would likely have given the Overking more wholehearted cooperation had lvid allowed his new Imperial Constable to conscript troops from Rel Astra, command a contingent of the Overking’s own soldiers, and assault Sunndi without interference from Herzog Chelor’s forces. The Holy Censor disdains the Herzogal troops and wishes to conquer the south himself, to bring that area the “light” of his rule.
Chelor is reportedly not unaware of this double-dealing. He has, it is said, asked lvid to send a Marshal (one of the strongest of the Demonic Knights of Doom) to inspect the See and report on its readiness to furnish more troops for the campaign, should the effort be protracted. Discovery in this manner would, of course, humiliate and possibly disgrace the Holy Censor. Already some of his eastern nobles have deserted, abandoning the arch-cleric for service with Reynard. Such an inspection would force Spidensa to yield up his reserves, and in all likelihood they would fall to the command of Herzog Chelor. Therefore, the Holy Censor is using all of his influence and wiles to avoid the Herzog’s attempts to maneuver him into this highly vulnerable position.
Overking Ivid V
Ivid, also reputedly aware of less than full cooperation on the Censor’s part, does not wish a rebellious servant in yet another quarter, being pressed from three sides already. Therefore, it is most likely that the Holy Censor will be kept in line by the continued threat of an inspection and allowed to proceed in his own fashion, since the force he has volunteered is probably sufficient to meet the desired goals of the Overking.
The Holy Censor is himself troubled by news that the dwarves, gnomes, and hillmen of the Glorioles and Hestmarks are responding to his invasion in a most warlike manner and massing to smash any attempted movement through their territory.
And worse still is the news from the north. In Grandwood Forest, a raid by wood elves and foresters has dealt a severe blow to Medegian troops holding the west bank of the Mikar River. An estimated force of more than 3,000 sylvan elves and men lured a host of nearly 5,000 humanoids and somewhat fewer men (mostly levies but also some 300+ picked cavalry) away from their encampment and deep into the forest. Captain General Gahru, commander of the Censorial army, blundered into a carefully hidden trap laid about 4 leagues west of his camp. Thinking that he was pursuing marauding raiders who had come upon him unawares, the Captain General pushed ahead, engaging in light skirmishing against an enemy who was always just out of reach . . . until the trap was sprung.
The trap consisted of two elements: an area of nearly impassable terrain, and well-placed units of elves and men. When missiles from bow, sling, and crossbow began to rain upon Gahru’s now closely bunched troops, it was too late. A panic ensued, and the army virtually disintegrated when it was attacked by a reserve of some 2,000 forester infantry. No humanoid prisoners were taken. Captain General Gahru is missing and presumed slain. Early reports said that less than 20% of the army survived, but later that month (Wealsun 578) stragglers brought the total of survivors to slightly over 30%. Most casualties were humanoid, since these troops were most ardent in pursuit of the “fleeing” wood elves.
With the continued hostile activity in the Grandwood as a menace to the Censor’s southern campaign plans, he has had to strike a pact with a fellow Constable, Drax, the Mayor of Rel Astra. In return for sworn support for Rel Astra’s continued independence of direct control by the Malachite Throne, Drax has agreed to furnish support for the Censor’s tattered forces guarding the forest’s borders. The Rel Astran contingent is said to number some 2,000 men and 1,000 humanoids — although orcs and like troops are not currently eager to enter The Grandwood. [Dragon #63 – 16,17]

Piracy was again on the rise...
If war was not enough, piracy was again on the rise. And why not? If I were a pirate, I’d be dancing a jig of delight. Navies were occupied. And rapidly depleting.
Onnwal would have none of that, though. Troops needed safe passage, as did the materials of war. Food. Pay. Gold. Piracy could not be tolerated, and their convoys secured, even if that meant that ships need be diverted from the defence of their coasts.
Doing so was difficult. It was taxing. And Onnwal still needed to support they allies, lest their allies cease to support them.
Coupled with the usual freebooting and piratical activities common to the waters around and the waters frequented by the shipping of Onnwal, Count Elverd (of the House of Destran) had no easy time. CY 578 was better, with victories over the Pirate Blidg Fanger fought near Blue (Pomarj) with a huge amount of loot captured, and then a squadron action off Norland Point when raiding ships from Ahlissa were caught in Dunhead Bay (between Onnwal and South Province) by four warships. The latter brought considerable irritation to Herzog Chelor, for Onnwalish vessels then began raiding in Relmor Bay and along the coast of Ahlissa from Prymp to Galdol below the Tusk [….] This caused the Provincials to withhold several thousand troops from the army being mustered at Zelradton. [Dragon #57 – 15]

Magic is not the only force that can wreak havoc. Those of the Old Faith can tell you that those who dismiss the forces the natural world does so at their peril. Nature can and will do more damage than mere wizards, indeed, most wizards, arcane or divine. Those who live in the shadow of smoking volcanoes can attest to such, as can those who live on the banks of rivers, and the sea…. Hurricane "Ivid" is one such reminder. It ravaged the Solnor Coast, crippling the Sea Barons’ majesty over the sea lanes of the north. Trade ground to a halt. So did piracy, for that matter. But that was the least of the coastal settlement’s concerns, as they fled before “Ivid’s” landing.
Most people of the Sea Barons recall this three-day storm, which some laughingly called "Hurricane Ivid." [Ivid – 90]

579-580 CY
Bitter Naval Battles
Chelor’s dreams of empire were ambitious. Perhaps too ambitious. He had designs against the entirety of the Iron League, it would seem. Suundi would be his, he believed; so too Idee; and so too Onnwal.
Dunhead Bay: A shallow arm of Relmor Bay separating Onnwal from Ahlissa, Dunhead Bay was for years the scene of bitter naval battles between the Iron League and the Great Kingdom's South Province, particularly between 579-580 CY, during the War of the Golden League, and 583-584 CY [.] [LGG – 148]

579-584 CY
The Golden League was having none of his dreams of empire. They had not shrugged off the yoke of one tyrant, just to submit to another.
Relmor Bay: The eastward branch of the Sea of Gearnat is Relmor Bay, long the battleground for the fleets of Almor, Nyrond, and Onnwal, against the naval squadrons of old South Province. Warfare was almost constant here in 579-584 CY, during the War of the Golden League and Greyhawk Wars. [LGG – 149]

If only Chelor understood the Iron League’s determination, and their desire for self-determination.
The war ground on, a gruesome affair with not end in sight. Villages burned, the smoke rising across the horizon. Bodies lay strewn across the fields, clogging ditches; the dead often risen to blunt the defenders’ resolve.
War has been a steady diet of the Overking’s realm for several years. Allies are few, but include the Herzog of South Province, the See of Medegia, certain tribes of humanoids to the north […] and certain factions of the Sea Barons, although the latter—as a whole—are not trustworthy. Ivid has become obsessed with extending his lands in order to form a “Greater Aerdi Empire” ever since his declaration of war against Almor and Nyrond The Herzog’s subsequent blunting the armies of the Golden League […] has added fresh fuel to his megalomania. [WG8 – 69]
[The war spanned two years], ending in a minor strategic victory for Ivid's field army under the leadership of the Herzog, and seeing the withdrawal of Almorian and Nyrondese armies to the west of the Harp River. [WG8 – 69]

“But you, Roman, must remember that you have to guide the nations by your authority, for this is to be your skill, to graft tradition onto peace, to shew mercy to the conquered, and to wage war until the haughty are brought low.”
― Virgil, The Aeneid

One must always give credit where credit is due. This History is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Thanks to Steven Wilson for his GREYCHRONDEX and to Keith Horsfield for his “Chronological History of Eastern Oerik.” Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.

The Art:
Bullywug, by Timothy Truman, from EX1 Dungeonland, 1983
Overking Ivid V (presumably), from Players Guide to Greyhawk, 1998

1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
1064 From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
1068 Greyhawk Wars Boxed Set, 1991
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
9039 A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity, 1980
9057 The Assassin’s Knot, 1983
9253 WG8 Fate of Istus, 1989
9577 The Adventure Begins, 1998
9578 Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
11374 The Scarlet Brotherhood, 1999
11621 Slavers, 2000
11742 Gazetteer, 2000
11743 Living Greyhawk Gazeteer, 2000
Ivid the Undying, 1998
Dragon Magazine, 57,63,65
OJ Oerth Journal, appearing on Greyhawk Online
Greychrondex, Wilson, Steven B.
Greyhawkania, Jason Zavoda
The map of Anna B. Meyer


  1. Another epic installment! I'm always surprised to see history that i haven't read before. Your research showed me there is naval combat info out there. I hope someday to reference this post for a battle article or two.

  2. Wow, awesome read. There is so much information here, I am taking notes on the sea battles for reference for the Underwater Guide to Greyhawk. Thanks David, I have truly enjoyed the journey of this story.
