Friday 25 June 2021

On King Hundgred Rälffson

“What is the son but an extension of the father?”
― Frank Herbert, Dune


Hundgred Rälffson
Is the son the measure of the father?
No, never. One is never the equal of the other. Some prove greater. Others not. Some sons must walk in the footsteps, or in the shadow, of great men, and their boots may be too large to be filled, their stride or shadow too long, their fame too widespread—either in light or shadow—for those who follow. Yet some do rise to the occasion.
In this we might measure Hundgred Rälffson. Rälff was indeed a great king. He raised his people up form the vassals they were, to the truly independent people they became, even if the Schnai would declare otherwise. They might declare what they wish, but they never once pressed the point whether they still kept the Fruztii under heel, as they had for decades, if not generations. Is Hundgred Rälff’s equal? He may be. He may not. But Hundgred is heroic. And Hundgred would surely have been his father’s match in hand-to-hand combat; but as a stateman, Hundgred has never been tested as his father was.
Has he?

549 CY
Hundgred Rälffson is born. Pure conjecture on my part.
Rälff had been king of the Fruztii for 7 years (also conjecture on my part), and had yet to make his mark upon his world. His people have lived under the suzerainty of the Schnai for decades, long weakened by their having spent their youth and strength upon the shield of Aerdy.

560 CY
Orcs and the gnolls had boiled out of the Rakers into the Bone March when Hundgred was 11 years old
In 560, nonhuman tribes from the Rakers and Blemu Hills struck into Bone March, subjugating the land in 563 and slaying its leaders. [LGG – 91]
Having been raised on sagas of glory, he wonders why his father does not attack Ratik. The Ratikians are the enemy, and always have been since they invaded the Fruztii’s southern lands. They were occupied, and vulnerable. Rälff agreed. Now is the time, he had said; but their Schnai overlords would have none of it. We shall raid, they commanded, but we will not invade. Let the orcs and the Aerdi kill one another, they said. Then we will see.

563 CY
The Fall of the Bone March
The orcs and gnolls proved too much for the March, and it fell.
In 563 CY, orcs invaded Spinecastle by secret ways that offered its defenders little warning or means of preparation. Within just three years, the nonhuman masses had laid low the nation from the outside in and the inside out, dominating the realm from Johnsport almost to the Flinty Hills. [LGG – 36]

It was then that Hundgred beheld what he would never have expected: his father treating with the enemy.
Ratik and its baron, Lexnol III, had been forewarned and deflected most of the invaders, but could not prevent the disaster that befell the march. Lexnol, a skilled leader and tactician, realized that he was now isolated and no succor would be forthcoming from the south or the court of Overking Ivid V. He approached the lords of Djekul, who had grown less wary of the proud Aerdi in the intervening years and were even grudgingly respectful. With the Fruztii, Lexnol forged an affiliation called the Northern Alliance. Ratik subsequently became fully independent of the Great Kingdom and had the might to both hammer the orcs and gnolls of Bone March and dissuade an invasion from North Province. [LGG – 91]

Rälff sent his longships to the southern shores of Ratik, not to raid, but to aid.
A raid into Ratik was attempted, but an alliance between Lexnol and the Fruztii prevented its success. [LGG – 36]

Hundgred did not then understand the wisdom of his father. He had been raised on the notion that Ratik and its Aerdy masters were the enemy, and had been since their people had spilled their lifeblood upon Marner and Spinecastle. Weakened, they could never again hope to evict them from the pastures south of the Timberway. How could his father treat with them?
For years they were subject, directly or indirectly, to their Snow Barbarian cousins. It was not until the reign of the current king's father that they truly emerged from the Schnai's yoke. [LGG – 44]

The alliance with Ratik that has flourished in the last twenty years has given the Frost Barbarians greater influence in the region. [LGG – 44]

575 CY
In time, Hundgred understood his father’s wisdom. Long had the Fruztii lived under the heel of the Schnai. No more. The Fruztii had risen from their long sleep, and were again masters of their fate, even if they were still, presumably, ruled by the Schnai.
When he was 26, Hundgred spearheaded his people’s push north into the Bleufang-Kelten Pass, to rid their northern pastures of the ever-present threat of raiding Fists.
A recent pact concluded between Fruztii and Ratik saw a joint army wreak havoc in the Bone March, and during the next campaigning season [576] clear the north pass of the "Fists" (see Hold of Stonefist). [WOGA – 21]

577 CY
Word reached Hundgred that the Schnai are not as powerful as they had always appeared to be.
The flagship was occupied with the help of prisoners who broke free during the confused fighting and set fire to the vessel’s sail. Jarl Froztilth, leader of the Schnai, many of his men, and the captured ship were all taken to Asperdi. News of this success was said to have greatly heartened the Herzog. [Dragon #63 – 16]

578 CY
Rälff sent his son into the lands of his newfound allies, so that he might learn the tactics of the southerners. It was time that Hundgred made his own allies amid the Ratikians, Rälff reasoned, if his Northern Alliance was to survive his reign.
The Fruztii sent raiding bands to sea with the Schnai, but due to careful urgings, numbers of mercenary troops also moved southward into Ratik and joined the Baron’s troops there. These Fruztii returned with knowledge of organized warfare and good-quality arms and armor and formed the core of a new standing army organized by King Ralff II in 578. The four companies of foot and one troop of horse actively patrolled and brought most of the realm under order. Chief men and nobles not raiding were prevailed upon to contribute men to patrol their own territories, so that by the end of the year, the frequency of banditry and humanoid raiding bands had been reduced to an all-time low. Even the high country around the head of the Jenelrad River was peaceful, and its Jarl swore an oath of fealty to Ralff. Without actually declaring independence from Schnai overlordship, the King of Fruzti showed that he was again capable of fielding an army capable of either defending his territory or taking another’s. The Schnai conveniently ignored the resurgence, probably hoping that the involvement in Ratik would again reduce the Frost Barbarians to vassal status.
[Dragon #57 – 14]

Hundgred’s absence was deliberate. It was best, Rälff believed, that Hundgred should no longer listen to the whispers of those emissaries from the Kingdom of Shar who advised abandoning trust in the sons of Aerdy, and placing it in them, their distant kin, instead. Why should they, Rälff wondered, when these emissaries had never once had cause to prove their claim. What they had done was to seduce those who might into visiting their southern climes, never to return. Just as they whispered those very same words to the Schnai. Rälff had heard their words, but he had not heeded. But he worried that Hundgred might.
Hundgred need meet this true ally, Rälff decided. He need meet Alain, who Hundgred would need rely upon when both he, Rälff, and Luxnol had taken to the flame, and to the grave.

Those emissaries even then urged the Fruztii to abandon the Ratikians to their fate in the Loftwood, for without the Fruztii, they surely could not hold out against the orcs of the March. How could it help the Fruztii that Ratik fall, Rälff wondered?
Rälff saw fit to sent his most courageous of champions to Ratik so that should not happen.
The Battle of the Loftwood saw considerable magical competitions in addition to the standard hand-to-hand combat between the strongest fighters on the opposing forces. The real fighting was between the masses of troops, however, and this was fierce in the extreme. At one point, a score of foreign volunteers saved the day because their leader, Queg, a Fruztii, had prepared an extensive ambush with rocks, tree trunks, pits, and trees to set fire to. [Dragon #57 – 15]

579 CY
But Hundgred had heard those whispers, and he wondered: If the Ratikians were such fast allies as they claimed, they why were their eyes set so firmly upon Knurl?
In 579 CY, Lexnol's only son, Alain IV, the heir to the throne of the archbarony, married Lady Evaleigh, the daughter of the count of Knurl. The county was the only surviving province of Bone March, and the union was arranged to improve the lot of both realms. [LGG – 91]

The Dwurfolk
And why did his father have need to buy the friendship of the dwurfolk?
CY 579 can be the year of the Fruztii if things go right. If an alliance to conquer Bone March is struck, the price to archbaron Lexnol will probably be the entire Timberway forest. If, instead, the Snow Barbarians choose to turn upon their allies, they might indeed take all of Ratik to the Loftwood. A nucleus of about 2,000 infantry and 500 light cavalry, with noble and chief contingents of about five times that number of foot, makes King Ralff a power to be reckoned with in the Thillorian area. It is also rumored that certain mountain dwarves have been won over to the king by large gifts of gems and gold taken from actions in the eastern end of the Griff Mountains. If this is actually so, then it is quite possible that Ralff has greater plans than are now evident. [Dragon #57 – 14]

580 CY
Indeed, the Ratikians could barely be trusted to safeguard their own borders, it would seem!
In 580 CY, intruders from Bone March attempted an audacious act of treachery by stealing the Seal of Marner, an object blessed by the gods of the Suel barbarians that was the symbol of the new Northern Alliance. The plot was foiled when the raiding party was captured in Kalmar Pass before making it back to Spinecastle with their prize. [LGG – 36,37]

c. 580 CY
Lexnol had been working on a treaty with the Schnai to shore up his position against Bone March and its allies in North Kingdom [….] [LGG – 89]
The Scarlet Brotherhood was not pleased by this development. They were pleased that the old king, Orvung, had always viewed Lexnol and the Ratikians with distrust. Th Ratikians were scions of the Great Kingdom, Orvung had always said, and despite the fate its mother country, its true allegiance lay with them, and not the Rhizians. Yet Orvung was treating with Ratik, potentially undermining Shar’s influence on the peninsula. The old man had to go. They panned for potential gold, and discovered Ingemar Hartensen. He is old, they whispered. Ancient, they said. Venerable. Past his time, they said.

The Old Tyrant's Fate
The old tyrant is assassinated at age 90 by Ingemar Hartensen, who seizes the throne in Soul in his 41st year. Pure conjecture on my part. He is not Orvung’s son, else he would be named Orvungsen.

[Orvung is king of the Schnai as of 576 CY, as noted in the Greyhawk Boxed Set, and Ingemar Hartensen is king in 584 CY, as noted in the from the ashes Boxed Set. References in the Living Greyhawk Gazetter hint that the Fruztii and Cruski thrones are passed down through the ruling family, and I would assume the Schnai no different. No mention was made of Ingemar’s ancestry, so I took the liberty to add a little drama to the succession.
I have placed Ingemar’s birth (in 532 CY) before Hundgred Rälffson’s, because Hundgred is referred to as the “young” king of the Fruztii in the Living Greyhawk Journal.
Ingmar is noted as a CN male human Bbn16 in the same work, and I would imagine that it should take a number of years to gain that level of experience.]

Few rejoiced at the old king’s passing. Fewer still protested. Even fewer too measures afterwards. To no avail. Few mourned their passing, either.

Rälff reeled at the news. And worried. His spies in Soull hinted at who might be behind the assassination. And why. What might this young hothead on Shnai’s throne do, he wondered? Would he press their suzerainty? At the point of a sword?
More importantly, Rälff wondered what his supposed distant kin to the south might be planning concerning his own succession.

581 CY
Although Trust had been tasked when the Seal of Marner had been stolen from Marner, the two beleaguered nations carried on out of mutual need.
The alliance between Ratik and the Frost Barbarians against the humanoids of the Bone March has born fruit over years of cooperation. The forces of Ratik now occupy the Loftwood and are preparing for a major assault on the city of Johnsport, backed by a naval attack along the coast to the east.
The other joint operation of these states has been against the Hold of Stonefist. Fruztii forces have now secured the pass south of the Hraak forest and control the land for some 20 miles around.
The Ice Barbarians have supported the Fruztii to some extent by making naval raids along the northern coast of Stonefist. The Snow Barbarians have concentrated on attacks on Great Kingdom and Sea Baron shipping, although some of the Schnai have been seen “assisting” the Frost Barbarians in Stonefist.
Ingemar Hartensen
It is rumored that the King of the Snow Barbarians was not taken with a plan for the three barbarian groups to ally with Ratik—not because he didn’t trust the Baron of Ratik who proposed the plans—but for simpler reasons. Major invasion of the Bone March would drive humanoids in their tens of thousands into North Province and might precipitate an allout attack from the Great Kingdom. The King, being wily and crafty, prefers more opportunistic and piratical actions
One final piece of the puzzle is the attitude of the Duchy of Tenh. Duke Ehyeh has become notably more friendly to the Frost Barbarians of late. The actions of Ratik and the Frost Barbarians stir up the Bone March, which causes trouble for the Great Kingdom and for the Theocracy of the Pale. Both states have hostile attitudes to the Duchy. So, Ehyeh discreetly allows Frost Barbarian emissaries across his lands to organize shipments of weapons from the best source of weaponry in the whole of Oerth—the Bandit Kingdoms.
From here, weapons make their way up the Zumker river to Calbut and then through dangerous foothill territory at the very edge of the Griff Mountains to the pass east of Kelten. The trade is discreet, but everyone knows about it. [WGS1 - 4]

582 CY
When Hundgred turned 33, it came to pass that the hopes and dreams of the Rhizians had come to fruition. Vatun had returned! It was time, Hundgred realized, for the Fruztii and Schnai and Cruski to shrug off their presumed separate identities, and be the singular people they were always meant to be.
Rälff was not so easily convinced. He urged caution. But his wisdom was rejected, by his people, and more disturbingly, by his very son.
In 582 CY, the god Vatun appeared to his subjects among the barbarian tribes of the Thillonrian Peninsula. Ancient legend predicted that the return of Vatun, who had vanished centuries ago, would signal the birth of a barbarian empire in the north. Unfortunately, this particular "Vatun" was actually Iuz, whipping the northmen into a war frenzy. [LGG – 15]

583 CY
Lies. It was all lies!
How could they be so fooled?
[The Rhyzians] were drawn in by the false Vatun that briefly deceived them all. When it was revealed that this was a deception of Iuz the Old, the Suel barbarians withdrew from the alliance created between their nations and the Stonehold.
A major raid into Stonehold was mounted several years ago by a combined force of Schnai and Cruski, though they were ultimately driven back.  [LGG – 15]

584 CY
No man lives forever. Rälff’s great strength was failing him; and one day, his would body too. Wenta’s hold on him was waxing, he realized. He feared that Wee Jas would soon pay him a visit.
And one day, She did. He collapsed and would rise no more. Indeed, his limbs refused to heed his commands, his words frozen upon his tongue.
Healers were summoned. The Sisters of Mercy sang over his frozen form, smudging the smoke that had never failed to loosen the limbs of the stricken. To no effect.
Doctors were brought from Ratik. Even priests of Oerid.
Rälff weakened. Silently. The light faded from his eyes. He slipped away.
He was 75. That’s a ripe old age, I imagine, for a Nordic warrior. And was succeeded by his son (age 35, total conjecture; I’ve chosen this seasoned age to give him time to have risen to Bbn13).

Rälff’s Eternal Rest

Hundgred mourned his father's passing. But even as the flames cast up for his longship into the night, the jarls were demanding his attention.
What of the Schnai? they asked.
What shall be done about Ratik? The Fists?
Shall we raid? War?
Trust our council, they wheedled, as your father did.
Did he? Hundgred wondered. Did he, indeed?
Trust us, those others of the distant south implored. We are your kin.
Had his father been so counceled? Hounded?
Hundgred wondered. Can I? Trust? Hundgred truly wondered.

Ruler: His Most Warlike Majesty, King Hundgred Rälff son of the Fruztii (CN male human Bbn13) LGG - 44
Capital: Krakenheim (pop. 3400)

The Frost Barbarians are the weakest of the three Suel peoples inhabiting the Thillronian Peninsula (which they name Rhizia). For nearly 30 years, they have been under the thumb of the Snow Barbarians, but their defiant young king, only [35*] years of age, has made it plain that he regards the Fruztii as equals to their eastern neighbors. As yet, the Snow Barbarians have not brought matters to a head, because all the barbarians have happily cooperated in opposing the Great Kingdom and allying with Ratik to fight the Bone March humanoids. The Fruztii are foremost in friendship with Ratik; this has increased their prominence in the barbarian alliance.
The Frost Barbarians are a strong-willed people, stubborn and chaotic, but honorable and people of their word. They are fine seamen; their longboats are masterpieces of both construction and decoration. They are fearless fighters and suffer privations and hardship without complaint. They feast and drink to excess, and have no time for tact or manners. They do not respect book learning or wizards, but they hold their bards (skalds) in very high esteem indeed. Like the other barbarians, they feel the deception of Iuz keenly, and skirmishes against Stonefist across the Griff Mountains are currently planned by King Hundgred. [FTA – 25]
[* Note: official text states Hundgred is 20; I have taken creative liberty.]

586 CY
Infighting soon broke out between several of the nonhuman tribes, and the sides remained stalemated until 586 CY, when Alain IV, Archbaron Lexnol's son and heir, launched a raid into the fallen realm that was composed in large part of expatriates of the march, it was a doomed mission. The unusually organized nonhumans laid a trap for the force in the hills north of Spinecastle. Horrified survivors who escaped back to Ratikhill reported that the trapped raiders were dragged from their horses, torn apart, and eaten alive before their eyes. Raids into the archbarony from Bone March have resumed
. [LGG – 37]
Hundgred bewailed Alain’s passing. Why? he screamed! Why indeed had that dirty old hag, Syrul, lured his friend to such a fate.

Upon hearing of his son's demise, old Baron Lexnol collapsed. He awakened the next morning with a shock of white hair and a palsy that confined him to bed. Lady Evaleigh, now widowed, assumed the throne and has guided Ratik through the trouble that has befallen it. Raids from Bone March have become progressively stronger and more organized the last few years. [LGG – 91]
And why, had fickle fate decreed that his father’s friend should be laid so low, and that a maiden should take up the reins of Ratik?

589 CY
Ruler: His Most Warlike Majesty, King Hundgred Rälffson of the Fruztii (CN male human Bbn13)
Population: 144,500—Human 96% (S), Dwarf 2% (hill 50%, mountain 50%), Halfling 1%, Other 1%
Major towns: Djekul (pop. 3,100), Krakenheim (pop. 4,500) [LGG - 44]

Time marches on.
Hundgred, now 40, has long since understood the wisdom of his father. He has renewed his faith in the Northern Alliance…for now. Ratik has proven its allegiance and held true, despite its continued desire to foster ever closer relations with Knurl. But that was to be expected, what with Lexnol’s line having failed, and its nation’s course steered by a child of that southern city.
The Fruztii are strongly allied to the Archbarony of Ratik in the south. […] Changes are already apparent in the royal court at Krakenheim, with more formal (or "civilized") trappings in the organization of the government and the military. These changes do not meet with the approval of many of the older jarls, but they remain loyal to Hundgred out of respect for his noble father. [LGG – 44]

"Kith and Kin"
But Hundgred has not seen fit to rid Friztii of the whispers from Shar, either.
Ambassadors from the Scarlet Brotherhood were spied in Djekul. [LGG – 91]

Nobles from Ratik have great influence at court but are not always trusted. Scarlet Brotherhood agents are well received but bring strange news and promises. Merchants from the Lordship of the Isles have a growing presence, offering unusually generous trade deals that make some jarls suspicious. Hundgred's court is growing isolated from other northern barbarian nations. [LGG – 44]

One wonders: How long can Hundgred withstand the sweet promises of his distant “kin”?
Or has he already been seduced by their whispers?
For many years, Ratik and the Fruztii nation have lived in relative peace under the Northern Alliance, an agreement forged by Baron Lexnol. All looked well; the monarch of the Fruztii, King Hundgred Rallfson, even married a Ratikkan noblewoman. But now, as Ratik teeters on the brink of political collapse, skirmishes have erupted between the northernmost nobles and the Fruztii clans. The [Ratikkan] crown has yet to take action, either politically or militarily, once again leaving its nobles to stand alone. This time House Ulthek and the Order of the Hart guard the border. [LGJ#3 - 29]

A Setting of Peace?

One must always give credit where credit is due. This piece is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.

The Art:
The Death of Alain IV, by Joel Biske, from Living Greyhawk Gazetteeer, 2000

1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
2023 Greyhawk Adventures Hardback, 1988
1064 From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
9577 The Adventure Begins, 1998
9578 Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
11742 Gazetteer, 2000
11743 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Living Greyhawk Journal, #1
Dragon Magazine 55,56,57
Greyhawkania, Jason Zavoda
The map of Anna B. Meyer 

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