Thoughts on A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords
Madame BovaryThere was a period when TSR consolidated their “adventure
paths” into omnibus editions. Where those amalgamated versions successful? I
wasn’t buying gaming products at the time, but I imagine they flew off the
shelves. But were they good?
As I’ve been doing a deep dive into the Slavers series,
let’s look at Scourge of the Slave Lords and find out.
I’ll begin with touching on what remained the same within
this super-adventure:
The original modules were largely untouched, and were
reproduced verbatim, almost word for word, as it were. Indeed, almost every room
description was left unaltered. Is that a good thing? That depends. Did you
love the originals? Would you have been incensed had they rewritten them?
Probably. Maybe the question ought to be, should they have rewritten them? Maybe.
Probably not. Had they rewritten them, you might argue that the linked modules
would not have been the A series anymore. And you would be right. From that
point of view, you might say that it was best to leave well enough alone.
If you are of that opinion, that is.
What changed?
The biggest change was the addition of a prologue. Who
wrote it? I’ll go out on a limb and say that it was written by Ed Carmien. The
super module is said to be designed by David Cook, Allen Hammack, Harold
Johnson, Tom Moldvay, Lawrence Schick, and the aforementioned Carmien; but as
we all know that Cook wrote the first, Johnson with Moldvay the second, Hammack
the third, and Schick the finale, and that most of those mentioned had moved on
to greener passages by the time this was published, I suppose that makes
Carmien the sole designer of what followed.
Unlike the compilation that followed in 2013 (Against
the Slave Lords), the 1986 super module presupposes that the PCs will have
completed the Gygax adventure path of T1-4 (released the prior year as Temple
of Elemental Evil), then A1-4 (Scourge of the Slave Lords), and
moving on to G1-3, D1-3, and Q1 (Queen of the Spiders), and there were
foreshadowing and clues to what was to come within it.
Highport is loosely developed, as is Suderham. There are
interludes added as well, to fill in the gaps as the party gets from point A to
B. Do those add to the adventure. A little. Not much. Most of it is side
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Our Heroes |
The PCs are heroes, having plunged into the halls and
depths of the Temple of Elemental Evil, putting an end to Eclavdra’s and
Lolth’s evil plot.
(I must admit, that I do not like how Frank Mentzer had
altered Gary Gygax’s original plot. Eclavdra was, and will forever be, an
acolyte of the Elder Elemental Evil, in my mind.)
As you stretch out on the bench before the inn to warm
yourself in the sun, you spot a stranger striding down the lane. Ostler,
leaning out his front door, nods in that direction and says, "Now, what
dye make o' that, fair sirs? 'Tis a man wrapped in the colors 0' some laird,
strolling through our Hommlet. bustlin' like he's driven on some grand
business. Mayhaps I'll have me some lairds party stayin' for the night."
With a shrug he goes inside, calling to his family.
Looking closely, you can make out the glint of flaxen
hair tumbling out from beneath the liveried cape. From the way this stranger
moves, you'd safely guess him to be a her. Now, what business would a woman
have in such a sleepy little village, a lords woman at that?
Assuming a sleepy pose, you continue to watch the
stranger through half closed eyes. With a purposeful stride, she crosses the
inn yard and passes your bench. A mingled scent of perfume and horse
sweat follows her. There are muffled voices inside.
Suddenly, she steps back out the door and tosses back
the hood of her cloak. "Good sirs," she says with a graceful curtsy,
"I bear a message from Most Worthy Dame Gold of Safeton." She is, as
you guessed, a young woman, endowed with a dignified and subdued beauty. She
thrusts a heavy, buff envelope into your startled hands. "To The Saviors
of Hommlet" is written across the front in a spidery hand. The back is
closed with a large blob of wax pressed with a seal. She turns and walks away.
The invitation reads:
To those Brave and Worthy; May it never be said that
the courageous undertake valor for the hope of reward nor the righteous seek purity.
and thus may aspersions of evil never fall upon thy name. But, as ye know too
well, the rewards of virtue are painful and cold.
Our advisors, through wisdom and sagacity. have
proclaimed thy actions good and virtuous, done for the wealth of the people of
Hommlet. Those so noble as yourselves will grace and ornament the presence of
any gathering. We beseech you to kindly honor us with your presence during the
Feasts of Edoira at Windy Crag in the town of Safeton.
[A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords - 5]
The PCs accept the invitation, and the adventure begins.
What follows is a bit of a railroad adventure—that said, all adventures are a
bit of a railroad adventure.
You may disagree, but once a story arc is introduced, and
the PCs begin to follow it, there is an evil plot to be discovered, uncovered,
and investigated, with plot points that lead to cities, manors, keeps and
dungeons to be visited, and low level through high level bad guys to be
defeated. The DM cannot possibly develop the entire world, and once the plot
begins to unfold, it need be followed up on, no matter whether if the PCs
travel to Saltmarsh instead of Nulb.
The PCs attend a week long festival at Dame Gold’s
estate, where the meet and interact with a number of NPC. Friends and foes are
potentially created, depending on how the week plays out. If this were to be a
lengthy social and political campaign, this would certainly be a great way to
begin it; but as most of these NPCs will never be seen nor heard from again,
the party might be considered pointless. If the players like dungeon delves,
this will likely end the campaign.
If the players are patient, once the festival comes to an
end, they leave to begin a quest asked of them, one probably never embarked on,
Dame Gold’s estate is raided, and a number of the guests are either carried off
or enslaved.
What follows is a clever, if VERY, railroady adventure.
It’s going to piss off a lot of players.
Self-determination will be stripped from them two or
three times, literally.
But what follows does have its high points. There are
spies and characters met on the road that have great potential, if used. As I
already mentioned, there are interludes and subplots that help fill the gaps
between modules. Eldredd is especially good, in my opinion, as is the attempt
to develop the city of Highport.
I will not go into the individual modules within, as I’ve
already done as much in earlier posts. If you have not, I invite you to visit
those if you are interested in what I though of them.
But before Highport, the party must be dealt the Fate
Worse than Death—cleverly conceived to elevate the PCs from hired thugs to
victims incited by need for revenge—which may or may not break the campaign.
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Captured |
Is the adventure made better? Marginally at times.
I especially enjoyed the addition of the introduction of
the expositional character of Oric in Scumslum:
North of the walled city of Suderham, between the city
and its harbor area, is the area known derisively to the locals as
"ScumSlum! Peasant field workers far the farms, non-household slaves, and
almost everyone who is not a tradesman, a slaver, or in the militia lives in
shabby hovels clustered along the harbor road. For a few coins, any of the
inhabitants of this area will invite the player characters into their home,
beckoning them to move quickly, with darting eyes searching for agents of the
slave lords. Copper is the expected coin for these people, silver will bring a
very friendly reaction, and gold will raise eyebrows: "We don't see much
gold here, stranger." [SotSL - 97]
The informant's name is Oric, and at 40 years of age
he looks like a man of 60; he is worn out by the harsh life of being a peasant
farm worker, and has already exceeded the average life expectancy of his kind.
Suspicious and curmudgeonly at first, the prospect of the money the player
characters are offering will gradually bring out his garrulous good nature; his
final suggestion about ambushing slave buyers should provide the party with a
method of entry into Suderham.
Oric will discuss as much about the city and its
rulers as he knows, which is limited to general knowledge about the city: its
quarters, the patrols, etc. [SotSL - 97]
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Feetla, the Buccaneer |
Feetla, the buccaneer, is renamed Eanwulf, and remains as
undeveloped as he formerly was; but he is not the focal villain in this
adventure, those being Stalman Klim and Edralve, who
are maneuvering against one another for control of the Slavers organization.
So, why change his name? Was Feetla so ridiculous? No. No more than Eanwulf,
which sounds far more Nordic than it should, considering the adventure’s
southern locale.
Does it all work?
Not really. Not to my mind. As I said, there are great
additions within the pages of the super module, notably an excellent NPC
character generator encounter table for Highport, and good Special Encounters,
the same true for the Wilderness encounters leading up to Suderham, and
encounters within.
To be honest, I really do like the prelude at Dame Gold’s
manor. I really do. It has the potential to really open up the campaign from
the start. Grist for the mill. Potential love interests. Possible allies. Even
foreshadowed foes. Suppose Feetla is in attendance, scouting the site of the
raid out beforehand, deciding who might bring in top dollar, and who might be
more trouble that they are worth. The more I think on it, the more I like the
idea. The PCs will want to extract a pound of flesh when they catch sight of
one another later. And imagine their surprise when he recognizes them, and
regales them with the expected soliloquy on how they’d slipped through his
fingers by leaving earlier than expected, or even more infuriatingly, that he
didn’t think they were worth the trouble to parade on the block.
In any event, when a few of the gathered revellers are
killed in the raid, and when others are abducted, the PCs might feel far more
obligated to pursue those dastardly villains than they might have been.
But as a whole, I was less engaged by what was presented
within than what might have been developed.
That said, it is about slavers, and it definitely strove
to make the PCs hate them.
One must always give credit where credit is due. This piece is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
The Art:
Cover Art detail, from A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords, by Jeff Easley, 1986
The Adventurers detail, by Val Lakey Lindahn, from A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords, 1986
T1 The Village of Hommlet, 1979
9039A A0 Danger at Darkshelf Quarry, 2015
A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity, 1980
A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords, 1981
9167 A1-4 Scourge of the Slave Lords, 1986
A0-4 Against the Slave Lords, 2013
Great article!
ReplyDeleteMy party has cleared A0-A2 and has been romping around the Pomarj in a campaign of annihilation. There has been may many side adventures occurring between the moves from Darkshelf to Highport, from Highport to the Stockade, and now from the Stockade to the aerie.
ReplyDeleteThe stock material in the A series is good, but the campaign is an entire Pomarj wide effort to rid the area of evil and wicked. I have found the Pomarj, as DM, to be about perfect for a campaign setting becuse there are gnome and dwarf ruins (and some still hiding out there), mixed terrain, the stock adventures, and great opportunity for those kinds of characters like druids and rangers to put their outdoor skills to work.
I have truly found the A series as a great launching point for adventure, although I am cutting A4 as it is pure railroad and does not fit the campaign. We have had sea, mountain, cave, temple, fortress, and woods and grasslands adventures.
I am tempted to use the Pomarj for all campaigns in the future, but then I wont deep dive into other regions like this one, which has been great fun.