“So the story of man runs in a dreary circle, because
he is not yet master of the earth that holds him.”
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The Tall Walkers |
We presume, I
assume, that they were always there. Not much mention is made of the Dark
Continent in the Folio, and none whatsoever of the Olman and Tuov, focussing
all its pages and energy instead on that plot of land we call the Flanaess and
the peoples who trod upon it.
Migrating bands began settling the eastern portion of
the Oerik Continent, Flanaess, over a millenium ago. The Flan tribesmen were
hardy and capable hunters but not particularly warlike, and their small and
scattered groups made no appreciable civilizing effect. The Suel Peoples,
mainly fleeing from the great wars in the Suloise Empire, moved northwards
through the Kendeen (Harsh) Pass of the southern Crystalmist Mountains (now
known as the Hellfurnaces) and spread out in all directions. The fierce
Oeridian tribes likewise moved east, thrusting aside Flan and Suloise in their
path. [Folio – 5]
Indeed, if we were left with only the Folio, we might
have to presume that the Suel were its only inhabitants.
The majority of the Suelites were pushed to the
extreme south, into the Amedio Jungle, the Tilvanot Peninsula, the Duxchan
Islands, and even as far as across the narrow Tilva Straight into Hepmonaland. [Folio
– 5]
The World of Greyhawk Boxed Set was as equally mum on the
subject, as it too only referred to the Suloise as inhabitants on that
mysterious southerly continent.
The Suel folk are quite predominant in the island
groups off the eastern coast of the Flanaess as well as on Tilvanot Peninsula,
in the Scarlet Brotherhood region. Those bands that migrated into the vast
Amedio Jungle and Hepmonaland are so altered as to be no longer typical of the
race; they are tan to brown with heavy freckling. [WoGA – 13]
Even the first adventure module actually set on Hepmonaland
was vague on who the inhabitants were.
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Mongrelmen |
The stories they told were fantastic and addled,
surely brought about by disease and the horrors with which they had to deal.
Singing snakes, twisted and deformed ape-men, men who were not men, and writhing,
horrid flowers filled their tales – surely such things were not to be believed.
Nonetheless, something had destroyed the caravans. [I1 Dwellers of the
Forbidden City – 2]
In fact, greater detail is given to the dangers explorers
might encounter than those natives who might aid and give succor to the
adventurers (a prudent choice given the page count, and owing to this being an
adventure module and not a gazetteer).
The long journey was tilled with hardship, but
fortunately, peaceful tribes and villages were found to ease the journey.
[I1 – 2]
Not much else is said about them. Or their village, for
that matter. Although their past grandeur is alleged, though. The Forbidden
City has been overrun by Yuan-ti and bullywugs and mongrelmen, and it is on these
that the adventure focusses. We can only assume that the city was once theirs,
whoever grand they may have been.
I expect hardly anyone gave the natives much thought back
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Torhoon Artifacts |
It wasn’t until much later, in 1999, that the natives, the Olman and Touv were finally given name, detailed in Sean Reynold’s The Scarlet Brotherhood and Bruce Cordell’s Bastion of Faith.
So to were the
Torhoon, their earliest and only appearance in Andy Miller’s Ex Keraptis Cum Amore, in Dungeon #77 (December 1999):
[A]n ancient
race called the Torhoon (whose empire, based on alchemy and magic, was centered
in Hepmonaland over 8,000 years ago), the mad lich [Orlysse] crafted his
dungeon on their writings and style. He strove to make the dungeon seem
authentically ancient, going so far as to use the ancient Torhoon language in
his riddles and fill the place with Torhoon artifacts of his own. [Dungeon #77 – 33]
Only a
comprehend languages spell or similar magic allows the PCs to decipher the
ancient, dead language of the Torhoon. [Dungeon #77 – 34]
Who were these
Torhoon? According to Andy Miller, they were human:
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Shades of the Torhoon |
One such was the
despotic sorcerer Kellex Zyrrinyth, who lived more than 8,000 years ago.
[Dungeon #77 – 47]
Little else is
mentioned. There are numerous references to Torhoon writings and pyramids and
Torhoon wights and mummies and mists, of Torhoon magic and alchemy, although
none of it seems to differ much from contemporary versions of the same, except
that Orlysse could not duplicate all of the spells known to the ancient
Torhoon sorcerers. [Dungeon #77 – 53]
Andy Miller is
somewhat vague as to who and what they were, exactly. Powerful, certainly; more
so than we, apparently. It’s all well and good to make references to the past,
but those references ought to have some concrete anchor in canon, to my mind.
One wonders – I do, anyway – whether Mr. Miller and Mr. Sean Reynolds were
working hand in hand when Sean made these comments in his The Scarlet
Brotherhood accessory, of the same year:
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Southern Hepmonaland, Realm of the Torhoon |
The Touv have no
“living” memory of the writings or writers, so they must be ancient.
oddly-constructed ruin near the [Okeo] hills is said to have been built by an
ancient race of people that predate the Tuov, possibly the ones the people of
Banyo call “The Tall Walkers.” [SB – 58]
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The Touv |
surface from time to time of unusual ships on Byanbos shores piloted by beings
the locals call “The Tall Walkers.” [SB – 48]
Was there more
to come, concerning the Tall Walkers or the Torhoon and their magnificence and
maleficence? There was not. I have to ask: Why are there no other mentions of
these mysterious Torhoon (other than their architecture and magic being
duplicated in the far north by an insane lich) or Tall Walkers anywhere but in
the southerly-most regions of Hepmonaland? If they were so advanced, why are
their ruins not scattered across the Flanaess, then?
So, are the Tall
Walkers and the Torhoon one and the same? Can they possibly be? They could very
well have been in Andy and Sean’s minds.
Myself? I’m not
so sure.
Let’s pause
here, shall we? Ex Keraptis Cum
Amore makes mention that these
Torhoon were an advanced society 8,000 years ago. The Torhoon civilization
apparently predates the events of Len Lakofka’s and Steve Winter’s History of the Suloise, published in the Oerth Journal #1 in 1995,
which also details very early Elven society.
-4462 CY Prior to this time, Elves used no
calendars. But on this date […] the Four Elven Realms of the East are founded.
(1053 SD/-1 OC) [OJ#1 – 9]
-4403 CY The Wind Dukes of Aaqa, meet a
gathered force of evil humanoids and drow on the Plains of Pesh (in what is now
Keoland). This is the last recorded great battle between Elves and their drow
cousins. The Dukes shatter the dark elven armies. (1103 SD/60 OC) [OJ#1 –
-2253 CY The Flan move into Eastern Oerik. They
are welcomed by the Highfolk, but the other kingdoms, remembering the disaster
of the helping of the Seul, close their Realms to humans. (3263 SD/2210 OC)
[OJ#1 – 9]
The Flan were the first known humans to live in
eastern Oerik, and it is from them that the Flanaess gets its name. [LGG –
Even were we to
ignore the above LGG quote for the moment, one wonders how these Torhoon humans
came to such power before the elves, or to inhabit Hepmonaland, such a widely
distant local from western Oerik and the rest of humanity, without any “bridge”
between them? This gap was “rectified” later in 2000 in OJ#11 by the addition
of the Kersi. But the elven and Suloise calendars were pushed back as well.
-7256 CY or 1 GE (Grey Elven Calendar) The Grey
Elven History is recorded in written form, as opposed to the traditional sung
and spoken forms, for the first time. Their gods grant magic to the Elven
clergy. (-1740 SD/ 1 GE Grey Elven Calendar) [OJ#11 – 55]
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The Kersi? |
Did the addition of the Kersi clear anything up? Not a
-5528 CY Alianor sends a large naval force to
invade AnaKeri. The outriggers of the AnaKeri are no matches for the mighty
warships of the Suel. As the massive armada approaches the clerics of the
AnaKeri call upon the elemental princes for protection. The princes encircle
the island continent with a maelstrom of wind and wild seas and much of the
invading fleet is destroyed. Those that do land are met with upheavals in the
land itself and, at last, by beings of elemental fire. A few of the invaders
return to tell the tale. The wall of wind and water remains behind circling the
continent of AnaKeri to this very day. (-12 SD) [OJ#11 – 56]
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The Wall of Wind and Water |
It’s irrelevant
whether Andy Miller was aware of the upcoming OJ#11 apocrypha; but did he have
any recognition of 1995’s OJ#1 article? I suppose not. And even if he was, he
was under no obligation to adhere to that timeline. The Oerth Journal is not
specifically canon, after all, regardless who might have written its articles.
Whatever Andy Miller was aware of, I do find the whole situation a bit of a
gordian knot. Why wasn’t he? Things were in the works, as it were. Eric Mona
(Iquander) was the editor of that earliest edition of the journal, the driving
force of RPGA’s new Living Greyhawk campaign to be launched in 2000, and the
publisher of the then in progress Living
Greyhawk Gazetteer of the same
year, if not Dungeon Magazine until 2004. How could it be that he and Andy were
not in the same loop? I have to wonder then how the Torhoon could be mentioned
in a Dungeon magazine adventure module published in 1999 and not at all in the
two aforementioned Greyhawk supplements of that same year, or the upcoming
Gazetteer; especially the 2000 Greyhawk Gazetteer! Not one! What are we to make
of that? Nothing? Everything? The Torhoon do throw a wrench in the works, don’t
they? As did the apocryphal Kersi. Why then do people add such things, these
Kersi and Torhoon and Vaati when we were already given the Suel and Oerid and
Flan, and indeed the Olman and Touv, to work with? Why muddy already decidedly
opaque waters?
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The Torhoon |
What then do we
make of the Tall Walkers and Torhoon?
Might the Tall
Walkers, in contemporary times, presumably be the Suel, seeing that there were
no other mentions of the Torhoon ever again. Likely not. The Suel are referred
to as the white-skinned northerners [SB – 50] and ”white demons”
[SB – 48] by the Tuov.
So, if not the
Suel, who then could they possibly be?
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The Tall Walkers |
What might we
make then of the Tall Walkers’ contemporary mention? Maybe the Torhoon travel
the multiverse, as the aforementioned Vaati do (if we ascribe that moniker to
the Wind Dukes of Aaqa, as was done in the Rod in Seven Parts). Or
maybe, if we want to keep things simple, these modern Tall Walkers are indeed
the Suel, however unlikely that might seem. It’s not outside the realm of possibility
that the Touv are applying their cultural “boogieman” to these fearsome newcomers.
They wouldn’t actually know what the Walkers actually looked like, would they?
I’ll leave that
to you to decide.
Because you
will, as you should, without any help from me.
“Civilization is a race between disaster and
“It's like a memorial to Atlantis or Lyonesse: these
are the stone buoys that mark a drowned world.”
Hitch 22: A
MemoirOne must always give credit where credit is
due. This History is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax
and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl
Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds,
Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Thanks to Steven Wilson for his GREYCHRONDEX
and to Keith Horsfield for his “Chronological History of Eastern Oerik.”
Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an
invaluable research tool.
The Art:
Mongrelmen, by Jim Halloway, from Monster Manual II, 1983
Torhoon statue, by Stephen Danielle, from Dungeon Magazine #77, 1999
Torhoon shade, by Stephen Danielle, from Dungeon Magazine #77, 1999
Hepmonoland map detail, by Sam Wood, from The Scarlet Brotherhood, 1999
The Emir, by Ludwig Deutsch (1855-1935)
1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed
Set, 1983
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide,
1st Ed., 1979
9025 World of Greyhawk
Folio, 1980
9046 I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City, 1980
11374 The Scarlet
Brotherhood, 1999
11743 Living Greyhawk
Gazetteer, 2000
Dragon Magazine
Dungeon Magazine #77
The Oerth Journal, #1, 11
Greychrondex, Wilson, Steven
Jason Zavoda
map of Anna B. Meyer
Great read! The Tall Walker-Torhoon is one of my favorite cultural mysteries left in publication. It's easy and ideal to combine the two given the scant sources like you explained. There should be more dead cultures and myths around Hepmonaland. The Flanaess has its share of mysteries after all.
ReplyDeleteJust started putting together a new campaign, where my players -who are already filthy rich merchants- will get grounded into Byanbo where there money is useless. Looking for "tall walker" references I tripped on this exegesis. Thank you for the outstanding thought exercises and proper source citations!