“But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and
floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a
body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared
in the depths of the sea.”
Timaeus and Critias![]() |
The Isles of Woe |
persistent legend among the Flan is that of a wondrous citadel, said to have
sat near the very heart of the Flanaess in ancient times, when kingdoms of the
Ur-Flan spanned the length and breadth of the subcontinent. Known as Veralos, a
word meaning “aerie” in the ancient tongue of the Flan, the structure was
supposedly erected somewhere near the cracked and broken ridge of the Rift
Canyon, in what is now referred to as the Bandit Kingdoms. According to the
oral traditions, the stronghold was the retreat of princely Ur-Flan scholars,
artisans, and mystics in ancient times. It was a repository of great knowledge,
learning, and contemplation, drawing disciples from many neighboring kingdoms.
These highly-skilled Flan were said to have created extraordinary wonders (such
as magical tablets, statuary, ensorcelled jewelry, and astounding weapons)
often by commission for the lords of lands such as Sulm, Itar, Ahlissa, and
Nuria. The gathered lords of the citadel even paid fealty to the Wizard-Priests
of the Isles of Woe, until that fell dominion sank beneath the waves early in
prehistory. [Dragon #293 –
Sulm, Itar, Ahlissa and Nuria; and the Isles of Woe.
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The Mysterious Magical Isles |
According to legend, the Isles of Woe once stood in
the Nyr Dyv, but no reliable source catalogs their size, exact location,
population, or even their number (usually put at three but ranging up to seven,
depending on the story). The isles are said to be so ancient as to predate the
arrival of the Oeridians. The origin of their name is unknown, but they are
always said to have been highly magical. [TAB – 5]
The lake of
Unknown Depths is said to have once held a number (sources vary between three
and seven) of very magical islands called the Isles of Woe, which apparently
sank beneath the waves over a thousand years ago. [Slavers – 17]
A great deal of mystery revolves around the Isles of Woe.
Did they exist at all or were they an allegory of evil, designed to frighten
children and wayfaring mariners?
Rumors abound that the lake holds the sunken remains
of an ancient pre-Migration civilization known as the "Isles of Woe,"
though many have explored the lake to no avail. [LGG – 149]
Long story short, they did indeed exist.
The isles seem to be peaks associated with the
easternmost branch of the Cairn Hills, just north of the Duchy of Urnst. [TAB – 5]
Occasionally, strange silver coins and jewelry and
even stranger obsidian carvings, found by lucky divers, make their way to
market, but these are generally discounted as forgeries. [LGG – 149]
But are they? Scholarly circles believe that the Isles existed,
even if the cause of their ultimate fate remains in question.
The fate of the so-called Isles of Woe has also caused
much controversy amongst scholarly circles. What prompted the isles to be
swallowed by the waters of the Nyr Dyv and why do ancient maps show the inland
sea strangely shrunken? [OJ#21 – 4]
Perhaps the Lake of Infinite Depth rose upon their
sinking? Who can say? Legends suggest that the Isles hosted fabled beings and
enclaves of great wizards, both of which are reputed to have been able to reshape
the very Oerth, itself.
Lake Aqal is thought to have once hosted a reclusive
group of wizards as powerful as those of the Isles of Woe or the Wind Dukes of
Aqaa. Indeed, tales tell of how their magic still pervades the place, giving
the islands that dot the lake an unnatural sentience and the fauna of the
region incredible fecundity. This civilization may have been destroyed by a
falling meteor. [OJ#21 – 7]
Some of the [Nyr Dyv]'s islands are likewise said to
have been home to a group of very seclusive and ancient wizards as powerful as
the Wind Dukes of Aqaa or the Glittering Wizards of the Isles of Woe in Oerth's
pre-history. These islands are said to be almost alive as entities in
themselves, assaulting those who set foot on them with hails of stone and rock
as the very earth churns underfoot. Whether any of these tales are true and
what remains of the long-dead wizards' magical treasures and hoards, is a
matter of pure conjecture. [WGR5
Iuz the Evil – 60] (1993)
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The Glittering Wizards |
Nightsong knows the burial laments for the victims of
the Invoked Devastation, the poetry of the necromantic invocations of the
Ur-Flannae, and he can sing the whispering hymns of the long-dead Wind Dukes of
Aaqa. [Ivid – 86]
When then did these isles thrive above the waves? Surely
the Wind Dukes predated all, didn’t they? One wonders though when these
Glittering Wizards shone upon their shores? Did they weave their Art before the
Ur-Flan? Where they Ur-Flan? Or did they come after? What is known is that the
Isles disappeared long before the Great Migrations. That would mean they are
old. Ancient, in fact.
Sages claim
that the Isles [of Woe] predate the Oeridian migration. Others believe that the
isles were once the location of Vecna’s spider-throne. [LGJ#2 – 19]
-1711 CY
Vecna erects a black tower in the
middle of the Nyr Dyv. He claims chieftanship of his tribe, the Ur-Flanae and
slays the former chieftain in combat by use of magic. (3805 SD/2752 OC/440
FT) [OJ#1 – 13]
Might the Glittering Wizards have been Flan then? Might Vecna
have been a Glittering Wizard? That’s doubtful. He’s been called a great many
things, but never that. Who then were they? Which other magi are mentioned in
the same breath as the Isles of Woe? Yagrax and Tzunk.
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Yagrax |
of Tangibles and Intangibles” by Yagrax
(melt, transmute water to dust, item, material,
fabricate, crystalbrittle) [Dragon #82 – 58]
As did Tzunk.
and Obscuration”
by Tzunk
(blink, invisibility, invisibility 10’ radius, improved invisibility, darkness, continual darkness,
vacancy, avoidance , mass invisibility) [Dragon #82 – 58]
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Tzunk |
Codex of
Infinite Planes
An ancient
book containing forbidden lore and the secret to travel between planes and
dimensions. Also called Yagrax’s Tome, after the fanatical wizard-priest of the
Isles of Woe. [Dragon #299
– 101]
Yagrax, it would
seem, was a resident of the long-lost isles.
As was Tzunk:
Long ago the wizard-cleric who ruled the Isles of Woe
lost in the Lake of Unknown Depths used this work to gain knowledge of great
power. It is told that this arcane wisdom is what eventually wrought the
downfall of the mage-priest and caused the waters to swallow his domain. In any
event, the Codex of the Infinite Planes somehow survived the cataclysm, for the
Wizard Tzoonk, before his disappearance, recorded the following:
“. . . and thereupon the voice belled forth in tones of hollow iron and spoke of the Coming of the City of the Gods. Such future events interested me not, so I gave the command: ‘Answer in th …’ (here the fragment becomes entirely illegible) … so knowing both the secret and the spell which would unlock the Way to this horde of the Demon Prince Nql … (another break in the writing unfortunately occurs here) … gathered the nine as required and proceeded forth. With me in addition were the dyoph servants necessary to transport the Code, for I would not leave it behind on even so perilous a journey as this.” (Here the entire fragment ends.)
[Eldritch Wizardry – 43]
In the distant past the High Wizard Priest of the
Isles of Woe (now sunken beneath the waters of the Nyr Dyv […]) discovered this
work and used its arcane powers to dominate the neighboring states, but legend
also has it that these same powers eventually brought doom to the mage-priest
and his tyrannical domain. It must be that somehow the Codex survived the
inundation, for the archmage Tzunk scribed the following fragment prior to his
strange disappearance:
“… , and the two strong slaves lifted it [the Codex] from the back of the Beast. Thereupon I commanded the Brazen Portals to be brought low, and they were wrenched from their hinges and rang upon the stone. The Efreet howled in fear and fled when I caused the page to be read, and the Beast passed into the City of Brass. Now was I, Tzunk, Master of the Plane of Molten Skies. With sure hand I closed Yagrax’s Tome [the Codex], dreading to – ”
[DMG 1e – 156]
Did Tzunk
eclipse his predecessor, and presumed master? I propose that he did.
[I]t was
reported that the archmage Tzunk once used the power of the Codex of Infinite
Planes to raze the armies of his enemies and subjugate the entire region. [LGJ#2 – 19]
The Isles are
reputed to have been the home of the wizard-priest Tzunk, who used the Codex of
Infinite Planes to rule an empire. [Slavers – 17]
But Tzunk, in
his ambition and hubris, would reach too far. And it cost him his life.
The Tomb of Tzunk's Hands: Tzunk, Wizard-Priest
of the quasi-mythical Isles of Woe which sunk below the Nyr Dyv in prehistory,
is said to have had his body sundered into a hundred parts to thwart any
attempt at resurrection. The portions were scattered to the winds, burned in
fire, dissolved in acidic waters, and buried below the earth. Great golems with
special powers such as paralysis, petrification, and worse are said to guard a
tomb holding his hands here. The approaches to the tomb chamber are riddled
with traps, mazes, secret portals and passages, and many magical hazards. [WGR5 – 64]
c. -500 CY
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Sunken Woe |
Legend suggests that they met their fate more than a
millennia ago. Legend also suggests that they fell to the vengeance of a single
hero. A Flan hero-deity.
Krovis’s avatar
has, in the past, emerged from his crypt to bring down several empires that
dominated the central regions of the Flanaess, including the dominions of the
Isles of Woe and the Empire of Lum the Mad (both of which occurred more than
1,000 years ago). [Dragon #167 –
Be that as it
may, the Isles fell and sank below the waves, whether by the wrath of Krovis,
or the hubris of Tzunk, we might never know. We will only know that sink they
Perhaps the best known of the mythic kingdoms of
Oerth’s prehistory are the Isles of Woe, said to have sunk beneath the waters
of the Nyr Dyv millennia ago. [OJ#21 – 7]
-330 CY
One wonders then why there are those who persist in
believing that this fabled kingdom of yore was Oeridian?
The Isles of Woe, a small Aerdian enclave ruled by
Wizard Priests (led by Yagrax), sink into the Nyr Dyv. (5186 SD/315 OR)
[OJ#1 – 15]
Aerdian? I think not! How might that enclave be Aerdian
when the Isles are the sunken remains of an ancient pre-Migration
civilization [LGG – 149], when the
Oeridians had still to conquer the Flanaess?
If [t]he Flan were the first known humans to live in
eastern Oerik, [LGG – 5] then surely Yagrax must have been Flan. One could
argue the word “known” predicates the possibility of other peoples, but as they
are never noted in any published sourcebook, who might they be?
What became of the mysterious Isles of Woe, and who
dwelled there? [LGG – 13]
The islands
now lay somewhere beneath the surface of the Lake of Unknown Depths. [LGJ#2 – 19]
Gone, but not
591 CY
Concerned by
stories of the resurfacing of the Isle of Woe, Warnes Starcoat is sponsoring an
expedition into the Brass Hills to explore a site called the Zochal. According
to the Nesser Opuscule, [the] only surviving fragment of a greater work
attributed to Tzunk, the Zochal is an echo point for the planar confluence that
infuses the once lost sunken isles. [Dragon #297 – 91/ COR2-08 Echo]
I wish Warnes
Starcoat luck. His sponsored expedition, as well.
I would let
long-dead Flan wizard-priests lie, myself. They were/are all obsessed with the
continuance of their life – the necromantic ones, anyway.
If retrieved from their resting place, the hands are
said to animate themselves, serving the one who rescued them as divinatory
tools, but seeking out the other parts of Tzunk's indestructible, scattered
body and slowly beginning to take over the mind of their owner. [WGR5 – 64]
Tzunk, like
others of his ilk, doesn’t care a whit for the expedition members’ lives. Or
Warnes Starcoat’s.
Or yours, for
that matter.
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Heraan |
Upon the
shore sit three longships. None have sails, and all are made of what appears to
be corroded copper. In the center of each ship stands a column with a steering
wheel attached. [Dragon #295
– 96]
This is the
Heraan Boathouse—the once-lost passage to the strange, obscured city that
dominates the Isles of Woe.
[Dragon #295 – 96]
Memory keeps the
Past alive. Memory and myth and song. Who then could forget fabled Heraan, the
capital of the long-lost empire ruled from the Isles of Woe?
Sail on to
the Isles of Woe
“Gone, like
the three of Heraan.” – A strange saying among the Flan hillfolk of the Cairn
Hills. [Dragon #294 – 90]
Heraan – the city
where the Codex of the infinite Planes was supposedly first inscribed and where
countless other treasures still rest. [Dragon #294 – 90]
“Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the
erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.”
1984One must always give credit where
credit is due. This piece is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary
Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards,
Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean
Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his
compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.
The Art:
The Isles of Woe map, by Sam Wood, from The Adventure Begins, 1989
World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
9309 WGA4 Vecna Lives, 1990
9399 WGR5 Iuz the Evil,
The Adventure Begins, 1998
11621 Slavers, 2000
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Journal #1, 2
Grayhawk Journal #2
Magazine #82, 167, 293, 294, 295, 297, 299
Wilson, Steven B.
Jason Zavoda
map of Anna B. Meyer
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