Friday 26 July 2024

A Question of Spell Authorship

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead

Questions... And a Spot of Research....
Have you ever actually questioned the true authorship of all those eponymous spells? I never did, back when. But then, for whatever reason, I did. I suspect that niggling doubt arose when I first read the spell Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion. To my mind, this spell appeared to be little more than an excuse for lengthy alliteration, because no other spell in Mordenkainen’s repertoire seemed to align with it. Indeed, it appeared to my mind to align with Leomund’s.
So, why wasn’t it one of Len Lakofka’s Leomund’s? I suspect that might be because Len Lekofka did not write it himself. Len appears to have been a bit of a stickler in that regard, only allowing Leomund’s name to grace those spells he, Len, himself wrote. He may have refused the honour, owing to that. I doubt he was given the opportunity, though, noting the above opportunity for that triple alliteration. That said, I can find no evidence that Len wrote Leomund’s Lamentable Belabourment either, so your guess is as good as mine. No matter, that’s another tale.
This discussion, not that one, is in line with that, though. It is an exploration to see how well those eponymously named spells line up in “theme” with their body of work as a whole, and whether they might be collaborations and not individual efforts.
It’s all just a bit of fun, really.

In an earlier post, I raised the notion that the Art of Magic might, it its Vancian origin, might require a certain scientific method. It stands to reason, to my reasoning, that logic must apply: Nothing comes into being as if by magic, if you will excuse the pun; but may do so by meticulous, and laborious research. And research is time consuming. Indeed, the AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide tells us just that. Trial and error is an lengthy process. One expects that sulphur might have been originally applied to earlier attempts at creating a Wall of Fire before the far more dangerous phosphorus [PHB 1e – 78]; and that the original creator of Wall of Ice must have puzzled how the caster might keep a shard of ice at hand before finally trying a shard of quartz [PHB 1e – 79] instead. You get the drift.
Thus, a wizard adept in the erudite lore and esoteric comprehension on how to create “spatial” spells could hardly be an expert on “defensive” spells. Could he…? He could not have applied the same lore required to weave wards to warping space. Or so I surmise. That’s how I came to the conclusion that Leomund, the creator of his Tiny Hut and Secure Shelter, to say mothing of his Secret Chest, must have been the actual creator, or at the very least a collaborator, of Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum and Magnificent Mansion, if you follow my train of thought. Those spells are just too similar to his creations for him not to have had his hand it their creation.
In that vein, I dove into the other spells by the Circle of Eight to see how many others “overlapped” in theme. Need I say that there were a few. It would have been surprising had there not been.
So, whose spells are similar to whose? Let’s see, shall we? (I’ll refer to spells like Bigby’s Interposing Hand merely as Interposing Hand throughout, in hopes of staving off Carpal Tunnel.) Where they do appear to overlap in theme, I’ll add the wizard who I think may have had a hand in its creation in [brackets].

Let’s begin, alphabetically, with Bigby:
Bookworm Bane (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Feeling Fingers (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Dextrous Digits (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Silencing Hand (Evocation/Enchantment) – Force Manipulation
Pugnacious Pugilist (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Battering Gauntlet (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Construction Crew (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Force Sculpture (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Fantastic Fencers (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Icy Grip (Evocation/Conjuration) – Force Manipulation/Negative energy [Nystul]
Interposing Hand (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Superior Force Sculpture (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Strangling Grip (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Besieging Bolt (Evocation) - Force Manipulation/ projectile [Melf]
Forceful Hand (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Grasping Hand (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Most Excellent Force Sculpture (Evocation) – Force Manipulation
Crushing Hand (Evocation) - Force Manipulation

Beast of Burden (Alteration) – Travel – Lightens loads by Limited Levitation
Light Step (Alteration) – Travel – Limited Levitation
Adventure Luck (Alteration) – Like a luckstone
Breath of Life (Alteration) – Breath
Scent Mask (Illusion/Phantasm) – Breath, Mind [Rary]
Swift Mount (Alteration) – Travel
Marvelous Shield (Evocation) – AC [Mordenkainen, a la his Sword, but defensive and not offensive]
Iron Sack (Evocation) – protects contents [Mordenkainen]
Hand Timepiece (Conjuration/Summoning) – Time
Instant Exit (Alteration/Conjuration) – Risky Teleport
Protection from Non-Magic Gas (Abjuration) – Breath
Tool Box (Conjuration/Summoning) – Manipulation [Bigby]
Flying Feat (Alteration/Enchantment) – Creates flying object – Travel – Levitation
Beneficent Polymorph (Alteration) – Alter Other
Merciful Metamorphosis (Alteration) – Alter Other
Instant Summons (Conjuration/Summoning) – Teleport object

Trap (Illusion/Phantasm) – Mind [Rary]
Tiny Hut (Alteration) – Space
Secure Shelter (Alteration/Enchantment) – Space
Lamentable Belabourment (Enchantment/Evocation) – Mind [Rary]
Secret Chest (Alteration/Conjuration/Summoning) – Space

Acid Arrow (Evocation) – alter missile
Minute Meteors (Evocation/Alteration) – create globes of fire

Buzzing Bee (Evocation) – a “summons” [Bigby]
Protection from Avians (Abjuration) – AC
Encompassing Vision (Alteration) – Sight
Defence Against Lycanthropes (Abjuration) – AC
Defence Against Reptiles (Abjuration) – AC
Defence Against Insects (Abjuration) – AC
Celerity (Alteration/Invocation) – Movement
Electric Arc (Evocation) – Lightening, Positive Energy [Nystul]
Faithful Shield Maidens (Summoning) – Guardians
Force Missiles (Invocation/Evocation) – Energy Projectiles [Bigby/Melf]
Protection from Slime (Abjuration) – AC
Faithful Defenders (Summoning) – Guardians
Faithful Hounds (Conjuration/Summoning) – Guardians
Involuntary Wizardry (Enchantment/Charm) – Mind [Rary]
Private Sanctum (Alteration/Abjuration) – Space [Leomund]
Ascent – Levitation [Drawmij]
Joining – Alter matter [Drawmij]
Lucubrution (Alteration) – Mind [Rary]
Faithful Guardian (Summoning) – Guardians
Trusted Bloodhound (Conjuration) – Guardians
Penultimate Cogitation (Alteration) – Guardians
Sword (Evocation) – Manipulation [Bigby]
Magnificent Mansion (Alteration/Conjuration) – Space [Leomund]
Capable Caravel (Conjuration) – Mobile Space [Leomund]
Disjunction (Alteration/Enchantment) – Affect magic
Wizard (Conjuration) – Summons Hound – Guardian

Magic Aura (Illusion/Phantasm) – Mind [Rary]
Dancing Werelight (Alteration) – Positive energy
Flash (Evocation) – Positive energy
Blackmole (Evocation) – Negative energy
Blazing Beam (Evocation) – Positive energy
Crystal Dagger (Evocation/Conjuration) – Positive energy [Mordenkainen]
Crystal Dirk (Evocation/Conjuration) – Positive energy [Mordenkainen]
Fire Extinguisher (Evocation) – Negative energy (?)
Golden Revelation (Alteration) – reveals magic
Radiant Baton (Evocation) – Positive energy [Mordenkainen]
Blacklight Burst (Evocation) – Negative energy
Grue Conjuration (Conjuration/Summoning) – Summons
Light Burst (Evocation) – Positive energy
Enveloping Darkness (Evocation/Alteration) – Negative energy
Radiating Arch (Alteration) – Positive energy

Bubbling Buoyancy (Alteration) – Sphere/Gas
Smokey Sphere (Evocation) – Sphere/Gas
Boiling Oil Bath (Evocation/Conjuration) – Sphere/Fluid
Acid Cloud (Evocation) – Gas
Force Umbrella (Evocation) – Half-sphere [Drawmij]
Resilient Sphere (Evocation/Alteration) – Sphere
Steaming Sphere (Evocation) – Sphere/Gas
Suppressing Field (Abjuration) – Anti-magic [Nystul]
Electric Screen (Evocation/Abjuration) – Plane – Anti-energy [Nystul]
Polar Screen (Evocation) – Plane – Anti-energy [Nystul/Drawmij]
Radiant Screen (Evocation) – Plane – Anti-energy [Nystul]
Diamond Screen (Evocation) – Plane – Anti-energy [Nystul]
Excruciating Screen (Evocation) – Negative energy [Nystul]
Freezing Sphere (Evocation/Alteration) – Negative energy [Nystul]
Orb of Containment (Evocation) – Sphere
Death Screen (Evocation)Alteration – Plane – Anti-energy [Nystul]
Fire and Ice (Evocation) – Sphere
Siege Sphere (Evocation) – Sphere
Telekinetic Sphere (Evocation/Alteration) – Sphere

Chime of Release (Alteration) – Sound
Soothing Vibrations (Enchantment/Charm) – Sound
Tone of Forgetfulness (Enchantment/Charm) – Sound/Mind [Rary]
Crystal Rhythms (Enchantment/Charm) – Charm
Imperative Ambulation (Enchantment/Charm) – Mind [Rary?]
Sure-Footed Shuffle (Alteration/Enchantment/Charm) – Charm
Drums of Despair (Enchantment/Charm) – Charm/Mind [Rary]
Silver Tongue (Enchantment/Charm) – Charm/Mind [Rary]
Tin Soldiers (Alteration) – Guardian [Mordenkainen]
Tonal Attack (Enchantment/Charm) – Charm
Warding Tones (Enchantment/Charm) – Charm
Gong of Isolation (Enchantment/Alteration) – Charm
Irresistible Dance (Enchantment/Charm) – Charm [Otto has never reached high enough level to cast this spell, let alone create it; so one must assume he had help. Indeed, he might not have had a hand in creating it at all. If he had not, then Rary would appear the most likely candidate.]

Empathetic Perception (Divination) – Mind
Aptitude Appropriator (Divination/Alteration) – Mind
Memory Alteration (Enchantment/Charm) – Mind
Mind Scan (Divination) – Mind
Mnemonic Enhancer (Alteration) – Mind
Spell Enhancer (Alteration) – Mind
Hesitation (Enchantment/Charm) – Mind
Mind Shield (Alteration) – Mind
Replay of the Past (Divination) – Mind
Superior Spell Enhancer (Alteration) – Mind
Telepathic Bond (Divination/Alteration) – Mind
Urgent Utterance (Alteration) – Mind
Protect from Scrying (Abjuration/Divination) – Mind
Plane Truth (Divination) – Mind
Vicious Missile (Evocation) – Energy missile [Bigby/Melf/Nystul]

Eye of Tiger (Alteration) – Enhance self
Floating Disk (Evocation) – Plane [Otiluke]
Steady Aim (Alteration) – Enhance self
Brawl (Alteration) – Enhance self
Deadly Strike (Alteration) – Mind [Rary]
Eye of Eagle (Alteration) – Enhance self
Hunting Hawk (Alteration) – Transforms arrow
Flaming Blade (Alteration) – weapon [Mordenkainen]
Giant Strength (Alteration) – Enhance self
Master of Arms (Alteration) – Enhance self
Running Warrior (Alteration) – Enhance self
Staff of Smiting (Alteration) – Energy [Nystul]
Destructive Resonance (Invocation/Alteration) – Vibration [Otto]
Primal Fury (Enchantment/Alteration) – Mind [Rary]
Fortunes of War (Abjuration) – Enhance self
Transformation (Alteration/Evocation) – Enhance self
Lift – Levitation [Drawmij]
9th (10th):
Binding – Shere [Otiluke]
Telling Blow – Force damage [Bigby]

This is by no means “scientific.” There are spells that “feel” like Bigby spells, but are not Evocation spells, just as there are spells that effect the mind that evoked Rary, or Otto, depending on their intent: Rary’s appear to command while Ott’s to charm (if there is a distinction between the two, which is entirely arguable). If you disagree with me, you’ve every right to: this is merely idle speculation on my part, perhaps of little or no value in gaming application.
What use might this exploration be? I expect this might be of value depending on when you might place your game. How so? Well, when do we suppose these spells were written? They could only have been created after said characters attained a high enough level to create them. That goes without saying. But when might that be? I suspect, depending on the character, those collaborations noted would be after the creation of the Circle of Eight, when Mordenkainen had gathered them all together, and they had the time, the leisure, the facilities, and the resources, to conduct all that research and experimentation.

A Question of Time....
Speaking of research, how long would it have taken those characters to create all their spells?
Length Of Research: Initial preparations and research will consume a number of weeks equal to the level of the spell being researched. After this initial period, there exists a chance to achieve success, the chance being given weekly. Research therefore will always extend to a number of weeks equal to the level of the spell being researched plus 1, i.e., a 1st level spell will take a minimum of 2 weeks research. Research expense accrues each and every week. There is no limit to the extension of research, although practically, even minimal expenditure will result in successful research after the basic period plus 6 or so weeks on the average. [DMG 1e – 115]
Long story short, it would have taken them some time. But how long?
1st level spells: 2 weeks each (1/2 month)
Thus all of Bigby’s 1st level spells combined would take: 1 month; Drawmij: 1 month; Mordenkainen: 1 month; Nystul: 1.5 months; Otiluke: 1 month; Otto: 0.5 months; Rary: 0.5 months; Tenser: 2 months;
2nd level spells: 4 weeks each (1 month)
Bigby: 2 months; Drawmij: 3 months; Leomund: 1 month; Melf: 1 month; Mordenkainen: 1 month; Nystul: 3 months; Otiluke: 1 month; Otto: 1 month; Rary: 1 month; Tenser: 2 months
3rd level spells: 6 weeks each (1.5 months)
Bibgy: 1.5 months; Drawmij: 4.5 months; Leomund: 1.5 months; Melf: 1.5 months; Mordenkainen: 4.5 months; Nystul: 6 months; Otiluke: 2 months; Otto: 4.5 months; Rary: 6 months
4th level spells: 8 weeks each (2 months)
Bibgy: 6 months; Drawmij: 8 months; Leomund: 2 months; Mordenkainen: 10 months; Nystul: 6 months; Otiluke: 6 months; Otto: 10 months; Rary: 8 months; Tenser: 10 months
5th level spells: 10 weeks each (2.5 months)
Bibgy: 12.5 months; Drawmij: 2.5 months; Leomund: 5 months; Mordenkainen: 12.5 months; Nystul: 5 months; Otiluke: 7.5 months; Otto: 2.5 months; Rary: 12.5 months; Tenser: 5 months
6th level spells: 12 weeks each (3 months)
Bibgy: 6 months; Drawmij: 6 months; Mordenkainen: 15 months; Otiluke: 12 months; Rary: 6 months; Tenser: 6 months
7th level spells: 14 weeks each (3.5 months)
Bibgy: 3.5 months; Drawmij: 3.5 months; Mordenkainen: 10.5 months; Otiluke: 14 months; Rary: 3.5 months
8th level spells: 16 weeks each (4 months)
Bibgy: 4 months; Mordenkainen: 4 months; Otto: 4 months; Rary: 4 months; Tenser: 4 months
9th level spells: 18 weeks each (4.5 months)
Bibgy: 4.5 months; Mordenkainen: 9 months; Tenser: 9 months

Total time per character:
Bibgy: 41 months (3.5 years); Drawmij: 28.5 months (2.4 years); Leomund: 9.5 months (0.8 years); Melf: 2.5 months; Mordenkainen: 67.5 months (3 years); Nystul: 21.5 months (1.8 years); Otiluke: 43.5 months (3.6 years); Otto: 22.5 months (1.9 years); Rary: 41.5 months (3.4 years); Tenser: 38 months (3.2 years)
That’s a lot of time! It goes without saying that they could not have created them all in one go. I imagine they were puzzled out in fits and starts.
Of Sound Mind and Body
Conditions Under Which Spell Research Is Possible:
It is absolutely mandatory for the researcher to be of sound mind and body and to have privacy and seclusion free from interruption during the course of his or her spell study. This necessity precludes any adventuring or general interaction during the period of research. It requires about 8 hours per day of work, and only an hour or two per day can be spent doing other things - instructing underlings, disbursing funds, etc. Any interruption of research will be a setback. Each day of such hiatus will cause 1 full week of last time. Also, as noted above, a library must be at hand, and this means that either the researcher must have his or her own stronghold or highly private quarters, or obtain them prior to beginning the project. If a personal library is not possessed, the research must be carried on in or within one day's journey of a town or city in which the research materials can be obtained. [DMG 1e – 115]

One imagines that at least a month of rest might follow each creation, perhaps even before, as well, further extending that time.
The Cost....
Of course, research and development costs.
I wonder what all this creation cost them?
Cost Of Research: The basic cost for spell research is only 200 gold pieces per spell level per week. […] To the base cost must be added a weekly variable of 100 to 400 gold pieces per level of the spell, the variable accounting far additional materials needed. If no library of materials is owned by the researcher, the base cost increases by a factor of 10 (2,000 gold pieces per spell level per week), the researcher being assumed to be acquiring arcane texts and scrolls, thus creating a library. [DMG 1e – 115]
Simple math says 400 gp/week/spell level with a library; 2400 gp/week/spell level without, on average. Let’s look at what the total cost of each of Bigby’s, Mordenkainen’s, and Tenser’s spell research would cost, individually.

1st: 1,600 gp with, 9,600 without
2nd: 6,400 with; 38,400 without
3rd: 7,200 with; 43,200 without
4th: 38,400 with; 240,400 without
5th: 100,000 with; 600,000 without
6th: 57,600 with; 345,600 without
7th: 39,200 with; 235,200 without
8th: 51,200 with; 307,200 without
9th: 64,800 with; 388,800 without

1st: 1,600 gp with, 9,600 without
2nd: 3,200 with; 19,200 without
3rd: 21,600 with; 129,600 without
4th: 64,000 with; 384,000 without
5th: 27,000 with; 648,000 without
6th: 144,400 with; 864,400 without
7th: 117,600 with; 705,600 without
8th: 51,200 with; 307,200 without
9th: 129,600 with; 777,600 without

1st: 3,200 gp with, 19,200 without
2nd: 6,400 with; 38,400 without
4th: 64,000 with; 384,000 without
5th: 40,000 with; 288,000 without
6th: 48,000 with; 345,600 without
8th: 51,200 with; 307,200 without
9th: 129,600 with; 777,600 without

I could add the totals up, but what would be the point? With or without a personal library spell research is a costly endeavour, however pursued. The thing is, their total cost is incalculable, to be truthful. We can be sure that these three (indeed, all the wizards noted above, apart from perhaps Melf) have a vast personal library. But no one can have a complete library. One imagines they must surely have had to consult each another’s from time to time, and they might even have had to pay the presumably exorbitant fees demanded by The Great Library of Greyhawk, or some other, to gain access to their collections. I expect that would not be cheap. And I would expect their fees would not be waved in light of the Circle’s quiet notoriety. I wonder: What might be the cost of gathering such a library, whether purchasing those tomes, or financing the expeditions to steal them or unearth them from long-lost tombs. However these libraries came to be, and whatever the costs they might need incur, to examine rare and secret tomes in private or “public” collections would be staggering, to say the least.
I suppose that’s why the Citadel of Eight and the Circle of Eight spent so much time exploring dungeons. We – I, anyway – were led to believe that they were questing after magic items and fell tomes (I refer to Mordenkainen’s Fantastic Adventure) to add to their personal collections, but I’m beginning to believe that wasn’t the whole reason for such ventures. I’m beginning to believe they risked life and limb because they needed the cash!

I imagine we must then add yet another month between each bout of research to keep up their pace of “Balancing” the Flanaess, be they networking in far-reaching courts; or chasing down, apprehending, and euthanizing those irritating adversaries that needed such attention. All that must keep an aspiring archmage busy and away from his library and laboratory.
Let’s assume employment of a sage and an apprentice or two might aid in the pursuit of their research; but the DMG was pretty clear that spell research and creation was a time-consuming and lengthy process.
I expect that most of these spells (the higher-level ones, anyway) must have been penned in the 570s, and presumably in either Mordenkainen’s citadel, or in the City of Greyhawk, where innumerable tomes could be had to aid them in their pursuit, and they had access to each others’ input.
(Rary is excluded from these calculations, he not being mentioned all that often in canon, and he may have had quite a few years at his disposal at his tower in Lopollo, prior to joining the Circle; that said, he could only have aided the others after joining the Circle of Eight, to my mind. As to Otiluke, he appears to have been a rather sedentary soul, so his time for research is not in question: he had quite a bit of time on his hands between his joining and passing, between Oligarch sessions.)

So, when exactly could these spells have been created. One might have to ponder their life histories, and when they each might have attained what level to divine when each of their spells might have been created.
One imagines that any wizard can research spells; but one also assumes that the wizard must be able to cast 2nd level spells to have any hope in creating one.
Shall I pursue such an exploration? I shall.

Was this a useful exploration? Unlikely. Who, after all, would possibly care whether Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion was created by Mordenkainen or Leomund, or whether it was a collaboration of the two. Me, apparently.
But it was fun, all the same. For me, anyway.

"Never memorize anything you can look up."
― Albert Einstein

One must always give credit where credit is due. This piece is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.

The Art:
Bigby, by Sam Wood, Living Greyhawk Journal #0, 2000
Drawmij, by Sam Wood, Living Greyhawk Journal #0, 2000
Mordenkainen, by Thomas Denmark, from Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, 2007
Nystul, by Sam Wood, Living Greyhawk Journal #0, 2000
Otto, by Sam Wood, Living Greyhawk Journal #0, 2000
Rary, by Andrew Hue, from Dungeon Magazine #103, 2003
Tenser, Greyhawk Trading Card #213, 1992

2010 Players Handbook 1e, 1978
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
2011 Unearthed Arcana, 1985
2023 Greyhawk Adventures, 1988
2121 Tome of Magic, 1991
Players Option: Spells and Magic, 1996
Complete Mage, 2006
Miniatures Handbook, 2003
Shipwrack, 2005
Arcane Power, 2009


  1. I could be wrong but I believe Mordenkainen’s Magnificent Mansion was Leomuds Tiny Hut in 1E.

  2. Those research costs are indeed ridiculous. Thats where game collides with common sense. The collaboration I can totally see, since the Co8 can't be out adventuring together all the time. As you know, Dragon #82 has those fun books penned by GH luminaries. Mordy and Leo collabed on "Architecture" plus "Weapons of the Ether" by Melf and Mordy fit the bill.
    The part about Otto being too low lvl to cast his own spell is also one of those fun discrepancies of lore writing vs game too. You excel at making sense of it all though. This was a fun topic.
