“All hope abandon, ye who enter here.”
The Divine Comedy![]() |
D3 Vault of the Drow |
As a member of a bold party of adventurers, you and
your associates have trekked far into what seems to be a whole underworld of
subterranean tunnels—arteries connecting endless caves and caverns which
honeycomb the foundations of the lands beneath the sun. [D3 Vault of the
Drow – 2]
It’s been a long road, hasn’t it? It must seem ages ago
since [g]iants have been raiding the lands of men in large bands, with
giants of different sorts in these marauding groups. [G123 Against the
Giants – 2]
It seemed such a simple mission then: deliver a sharp
check, deal a lesson to the clan of hill giants nearby. [G123 – 2]
But that mission led from one to another: from Nosnra’s
steading, to Jarl Grugnur’s glacial rift, and finally unto King Snurre’s sulphurous
hall. None could have imagined that long-forgotten dark elves, the drow, were behind
the attacks, one drow specifically: Eclavdra, a devotee of an Elder Elemental
God, whose temples have fouled nearly everywhere our heroes have searched thus
The drow were defeated, and caused to flee in light of
their failure; but would they be back? One assumes they surely would be. But
when? A year from now? A decade? A century hence?
Our heroes were tasked to find out!
They are to follow any clues discovered if such point
towards the sinister hand suspected of guiding the rising, but to return at
once if they should determine exactly the reason or force behind the unholy
alliance. Some relic of great evil might be at hand. [G123 – 2]
Long story short, a band of heroes does venture into the
depths of the Oerth to discover just that, enduring dangers never before encountered,
or even imagined.
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Overcoming Mind Flayers |
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Belgos & Silussa |
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Drow of the Underoerth |
Could your heroes put an end to the drow threat? For
course not. There isn’t actually a drow threat. The drow are “a people,” not an
Level Boss. Should they try, their fate would be sealed, in short order too. So
says Gary Gygax.
(The adventure is all over for the party if they are
still there. All escape will be blocked, so just tell them a heroic struggle
results in death for many of the Drow and their allies, but all of the party
eventually fall. Finis.) [D3 – 12]
The take-away is stealth is their only hope to accomplish
what they’ve come to do.
I ramble. Not a good thing. I must be forgiven, however, because
if I am to be condemned for doing so, so must Gary Gygax. If you’ve ever read
D3 you know what I mean. This “module” is a hard read. It’s scattered. It’s not
even a module, it’s the culmination of an investigation; in fact, it’s an
accessory, a setting.
It’s also a reprint of a whole lot of previously
published material. Encounter tables prior to entering the vault are identical
to those in D2. Drow, Kuo-Toa, and Svirfnebli treatments are either copied
verbatim, or condensed from G123 and D1-2. Their inclusion would be a good
thing if this were the only module of the D series you have; but what are the chances
of that? You likely bought the whole series. So why is all this – what some
might call – superfluous material included? Because that’s what was done then.
Modules had encounter tables. Modules had “new” monsters included in the last
few pages. They aren’t new, though, are they. Thus: filler!
What is new? Abundant florid text about the vault, and
what characters will “see.”
The true splendor of the Vault can be appreciated only
by those with infravision, or by use of the roseate lenses or a gem of seeing.
The Vault is a strange anomaly, a hemispherical cyst in the crust of the earth,
an incredibly huge domed fault over 6 miles long and nearly as broad. The dome
overhead is a hundred feet high at the walls, arching to several thousand feet
height in the center. When properly viewed, the radiation from certain unique
minerals give the visual effect of a starry heaven, while near the zenith of
this black stone bowl is a huge mass of tumkeoite — which in its slow decay and
transformation to lacofcite sheds a lurid gleam, a ghostly plum-colored light
to human eyes, but with ultravision a wholly different sight.
The small "star" nodes glow in radiant hues
of mauve, lake, violet, puce, lilac, and deep blue. The large "moon"
of tumkeoite casts beams of shimmering amethyst which touch the crystalline
formations with colors unknown to any other visual experience. The lichens seem
to glow in rose madder and pale damson, the fungi growths in golden and red
ochres, vermillions, russets, citron, and aquamarine shades. (Elsewhere the river
and other water courses sheen a deep velvety purple with reflected highlights
from the radiant gleams overhead vying with streaks and whorls of old silver
where the liquid laps the stony banks or surges against the ebon piles of the
jetties and bridge of the elfin city for the viewers' attention.) The rock
walls of the Vault appear hazy and insubstantial in the wine-colored light,
more like mist than solid walls. The place is indeed a dark fairyland. [D3
– 11]
Some might call this “High Gygaxian.” I call it purple
prose. Imagine what might have been included, if Gygax had limited his pages of
descriptive text, opting for other… stuff….
I rant. Not a good thing. We do get more, thankfully – a
lot more, actually.
We get a map of the vault, indicating where all the
merchant clans are.
MERCHANT VILLA: There are 16 of these
multiple building strongholds, 1 for each clan. […] Each villa consists of a
walled compound with a large (c. 20 room) house surrounding a private fungi
garden built into one wall, a stable for the pack lizards with barracks above
to one side of the compound, several smaller buildings (3-5 rooms each) and a
slaves quarters on the other, and a small gate house. A clan device will be
shown above the gate. [D3 – 13]
But there are no maps of those villas.
We get descriptions of Bugbear caves and Troglodyte
caves; but no maps. We get detailed descriptions of the Male Fighter Society
encampment, and the Female Fighter Society enclave; but no maps.
We get crucial information on what the characters will require
if they are to have any hope carrying out their mission: Medallions! They may
even already have them.
[I]f the expedition kills the mind flayers and prove
their deed to any Drow they happen to meet, it is 90% probable that the Dark
Elves will be friendly with the party despite any past conflicts, and if the
adventurers express an interest, give them a black medallion-the pass which
will enable them to go through Drow areas without undue questioning or
molestation! [D1-2 – 3]
Having drow in their debt could prepare them for what they
might expect, too:
The stronger lllithid is near the cave pool with a
bound Drow merchant captive. The mind flayer is questioning the Dark Elf about
the current alliances, power groups, and feuds between the Drow clans and noble
houses. If the lllithid gets any chance, he will kill the Drow so no tales can
be carried by him. [D1-2 – 7]
Without either, our heroes aren’t going to have an easy
It is the custom house and checkpoint for all aliens
entering the Drow homeland. All with medallions are relieved of the devices,
questioned briefly regarding the purpose of their visit (trade, sport,
gambling, learning, or whatever) and issued a cloak which glows a brilliant
lime green infravisually. Such individuals are permitted to move freely to and
within the city to the north or even wander about the Vault anywhere south of
the great river — at their own risk, of course. Any alien taken without
medallion or cloak is instantly slain; those without cloaks beyond this place
are either enslaved or slain according to the whim of the Drow. There are
exceptions. Aliens with a brooch of one of the merchant clans or noble houses
are allowed to keep their special pins and need not wear a green cloak either,
but they will be required to display their special pass (the brooch) whenever
requested, and woe to the adventurer who fails to have a glib tongue if the
interrogator happens to be of the clan or house of the pass (or worse still an
enemy of that clan or house). [D3 – 11]
Let’s assume they had medallions and a “guide” in their
debt: They enter the vault, and ultimately the city.
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Erelhei-Cinlu |
The alien and strangely disturbing buildings of
Erelhei-Cinlu are crowded together in a welter which confuse any not born and
bred to the place. Its crooked, narrow streets and alleys are dimly illuminated
by signs scribed in phosphorescent chemicals and occasional lichen growths or
fire beetle cages. Not even the Drow are certain what horrors lurk in the
sewers beneath, but the rooftops are home to many sorts of large, huge, and
giant spiders. [D3 – 15]
There are new encounter tables for the vault and for
Erelhei-Cinlu, the drow city, and descriptions thereof. All very useful.
Absolutely none of it is mapped. Not one street, not one tavern, not even one typical
street or alleyway. Luckily for us, others have done a great deal of this work
in the decades that followed to make up for this egregious oversight.
None of all this, however, will help the DM bring this
complex “module” to life.
Admittedly, some passages are very suggestive:
Rakes roaming the streets in
Erelhei-Cinlu are bands of bitter youths, often outcasts. The band will be
composed of either Drow, Drow-elves, and half-Drow (human cross) or Drow, half-Drow,
and (1-2) half-orcs. The former sort of group is 40% likely, the latter 60%.
Drow crosses will have magic resistance equal to their Dark Elven heritage but
no spell ability. The bands with elven-Drow members will be hostile to all they
perceive as part of the system which prevails in their world, and the Dark
Elves with them are of the few who are neither totally degenerate nor wholly
evil—they are haters of the society around them and see no good in it. All
rakes will be fighters of 4th-7th level of ability (or in
the case of groups with half-orcs, fighter/thieves of 3rd-5th/4th-7th
or fighter/assassins of 4th-6th/4th-6th
level are 50% likely for half-Drow and half-orc rakes). The first sort of group
will wear chain shirts under their garments (+1 or +2) and have +1 weapons. The
latter groups will not wear armor, and they will be likely to have a few +3
weapons. Rakes encountered inside will be seated so as to appear to be several
smaller groups. Those outside will be in 2 or 3 groups so as to surround and
surprise their victims. All will scatter when a patrol or nobles appear, for
they are greatly disliked by the Drow military and upper class. [D3 – 16]
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Enemies Abound |
Deep Gnomes: These relatives of common gnomes are
reclusive creatures of neutral (with good tendencies) alignment. [D3 – 5]
Freed slaves will co-operate fully with rescuers until
a place of relative safety is reached. [D3 – 8]
Kuo-Toan spies will always be in or near the water. […]
If not in the water, they will be clad in black Drow cloaks and make every
attempt to avoid being detected. [D3 – 8]
If the party manages a friendly meeting with a group
of Drow/Drow-elves/half-Drow rakes the youths will tell them about the worship
of the Demoness Lolth and the way to her "Egg." The rakes will
accompany the party to the area in question if a plan which seems reasonable to
them is put forth. They will also leave the Vault-Egg areas in the course of
adventuring. [D3 – 16]
Thieves will be of several racial types. [D3 – 16]
Neutral magic-users will be open to any reasonable
offers, of course… [D3 – 16]
Even drow:
Merchant clans are nominally allied in pairs to a
noble house, thus making a perfect balance of power, but due to intrigue and
feuding between the merchants and nobles, there is an uneven balance. Feuding
and raids are fairly common. [D3 – 14]
There is even more enmity between noble houses. Intrigue
and betrayal are everywhere. These are drow, after all. Our heroes are
going to have to make contact with one or more of these Merchant Clans and
Noble Houses; how else will they any hope of gaining access to Eclavdra’s ESTATE
OF THE HOUSE OF EILSERVS, and put an end to her threat?
Speaking of which, consider what is arguably the most
important part of this publication:
serves as the exclusive preserve of the Drow nobles. Each of the 8 noble houses
has its own estate and a palace-fortress complex thereon. Although there are no
forests of fungi and crystal growths, there are small brakes and copses of
these things growing along the road and between estate boundaries.
Each estate consists of a large (30+ room) palace
surrounded by outbuildings and connecting walls to form a large compound.
Outbuildings include 2-4 small villas, barracks, stables, menagerie, and slave
quarters. [D3 – 17]
The guards, servants, and slaves are sketched out; so too
that displacer beasts and nightmares are within the walls; but as can be
expected, none are named (typically Gygaxian, isn’t it?), nor are any estates
Most importantly, to my mind, Eclavdra’s stats are not
given. You have to have G123 (G3, specifically) to have them!
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Eclavdra |
- First Level: cause light wounds, curse, darkness, fear, resist cold (x2)
- Second Level: hold person, hold person, know alignment, silence (15' r.), silence (15' r.), silence (15' r.)
- Third Level: blindness, dispel magic, prayer, disease
- Fourth Level: cause serious wounds, cure serious wounds, poison
- Fifth Level: flame strike, true seeing
In addition, all of the Drow can employ the following
spells once per day:
- dancing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect magic, know alignment, levitate
The EHP'SS is also able to use these spells once per
day: clairvoyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel magic
[G123 – 25]
Okay, I’m lying. She is included in D3. Here she is:
10th/4th cleric/fighter female (Eclavdra*) (HP.: 60;
AC-8) [D3 – 18]
Eilservs magic items include the following: great
tentacle rod** (strikes 6 times at 1 opponent as 6 hit dice monster, with +6
"to hit" bonus, inflicting 6 h.p. damage/hit, 3 simultaneous –
opponent at -4 on attacks for 3 rounds, 6 simultaneous hits and victim loses 1
point of dexterity permanently and at -4 on attacks for 6 rounds in addition),
2 lesser tentacle rods** (strike 3 times each at 1 opponent as 3 hit dice
monster, with +3 "to hit" bonus, inflict 3 h.p. damage/hit: 1st
rod causes double damage and slows opponent for 9 rounds if 3 tentacles hit
simultaneously; 2nd rod causes double damage plus making right or
left arm weak and useless for 9 rounds), a wand of viscid globs, a +3 ring of
protection, a cold sword, 9 magical bolts for hand crossbows—3 each stunning
(10' radius blast stuns for 1-4 rounds), blinding (burst of light in 10' radius
blinds all who fail save vs. magic for 1-4 rounds), stinking vapors (a 30' x
30' x 20' cloud of gas which is the same as a stinking cloud spell (q.v.)), an
earth elemental stone, and useful items to be determined at random: 5 potions,
6 scrolls, 1 ring, 2 rod/staff/wand, and 3 miscellaneous magic items. Lyme
commands a stone golem. [D3 – 18]
[Keep in mind that these are all of the
magic items of House Eilserv, and not exclusively Eclavdra’s.]
*If Eclavdra was slain during the course of play of
MODULE G1-2-3, she will have been cloned by her consort, Lyme, so in any event
she will be ruler.
"If the greater tentacle rod is taken or
destroyed, both lesser rods will be destroyed, and Eclavdra will have a rod of
rulership; if either or both of the lesser rods are taken or destroyed from
previous adventuring, duplicates will be in the possession of the Eilservs.
Note all 3 rods must have a special ring worn by the wielder in order to use
their powers. They are usable only by clerics, and Eclavdra has the necessary
rings. [D3 – 18]
Am I quibbling? I am. Which block of text would you rather have at your disposal?
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Inside the Great Fane |
It's puzzling….
And ultimately inexplicable to me.
I’m being really critical, aren’t I? I am. There’s a lot
to be critical of; but there’s also a lot to be said about this module, too. It
is incredibly detailed. But like I said earlier, everything important is
scattered about, and it will take multiple readings, and detailed notetaking,
to figure out what to do with it all. It’s a lot of work. And it will be a lot
of work too if you’ve a mind to run it. Then again, so is the Free City of
Greyhawk. Or any other city. It’s replete with people: drow, orcs, bugbears,
trogs, to say nothing of demons by the dozen; its also chalk full of humans,
elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings too, some of them slaves, some of them there
for whatever nefarious reasons they are. It's up to you to decide who they are,
what they’re doing, who they’re loyal to, if anyone, and if they are to be a
help or a hindrance.
Are these my only thoughts? No. I’ve others.
I’ll try to unravel them in a follow-up to this rambling
Maybe that post will be more focused and coherent than
this one.
“Do not be afraid; our fate
Cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.”
InfernoOne must always
give credit where credit is due. This post is made possible primarily by the
Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the
new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary
Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
The Art:
Eclavdra (front cover art), by Erol Otus, from D3 Vault of the Drow, 1980
Mind Flayer (back cover), by Bill Willingham, from D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth, 1980
Belgos & Silussa, by Jeff Dee, from D3 Vault of the Drow, 1980
Drow of the Underoerth, by Grant Goleash, from FOR The Drow of the Underdark 2e, 1991
A Garden of Resplendent Hues, from Drow of the Underdark 3e, 2007
Vault of the Drow map, by Christopher West, from Dragon Magazine #298, 2002
Erelhei-Cinlu, by Tomas Giorello, from Drow of the Underdark 3e, 2007
Erelhei-Cinlu map, by Christopher West, from Dragon Magazine #298, 2002
Arena, by William O'Connor, from Drow of the Underdark 3e, 2007
Eclavdra, by Erol Otus, from D3 Vault of the Drow, 1980
Lolth Statue, by Jeff Dee, from D3 Vault of the Drow, 1980
9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
2009 Monster Manual 1e, 1977, 1978
2011 Players handbook 1e, 1978
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
9018 G3 Hall of the Fire Mountain King,
9019 D1 Descent Into the Depths of the
Earth, 1978
9020 D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa, 1978
9059 D1-2 Descent Into the Depths of the
Earth, 1978, 1980
9021 D3 Vault of the Drow, 1978, 1980
9058 G123 Against the Giants, 1978, 1981
I went through this back in the 80s and nearly had a TPK. I later ran my family through it at consecutive Gen Cons recently and had an absolute blast with it.
ReplyDeleteGreyhawk Grongard wrote two modules (D4 and Q2) to help resolve the issues at the of D3.