“I hear much of people's calling out to punish the
guilty, but very few are concerned to clear the innocent.”
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Sulward |
Has there ever been a more
beguiling jewel than the Duxchan Isles? Dangers lurk beneath its bucolic facade.
Its atolls sting with jellies and man-o’-war. Sharks and schools of barracuda
prowl reefs that narrow the narrowest of sounds. Currents rush, tides rip. And if
those weren’t enough, a ragtag menagerie of buccaneers and freebooters infest
its ports, ever watchful of what might be harvested upon the high seas. Indeed,
there are as many devil-may-care swashbucklers in port as asea.
There’s truth in that. For if there
ever was a plot upon Oerik where villainy has flourished more than most it
would be in this supposed paradise. Pirates and privateers prowl the shallows
and shoals and betwixt the isthmuses rise and fall with the tides. Hidden coves
and high and rocky cliffs drape inlet caves in secreting shadow, keeping what
may from prying eyes, safe from taxes, secure from censure.
It’s always been this way, the
State claimed. Villains, every one of them, crying tyranny and suppression when
they were little more that murderers, smugglers, and anarchists.
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Villains, every one of them... |
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A Tropical Island Milieu |
The Lordship of the Isles has always been besieged or
occupied: first by the Kingdom of Aerdy, then by the Great Kingdom, and now by
the Scarlet Brotherhood. They watch and wait, and calmly, silently, rebel. And
go about their business as they always have. Quietly. Covertly. Their families
depend on their caution, and their cunning. And patience. They know that the
Red Robes will all too soon have to retreat back into their rocky, inhospitable
peninsula. In time. They’ve overextended themselves. They had not the fleet to
retain their gains. In fact, it’s all too apparent that the Fathers and Uncles
are already losing their grip on these innumerable islands and cays, too many
for any nation to truly control. It taxed them. It weakened them. It was only a
matter of time before the Islanders were rid of yet another overlord. Until
then, the fleets of the Lordship enjoy free passage over all the southern seas
they had once had to too often “share” with lesser mariners than their selves. They’ve
been at war with the Sea Barons to the north, and with the Sea Princes to the
far west, for as long as any salt can remember. Indeed, the Duxchaners would
have it no other way. The Barons and Princes are as piratical as they
themselves are professed by others to be.
Inspiration can be found in the Pirates of the Caribbean films. Nautical
adventure might be inspired by the “Master and Commander” series by Patrick
O’Brian; as well as “Treasure Island” and “Kidnapped” by Robert Lewis
Stevenson; and Herman Melville’s novels. Joseph Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness,”
and the film “Apocalypse Now” evoke tropical possibilities.
Further inspiration can be found in the “Golden Age of
Piracy: A General History of Pyrates,” by Daniel Defoe; “Pirates: A Complete
History from 1300 BC to the Present Day,” by Angus Konstrum; and “Pirates: A
New History, from Vikings to Somali Raiders,” by Peter Lehr.
Country specific resources:
"Dwellers of the Forbidden City", Hepmonaland
"Freeport", 3rd party supplement by Green Ronin
Other pertinent resources include:
Dragon #204 – A Strange Alliance
Dragon #206 – The Sea Barons
Both are excerpts from Ivid the Undying by Carl
Sargent, available here.
Further details can be found in:
The Greyhawk Folio, The Greyhawk setting boxed set,
Greyhawk Adventures, Greyhawk Wars, From the Ashes Boxed Set, Living Greyhawk
Gazetteer, and Dragon magazine #52,55,57,63
Dragon #116 – High Seas
To some extent you can adapt information on the Lendore
Isles to the Lordship of the Isles.
L1 – Secret of Bone Hill
L2 – Assassin’s Knot
Adventures in this country include:
World of Greyhawk Gazetteer (Gold Box), Jungle of Lost
Greyhawk Adventures, Diver Down
Dragon #78 – Citadel by the Sea, Generic
Dungeon #3 – The Deadly Sea and A Desperate Rescue, Generic
Dungeon #4 – Kingdom in the Swamp, Generic, and Escape from the Tower of Midnight,
Generic (Thieves)
Dungeon #6 – After the Storm, Generic
Dungeon #8 – For a Lady’s Honor, and Flowers of
Flame, Generic (Thieves)
Dungeon #9 – The Ghostship Gambit, Generic
Dungeon #10 – They Also Serve, Generic (Thieves)
Dungeon #11 – Wards of Witching Ways, Generic
Dungeon #12 – Light of Lost Souls, and Intrigue
in the Deeps, Generic
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Dungeon #49 – The Dark Place, and North of Norabel |
Dungeon #15 – The Wreck of the Shining Star,
Dungeon #16 – Vesicant, Generic
Dungeon #34 – The
Lady Rose, Generic
Dungeon #39 – Last
of the Iron House, Generic
Dungeon #49 – The Dark Place, and North of Norabel, Generic
Dungeon #50 – The Vaka’s Curse, Generic
Dungeon #62 – Rat Trap, Generic (Thieves)
Dungeon #66 – The Sunken Shadow, Generic
Dungeon #74 – The Scourge of Scalabar, Generic
Dungeon #87 – Glacier
Dungeon #97 – Blind Man’s Bluff, Generic
Dungeon #107 – Dead Man’s Quest, Generic
Dungeon #116 – Death in Lashmire, Generic
Dungeon #125 – Seekers of the Forge, Generic
Dungeon #136 – Company of Thieves, Generic
Dungeon #156 – The Last Breath, Generic
Dungeon #107 – Dead Man’s Quest, Generic
- Sea adventures
- Serving aboard naval, merchant, and privateer vessels
- Fending off pirates and raiders
- Scarlet Brotherhood agents
- The Sinking Isles
- Sahuagin, Sea Elves, and Tritons
- Expeditions into the Solnor Ocean
- Faction wars. The three main cultures and many factions
of the isles are constantly engaged against each other in both overt and subtle
ways. Currently, the Suel Duxchaners have the upper hand as the Scarlet Brotherhood
assisted in a campaign to depose the Oeridian lord in favor of their own puppet
Prince. The Oeridians, often in alliance with the Olman, are engaged in a
campaign against these new overlords.
- Safe transport. Ships seeking to make port both inside and outside the
archipelago are always looking for skilled crew to defend their vessel against
the many dangers that confront them, including pirates, sea monsters, and other
- Exploring ruins. Numerous ruins dot the jungles of these lands, especially on
Ganode and Ansabo. These places are often dedicated to dark and inscrutable
gods and hide many treasures and magic unique to this realm.
- Monster hunt. The many creatures who inhabit these isles pose both a danger
to the natives and are highly prized in the north. Parties of adventurers can
make a good living going after these monsters, especially if they can take some
of the specimens alive.
Adventures in nearby areas include:
The Stolen
Seal, World of
Greyhawk Boxed Set, Ratik
The Dancing
Hut of Baba Yaga
Forge of
Fury, Bone March
I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City, Hepmonaland
Tomb of Annihilation 5e, Hepmonaland, Vast Swamp
I12 Egg of the Phoenix, Dullstrand (noted
on Canonfire! It’s a bit of a stretch, but it you flip the map…)
S1 Tomb of Horrors, The Vast Swamp
L1 The Secret of Bone Hill, Spindrift Isles
L2 The Assassins Knot, Spindrift Isles
L4 Devilspawn, Spindrift Isles (available on
L5 The Kroton Adventures, Spindrift Isles
(available on Dragonsfoot)
Dungeon #4, Kingdom of the Swamp, Generic
Dungeon #71, Priestly Secrets, Spindrift Isles
Dungeon #84, Armistice,
Griff Mountains
Dungeon #87, The
Sharm’s Dark Song
Dungeon #89, Wedding Bells, South
Dungeon #91, Kambranex’s Mechinations, South
Dungeon #95, The
Witch of Serpent's Bridge, Schnai
Dungeon #121/Ghosts of Saltmarsh – The Styes,
South Province/Ahlissa
Dungeon #123, The Salvage Operation, Tivenot
Dungeon #148, In
the Shadows of Spinecastle, Bone March
Although later
retconned into the Yeomanry, B1 Into the Unknown (in the
monochrome edition) was originally suggested as located in Ratik. That would
make north Ratik an ideal location for B1 Keep on the Borderlands, as
The Scarlet Brotherhood
Thunder in the Earth, HepmonalandFire of the Worlds Heart, HepmonalandDeath on Black Wings, HepmonalandSky of Mourning, HepmonalandPray to a Different God, HepmonalandShaman, Hepmonaland
CH2 The Tears that Forever Stain, casl Entertainment.
2021, Hepmonaland
FB1 While
on the Road to Cavrik's Cove, casl Entertainment, 2021, Ratik
LF1 The 9, from casl Entertainment, 2021, Medegia
- Oeridian Ruins and the Betching Vortex of Leuk-O (see: Kambranex’s Machinations)
- Spy on the Dullstrand/Scarlet Brotherhood/Sea
Barons/South Province
- Trade expeditions to Ratik, Sunndi, North Province,
South Province
- Sea adventures upon the Solnor and the Aerdy Seas
- Adventuring in the Lendore/Spindrift Isles
- South of the isles, lies the great subcontinent known
as Hepmonaland, which is dominated by tropical forests and innumerable ruins
and adventuring opportunities.
- East of the isles lie two unique features, the reef known as Turucambi and
the so-called Jungle of Lost Ships, a great sargasso where numerous vessels
have gone lost over the centuries.
Lordship of the Isles: So [Dragon # 55 – 18]
[One must add a touch of Olman and Flan, considering
later lore addition]
Lordship of the Isles: neutral, chaotic neutral;
Oeridian, [Aerdian], Suloise, (Ferral). [Dragon # 52 – 20]
[Note that Duxchaners are not prone to evil]
Most of these geographically isolated areas were
settled centuries ago by Suloise peoples fleeing the Oeridians [.] [TAB
– 18]
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Latmac Ranold |
(Principality) Member of the Iron League
His Exalted Highness Latmac Ranold, the Prince of
Duxchan; Lord of the Isles; Scourge of the Waves (Fighter, 16th level)
Capital: Sulward (pop. 5,500)
Population: 80,000 +
Demi-humans: Few
Humanoids: Doubtful
Resources: rare woods, spices
[LGG – 71/WoGA – 28]
584 CY
Ruler: (in name) His Exalted Highness, Prince Frolmar
Ingerskatti (Scarlet Brotherhood)
Capital: Sulward (pop. 5,000)
[FtAA – 30]
591 CY
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Prince Frolmar Ingerskatti |
Ruler: His Exalted Highness, Prince Frolmar Ingerskatti
of Duxchan, Lord of the Isles, Scourge of the Waves (N male human Ftr12)
Government: "Independent monarchy"
(principality) that is actually a puppet state of the Scarlet Brotherhood,
which manages most military, judicial, religious, and economic affairs; prince
has real but limited powers, affecting the Brotherhood's rule only through
force of his own charisma and cleverness.
Capital: Sulward
Major Towns: Duxchan (pop. 8,900), Sulward (pop. 7,200),
Mahan (pop. 4,100)
Provinces: Seven islands, each its own noble province:
duchy of Diren (capital: Sulward); duchy of Ansabo (capital: Duxchan); duchy of
Ganode (capital: Mahan); county of Jehlum; county of Mirim; county of Luda; and
barony of Temil
Resources: Rare woods, spices, shipbuilding supplies
Population: 266,000—Human 79% (Soz) [also Flan, see LGG
pg. 70], Elf 9% (high), Halfling 5%, Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc
Languages: Common, Ancient Suloise, Elven, Halfling
Alignments: N, CN, NE*, LE, CE [The Isles have become
increasingly evil since 576, likely due to Brotherhood colonisation.
Religions: Osprem, Xerbo, Norebo, Syrul, Wee Jas, other
Suloise gods
[LGG – 70]
“There was a sound in their voices which suggested
Fifteen men on the dead man's chest—
...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest—
...Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
One must always
give credit where credit is due. This Primer is made possible primarily by the
Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the
new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary
Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Special thanks
to Jason Zavoda for his compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research
It has been
expanded from the original postcard found in Canonfire’s “Touring the Flanaess”
index, its author left undeclared, and some passages from that scholarly work
reside with this piece.
The Art:
Lordship of the Isles detail, by Darlene, from World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
Dungeon #49 cover, by Paul Jaquays, 1994
I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City cover, by Erol Otus, 1981
L4 Devilspawn cover, by Brian Thomas, 2008
Lordship of the Isles heraldry, adapted from World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
World of Greyhawk Folio, 1981
World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
The Adventure Begins, 1998
Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Magazine #52, 55
B. Meyer’s Greyhawk Map
Awesome! Only you can pull together so much info related to an area. This is one spot I've always admired but never got around to using or writing about. Kudos again!