So shines a good deed in a weary world.”
The Merchant
of Venice![]() |
Jallarzi Sallavarain |
The mysterious assembly of wizards known as the Circle
of Eight has long benefited from a past obscured by misinformation and enigma. [LGG – 156]
Most members of
this mysterious assembly prefer it that way, I imagine. Were they common
knowledge, carrying out their aims would be extremely difficult.
The group's influence reaches from the Baklunish west
to the Solnor Ocean, though its secretive methods ensure that few know the
extent of its ministrations. [LGG –
Kings would
demand fealty of them, were they known. And tyrants and despots and fell beings
could easily threaten their very existence, couldn’t they? Best then to work in
secret, to blend into the shadows of anonymity.
So, what do “we”
know about them?
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The Circle of Eight |
Their base of
operations is the Free City of Greyhawk. Few of them live there, though.
Two merit members of that body (Otto and Jallarzi
Sallavarian) have homes in Greyhawk; all the others (Mordenkainen, Bigby,
Drawmij, Alhamazad, Nystul, Warnes Starcoat, and Theodain Eriason) visit on an
irregular basis. Tenser, a former member, lives near the city in a fortress on
the south shore of the Nyr Dyv. [TAB
– 7]
Indeed, none are
native to that great city. They would appear to be citizens of the wider
One thing can be
said of them, however: they are all powerful wizards. Each and every one of
them. They would have to be to guide and affect the course of the Flanaess as
they profess to do.
Regardless of background, most wizards are identified
by a single name: Mordenkainen or Bigby are examples. Generally, the higher a
mage’s eminence, the more likely this is, though there are extremely powerful
mages with multiple names, like Jallarzi Sallavarian [….] [PGtG – 48]
And they are a
disparate menagerie of mages.
Thus far I have
pondered the original eight: Otto and Otiluke, Nystul, and Drawmij, Bigby and
Tenser. And Bucknard and Rary. But members come ang go. It’s time then to cast
light on those members who replaced those who left the assembly, however they
might have departed it.
The first of these
is Jallarzi Sallavarian:
Jallarzi Sallavarian, Wiz15: HP 47, AL NG. Str 10,
Dex 18, Con 10, Int 19, Wis 17, Cha 17. [LGJ#0 – 8]
Jallarzi is a tall (5 ft. 7 in.) woman of striking
features. [LGJ #0 – 9]
She prefers to dress comfortably in silks and satins
imported from the Far West, and though the material would seem to belie an
opulent lifestyle, she prefers function over style in clothing, often eschewing
the flowing skirts so popular in the Garden Quarter for simple breeches. [LGJ
#0 – 9]
She is also known to disguise herself and creep
through the seedier areas of town in order to spy on the shady side of society.
[PGtG – 22]
Jallarzi rarely travels alone, for the pseudodragon,
Edwina, constantly flutters at her side, occasionally acting as a messenger in
times of need. The creature is fiercely loyal, and the few attempts that have
been made to abduct it have met with dismal failure and, given Jallarzi's
extensive contacts in the City Watch, unusually harsh sentences. [LGJ#0 –
Edwina -
Edwina is the familiar of Jallarzi Sallavarian [.] [CoG:FFF – 82]
Jallarzi is
unique in that she was the first woman asked to join the Circle. Indeed, she
remains the only woman to date to be asked to join the Circle.
The only woman in the Eight and one of the few leaning
more toward good than neutrality [.]
[She] uses her other affiliations to benefit the
Circle whenever possible. […] [PGtG
– 22]
That makes her very special, indeed. So, who is Jallarzi
Sallavarian? To answer that we need to begin at the beginning….
549 CY
Jallarzi Sallavarian is born. [In “The Adventure Begins”
it is noted that Jallarzi is 42 years old. The Adventure Begins sets the date
as 591 CY. 42-year-old Jallarzi Sallavarian {TAB – 88}]
She was born into the gentry of the Duchy of Urnst, an
affluent daughter of influence.
Lady Xenia SaIlavarian, a distant cousin of both the
Circle of Eight member Jallarzi and Duke Karll of Urnst […] [TAB – 31]
She is nearly purebred Suel, [with] pale skin and
curly, honey-blonde hair [.] [LGJ#0 – 9]
As are most citizens of the Duchy of Urnst, it would
Urnst, Duchy of
Population: 751,850—Human 79% (S) [LGG – 124]
The Suel race is very fair-skinned, some being almost
albino. They have light red, yellow, blond, or platinum blonde hair. Eye color
varies from pale blue or violet through deep blue, with gray occasionally
occurring. Curly to kinky hair is common. The inhabitants of the Duchy of Ernst
[sic] are nearly of pure Suel race. [WoGA – 13]
Being Suel does not necessitate their being evil, however.
Alignments: LG, NG*, N [LGG – 124]
Indeed, Jallarzi is indicative of the temperament of her
nation, being NG.
Jallarzi grows up in Nellix, seat of the Sallavarians. [Conjecture]
Lady Xenia Sallavarian [...] taken back to Nellix, where [she] is tended by her family. [TAB - 31]
563 CY
Jallarzi's family moves to Leukish after she exhibits an aptitude for magic. She begins study at 14. [Conjecture]
Born into minor nobility in the Duchy of Urnst, she
studied magic as a teen under the mysterious Seer of Urnst and the redoubtable
Warnes Starcoat. [LGJ#0 – 8]
I expect she began her tutelage under Warnes; and it was
only after the scope of her talent became evident that she came to the
attention of the celebrated (and perhaps infamous) Seer. [The Greyhawk Wiki has
her tutors reversed, but I find it had to believe that the Seer would waste his
time on a green student, however well-connected she was.]
Why infamous?
[P]artially shrouded in shadow [,] the mysterious
magician known only as the Seer[’s] features are indistinguishable beneath the
long robe which hides all but his gnarled hands from view. "It is
fortunate for all of you that the Duke is both a wise and merciful ruler."
His words are almost musiclike but have a strangely malevolent undertone.
[C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness – 4]
Few altruist souls are described as “strangely
564 CY
[T]he Chief Magical Councilor of the Duke, an
enigmatic figure known only as the Seer of Urnst. The [Seer and Warnes
Starcoat] quickly came at odds (it is said that the [Seer] practiced dark,
forbidden rites) and Warnes left Urnst for the Flanaess and adventure, coming
to live in the Free City of Greyhawk for some time. [LGJ#0 – 11]
Did adventure truly call to Warnes; it might have: He was
young and brash, merely 29 years old.
Warnes was born [in 535 CY {585-50}.] [Rot8 – 59]
Did he leave willingly? Was it prudent that he should leave
Urnst? Did he leave in haste, without much notice? Might that have had
something to do with the shadowy Seer’s dark and forbidding rites? Whatever the
reason, the Seer took the young Jallarzi under his wing. One wonders what he
hoped to gain by instructing the young Jallarzi? Political influence? He had
that already. Leverage? One wonders. One also wonders what that tutelage was
like; and whether Jallarzi harboured resentment towards Warnes after his sudden
Jallarzi is 15.
570 CY
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Justinian |
The dynasty of House Lorinar began in 497, and has
provided Urnst with a number of capable rulers. The primary exception to this
was Justinian, Karll's older brother, who ruled briefly in 570-571 CY. A
devotee of the philosophical school of "Skepticism," realized in the
writings of Urnst-born scholars Daesnar Braden and Elbain Hothchilde, Justinian
questioned the divinity of the gods, increasing temple taxes some three hundred
percent upon gaining office. [LGG – 125]
That philosophy, and that increase – which might be
construed as religious suppression – would not have garnished much support for
Justinian from the devout. Indeed, it likely made him quite a few enemies.
Jallarzi would have been rather critical.
Jallarzi […]
Temple of Pelor, since she is an ardent worshipper of this deity. [CoG:FFF – 27]
The events of C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness occur in 570
For many years legends of the Soul Gem persisted. And
so it happened that one day, not long ago, while researching in some ancient
tomes, the great Seer of Urnst discovered the strange account of the Soul Gem
and the legend of its master. […]
Turning to Justinian Lorinar, Duke of Urnst for aid,
the Seer recounted to him the story of the Soul Gem and of the magician's own unsuccessful
attempt to recover it. He convinced the Duke that the gem could be both a very
powerful protection from one's enemies and a great tool with which to battle
the forces of evil. He confided that he, the Seer, knew how to use the gem's
power and could teach Duke Lorinar this knowledge, if he could but obtain the
jewel. [C2 – 2]
571 CY
Justinian’s rule was not long, Soul Gem or no Soul Gem.
The duchy had never been a particularly religious
place, but the subsequent razing of Leukish's defiant temple of Zilchus
triggered the Temple Coalition Revolt, during which great riots embroiled the
capital. In 571, most churches withdrew from Urnst, declaring the duke
and his noble advisers, the Honorable Chamber, heretics. When Justinian found
himself sorely wounded in battle with Bright Desert dervishes later that year,
no cleric in the land would heal him. [LGG – 125]
572 CY
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Karll |
Karll, a ranger at Stalwart Pines, reluctantly gained
the [Urnst] throne in 572 CY. Though Karll is kind-hearted and a great friend
to those he cares for, it took him a long time to care for the business of the
nation. [LGG – 125]
The Seer was less thrilled.
[The] enigmatic archmage known as the Seer, [was] expelled
from court in 572 CY [.] [LGG – 126]
Why was he expelled? Dark, forbidden rites might have
something to do with that.
Jallarzi is 23.
573 CY
Rumours began to circulate concerning the exploits of talented
and adventurous mages abroad. All too soon those very same mages were seen in
![]() |
Bucknard |
The young and
impressionable Jallarzi would have been seduced by the exploits of these magi: Mordenkainen,
Tenser and Bigby and Bucknard, each were as daring as her cousin Karll!
[Karll] could often be found hunting giants in the
Abbor-Alz, or exploring the depths of the Celadon with his elven friends. [LGG
– 125]
They were young,
these wizards, unlike the gnarled Seer, dashing and attractive too. Especially
Bucknard was fairly young when he disappeared but he
was rumored to have become an archmage and was well-known in royal courts from
Keoland to Nyrond. [PGtG – 23]
She did wonder
why they were in Urnst. Urnst was boring, to her mind, unlike far Blackmoor and
the metropolitan Free City. Why indeed?
While no one disputed his ability as a ranger, many
questioned his aptitude for leadership. In this environment, corruption
fermented in the capital. While Karll adventured, Hadric, a self-interested
mayor, really ran Leukish, and gripped the entire nation in an economic stranglehold.
[LGG – 125]
574 CY
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Edwina |
It was there that she became acquainted with Edwina.
Edwina -
Edwina is the familiar of Jallarzi Sallavarian, who
used a find familiar spell to summon the little creature from her home in the
Gnarley Forest. [CoG:FFF – 82]
It was in the Gnarley Forest that she soon learned that
caution was at the very least the equal of valour.
She does not act precipitously in combating evil.
“Victory tomorrow is better than rushing to defeat today” is an old Suloise
proverb she often uses. [CoG:FFF – 27]
She is 25 years old.
575 CY
Mordenkainen and Tenser and Bigby weren’t the only
wizards mentioned in the courts of Urnst. Warnes Starcoat was all too soon a
homegrown hero, exciting the imagination of the people of his native land.
Warnes came to real prominence in CY 575, after
defeating the plots of a certain mysterious magus, known only as the Weird of
Gnatmarsh. [LGJ#0 – 11]
576 CY
![]() |
Warnes Starcoat |
Warnes has a
constant interest in the politics of the central Flanaess, particularly the
Urnst states. [Rot8 – 59]
In 576, Warnes was appointed Chief Sorcerous Councilor
to Duke Karll, filling a vacuum left open a few years earlier by the mysterious
disappearance of the Seer of Urnst. Six months later, he was welcomed in
Countess Belissica's court as well. [LGJ#0 – 11]
Jallarzi was not so sure. Indeed, she was a little
shocked upon hearing the news. Warnes Starcoat? Yes, he dabbled in politics and
affairs of sate… But a councillor? Trustworthy?
Warnes solves problems quickly, but he delegates the
actual labor to others. He doesn’t lose his temper, but he ignores those he
does not respect, preferring to deal only with experienced, intelligent people.
His peers find him touchy and suspicious, but a worthy ally. [Rot8 – 59]
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Jallarzi Sallavarian |
Later travels brought her to Greyhawk. There, under
the tutelage of Tenser, she became the youngest mage ever inducted into the
Society of Magi. [LGJ#0 – 8]
If I may be so
bold as to weave some colour into Bucknard’s altogether drab tapestry: Jallarzi,
apprenticed to Tenser, introduces herself to his friend, Bucknard; she’s smitten,
enamoured by his affability…. You get the picture. 9 months later, Skye “the
Lion” is born.
[Skye the “Lioness”] is 9-year[s]-old [.] [Rot8 –
14] [If Skye is 9 years old in 585 CY, then she was born in 576 CY, before
Bucknard disappears.]
Why would I suggest this? Because Bucknard’s tapestry is
pretty thin and needs a few threads to reveal the pattern within.
I digress. It’s
just a suggestion; do with it what you will.
Was Leomund ever a member of the Circle of Eight? Some
say he was. Leomund says otherwise.
[T]he ancient mage Leomund, an immigrant from the east
who retired from the Circle in 576 CY and has been little seen since. [TAB
– 60]
Whatever Leomund’s affiliation, he left the Free City for
the Lendore Isles, his adopted home.
Otiluke replaced him later that year. [TAB – 60]
578 CY
![]() |
Alhaster |
Jallarzi would have discovered Bucknard’s last
whereabouts and certainly would have followed him north. She could not help but
become embroiled in the politics of the Bandit Kingdoms.
The usual turmoil of competing states preying upon one
another and any available neighbor outside the territory sums up activity
within the area until CY 578. Bandit groups made forays into Tenh, the Pale,
Nyrond, County Urnst, and even the Shield Lands and portions of Furyondy. Most
groups were mounted, but the usual number of river raiders and buccaneers from
Redhand plied the waters. Prince Zeech’s ships and galleys actually staged a
major action against the Duchy of Urnst, managing to slip in through the
easternmost portion of the Cairn Hills, loot and pillage, and then escape with
their gains. [Dragon #56 – 21]
She certainly would have aided Nyrond and County Urnst
whilst engaged there, especially after Zeech attacked the Duchy.
579 CY
[T]he powerful wizard Bucknard […] vanished in 579 CY
while exploring an unknown demiplane. His fate is not known. [PGtG – 23]
Jallarzi would
have been devastated by evidence of Bucknard’s disappearance.
She is 30 in 579
580 CY
Jallarzi eventually
returns to the Free City of Greyhawk and buys a house.
The home of
this great wizard, proud member of the Circle of Eight, is plainly appointed
and contains little of value. [CoG:GotF – 61]
High Street is a 20-foot-wide road of hard-packed sand
and dirt, set between the gardens and facades of the city’s finest temples,
residences and government centers. Traffic along High Street usually consists
of merchants and trade caravans going to and from the Duke’s Gate.
Jallarzi’s tower is magnificent, even by the
impressive standards of the High Quarter, where stately residences and gorgeous
temples are common. The building is set among lush gardens – a single huge
tower, 80 feet across at the base, which straddles a small bluff that runs
through the city. It rises more than 200 feet against the nearly moonless sky,
growing slimmer until it ends in a conical roof. At the peak shines a brilliant
blue beacon visible across much of the city’s north end. Unlit windows are
slashes of darkness in the light stone of the tower. [Rot8 – 10]
Jallarzi purchased the tower and its gardens five
years ago [calculated from 585 CY]. Not caring much for interior decorating,
she furnished only a few rooms, focusing more on comfort than elegance. Only
the first and third floors of the residence are normally inhabited; the second
floor accommodates guests and the fourth through sixth floors are empty, sealed
off from the rest of the tower. [Rot8 – 11]
A pair of
servants tend to the mage’s housekeeping and eating needs. She maintains a
pleasant parlor and sitting room where she meets with her guests. Jallarzi also
has a luxurious personal suite and several for guests. The rest of the house is
unfurnished. [CoG:GotF – 61]
Why is this
important? Because rumour has it that Bucknard disappeared while
exploring an unknown demiplane. [PGtG
– 23]
The house of
the great wizard Jallarzi Sallavarian is in reality a portal to many different
universes. It is said that one of these planes is strewn with gold and silver
as Oerth is strewn with rocks and clay. [CoG:GotF – 96]
One imagines
that she would leave no stone left unturned in her quest to find him.
Jallarzi has
begun making friends, too.
![]() |
Marial |
often ventures forth into the Old City in the evenings and at night, wearing
her hat of disguise to appear as a beggar or a street urchin, spying on shady
society (which fascinates her), using detect magical detection spells to check
alignments, magical items being carried, polymorphed creatures, and the like,
reporting anything of possible importance back to Derider Fanshen. [CoG:FFF – 27]
Derider Fanshen, City Constable Derider
Fanshenis 43 years old, […] with honey blonde hair and bright gray eyes. [She]
is very friendly with High Matriarch Sarana of Pelor’s church [.] [CoG:FFF –
I imagine Jallarzi is drawn to certain persons because of
their good nature and affiliation with Pelor.
Jallarzi is
friendly with Derider Fanshen [Constable of Greyhawk] and with High Matriarch
Sarana at the Temple of Pelor, since she is an ardent worshipper of this deity. [CoG:FFF – 27]
![]() |
Kieren Jalucian |
It’s been
suggested that she’s romantically connected with Kieren Jalucian, guildmaster
of the Guild of Wizardry and principle of the University of Magical Arts.
Kieren is very much enamored of Jallarzi Sallavarian
and the two of them will often be spotted touring the town on Kieren’s carpet
of flying, or dining at the Golden Phoenix. From time to time the adventurous
spirit overtakes them, and they will travel incognito into the seedier areas of
the Free City, where Kieren enjoys a good arm-wrestling contest or similar
feats of physical prowess [.] [CoG:FFF
– 16]
The Golden Phoenix
[T]he Golden Phoenix is a place to be seen [,] the
place will be thronging with [the] upper-crust [of the Free City], and many
such people take lunch or dinner here when they feel like having a good (and
expensive) time. […] Lady Valderesse Sharn, Tenser, Otto, Jallarzi Sallavarian
(sometimes looking for Edwina, who is friendly with the pastry chef here and
may be too fat to fly home), Nerof Gasgal, and Org Nehshen are among the
place’s patrons [.] [CoG:FFF – 63]
Was she, though?
Romantically engaged with Kieren? Unlikely. She would have been flattered,
though. Keiren is fun, connected, and rich. And associating with Kieren
would have elevated her public profile, certainly.
The Desportium of Magick
This annual festival is held on the last night of
Growfest, just after dark, at and around the Grand Citadel. […] The contestants
are mages specializing in illusion magic [,] striv[ing] to portray to most real
and detailed illusions to the admiring crowds. […] [J]udging of the displays is
made by Kieren Jalucian, Jallarzi Sallavarian, and Otiluke, and their marking
is keenly attentive to detail. [CoG:FFF
– 66]
How could
Jallarzi love Kieren? It had only been 2 years since Bucknard vanished.
581 CY
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The Vale of Lamia |
For decades, a number of ruins have been reported in
the Vale of Lamia, but the dangers of the region have defeated most exploratory
attempts. […] The ruins […] include a castle […] and a ziggurat of recent
manufacture [.] […] The ruins [of the castle] suggest a Suloise origin, perhaps
from the earliest days of Urnst’s colonization. The ziggurat is told to be
magical and filled with nonliving guardians. […] A distant relative of Duke
Karll of Urnst vanished with his expedition here […]; no adventuring group has
gone here since. [TAB: AM – 4]
Would Karll have mentioned this to cousin Jallarzi? He
might have; then again, he is a Ranger of note, and likely would have sent his
Royal Pathwardens to investigate. How deeply they ventured into this foul Vale
is anyone’s guess. [See Dungeon #85, Natural Selection, for further details on
the Urnst Rangers.]
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Mordenkainen |
[Mordenkainen:] “We do not need another agent in
Greyhawk. Otiluke is our eyes and ears there, and we learn all that transpires
at the Oligarch’s councils.”
[Tenser:] “So? Jallarzi is friendly with Derider
Fanshen, and learns much more of the seamier side of the city. Many travel
there and conduct business in disguise which the Oligarchs do not hear of. She
is wise, Mordenkainen, she sees what others do not. And she is related to the
Palatine Duke, and is close to the councils of Urnst. She has advanced far in
so few years. She would strengthen our hand, and return us to full circle
[CoG:FFF – 27]
“Tenser, she’s a woman!”
“Yes, and very charming, and a lot younger than most of us. It’s about time, in
my opinion. Sometimes, Mordenkainen, this place gets like an old coot’s
drinking club.”
“I don’t like
this. I know that Rary says she is wise and knoledgable, and Otilike likes and
approves of her and says it will make it easier on him. I am not convinced.”
“Well, then, probation? A trial period?”
[CoG:FFF – 27]
Jallarzi Sallavarian was invited to join in 581 CY,
replacing the much esteemed Bucknard, who had mysteriously vanished two years
earlier. LGJ#0 – 6]
Jallarzi Sallavarian
14th-Level Mage
Neutral Good
Hit Points: 38
Str 10 Int 18 Dex 18 Wis 17 Con 9 Cha 17
[WGA4 – 85]
1st Level (5): Burning hands, cantrip, dancing lights,
detect magic, detect undead, gaze reflection, hold portal, light, magic
missile, mending, mount, read magic, shield, shocking grasp
2nd Level (5): Alter self, continual light, darkness
15’ r., ESP, hypnotic pattern, knock, locate object, rope trick, shatter
3rd Level (5): Blink, delude, dispel magic, fireball,
flame arrow, hold undead, infravision, lightning bolt, phantom steed,
protection from normal missiles, slow, water breathing
4th Level (4): Charm monster, contagion, improved
invisibility, monster summoning II, phantasmal killer, plant growth, polymorph
other, polymorph self, remove curse, shadow monsters, solid fog, wall of fire,
wall of ice, wizard eye
5th Level (4): Advanced illusion, chaos, feeblemind,
major creation, monster summoning III, passwall, sending, teleport, wall of
force, wall of iron
6th Level (2): Conjure animals, disintegrate, geas,
glassee, mirage arcana, programmed illusion, transmute water to dust
7th Level (1): Charm plants, delayed blast fireball,
duo-dimension, spell turning
[WGA4 – 85]
Pseudodragon familiar: Edwina [CoG:FFF
– 27]
Magical Items: Bracers of defense AC 2,
ring of protection + 2, staff of striking, arrow of direction, boots of
elvenkind, cloak of elvenkind, hat of disguise, rope of climbing, ring of
feather falling, wand of fear, wand of illusion, wand of magic missiles, wand
of metal and mineral detection, wand of secret door and trap detection. [CoG:FFF – 27/WGA4 – 85]
Jallarzi is the youngest and newest member of the
Circle of Eight. She is also the only female member. Her long blond hair and
tan skin make her strikingly attractive and she could have more than her share
of interested males to keep her company, if she wished. However, she is
independent-minded and not terribly interested in the attentions of eager
suitors. She is more than capable of protecting herself. As regards the old
wizards of the Circle of Eight, she is not as confident or sure of her footing.
Jallarzi is currently “on trial” as a member.
Furthermore, she is keenly aware of the doubts of her status held by many in
the Circle. She knows this is because she is a woman, but she does not also
realize there are concerns about her ability to maintain the Balance. [WGA4 – 85]
In the early 580s, the Circle of Eight included Bigby,
Drawmij, Jallarzi Sallavarian, Nystul, Otiluke, Otto, Rary of Ket and the
archmage Tenser. [PGtG – 21]
The only woman in the Eight and one of the few leaning
more toward good than neutrality, Jallarzi offers a much-needed fresh
perspective on matters put before this curmudgeonly men's club. [PGtG – 22]
One wonders how up-front Jallarzi might be about her
recent inclusion in this decidedly meddlesome group. Would she declare her
membership to Karll? Or might that raise an eyebrow of disapproval from him and
her peers? A mage of note, though, could be public in all regards. Couldn’t
She was one by then, wasn’t she?
Teachers and tutors for almost any subject or craft
can be found in the city, though their rates vary wildly. Even members of the
Circle of Eight spend time as tutors; Jallani Sallavarian, for instance, is in
great demand as a magic tutor for mid-level mages of good nature. [TAB – 6]
How did she get
on with her new associates?
She already had
a fond relationship with her most recent mentor, Tenser.
Tenser is a not-frequent visitor to Greyhawk City,
coming out of curiosity, concern, or simple sociability. […] He usually stays
either at the house of his good friend Otto […], with Jallarzi […], or treats
himself to a little luxury at The Golden Phoenix [.] [CoG:FFF – 22]
The others would still be relatively unknown to her. But
she was a keen observer.
Drawmij has an enduring hatred of Jaran Krimeeah, the
Mage of the Valley, and is forever trying to persuade other members of the
Circle of Eight to help him kill the wily old archmage. Jallarzi Sallavarian
has suggested to Otto that Drawmij’s real antipathy is for Jaran’s aide, Tysiln
San the drow, and Drawmij’s explosive rection to this suggests that it might be
true—but why? As with so much else about Drawmij, this is unknown. [CoG:FFF
– 24]
She would soon develop friendships with others affiliated
with the Circle, too. Some of those were certainly already know to her:
Severain: Librarian, Guild of Wizardry
Jawal is a
renegade who has devoted his life to the cataloguing and maintenance of the
guild’s library of magical texts. […] Jawal is well respected by the Circle of
Eight [.] Over the years Kieren and Jawal have become firm friends, and he is
generally on good terms with the membership of the Circle of Eight. [CoG:FFF – 17]
She was not
given much time to do so, however.
The final
week of her six-month trial membership was to be a baptism by fire. [LGJ#0
– 6]
The Circle of
Eight sensed a great danger afoot, but somehow their divinations were blocked. All evidence pointed to the Cult of Vecna,
whatever their intent. Mordenkainen
sent the others of the Circle to investigate.
![]() |
The Whispered One |
Alerted to a rising evil in the Flanaess, the Circle
hastily gathered for a nearly unprecedented field operation in 581 CY. A new
power sought to join Oerth’s vast pantheon, and its efforts threatened to
corrupt the magical order of the known world.
The Circle traveled to the hills south of Verbobonc,
where they investigated the tomb of a long-dead Oeridian tyrant who was thought
to have possessed the awesome artifacts known as the Hand and Eye of Vecna. [LGJ#0
– 6]
Jallarzi is not accompanied by Edwina, her
pseudo-dragon companion, on this adventure. Edwina refused to go, since Otiluke
was also taking part. (The wizard and the pseudo-dragon do not get along.)
[WGA4 – 85]
Finding the tyrant alive, after a fashion, and
completely controlled by the Whispered One, the ill-prepared Circle of Eight
panicked, and was defeated. [LGJ#0 – 6]
They were not just defeated: They were killed!
Jallarzi was
dead. Indeed, the whole of the Circle, with the exception of Mordenkainen, were
Jallarzi was
just 32 years old when she died.
“The death of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably,
the most poetical topic in the world.”
One must always give credit where credit is due. This piece
is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard,
Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward,
Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick
Weining. The list is interminable.
thanks to Jason Zavoda for his compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable
research tool.
The Art:
Jallarzi Sallavarian, by Sam Wood, from Living Greyhawk Journal #0, 2000
The Circle of Eight detail, by Mark Zug, from Living Greyhawk Journal #0 cover, 2000
Duchy of Urnst Map, by High Programmer (Alan De Smet)
The Seer of Urnst, by Jeff Dee, from C2 Ghost Tower of Inverness, 1980
duke by wen-xaeroaaa
Pseudodragon, by David A. Trampier, from Monster Manual 1e, 1977
Warnes Starcoat, by Gary Williams, from WG6 Isle of the Ape, 1985
Alhaster detail, from Dungeon #131, 2006
Jallarzi Sallavarian’s House detail, by Diesel, from City of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1989
Kieren Jalucian, by Aaron Williams, in "Nodwick in: The Lich Strikes Back," from Dragon #270, 2000
Mordenkainen, by Dan Burr, from Dragon #185, 1992
Tenser, by Gary Williams, from WG6 Isle of the Ape, 1985
Jallarzi & Edwina detail, by Mark Zug, from the Living Greyhawk Journal #0 cover, 2000
The Circle of Eight, by Sam Wood, from the From the Ashes Boxed Set, Ref card #13, 1992
Vecna by juliedillon
1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
1043 City of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1989
1068 Greyhawk Wars Boxed Set, 1991
9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
9038 C2 The Ghost
Tower of Inverness, 1980
9309 Vecna Lives! 1990
9576 Return of the Eight, 1998
9577 The Adventure Begins, 1998
9578 Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
11743 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Dragon Magazine #56
Dungeon #85, 131
LGJ #0
Greychrondex, Wilson, Steven B.
Greyhawkania, Jason Zavoda
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