“I was nearly unnerved at my proximity to a nameless
thing at the bottom of a pit.”
At the Mountains
of Madness and Other Tales of Terror![]() |
D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa |
Using a map which depicts hundreds, of miles of
passageways, the bold expedition delved into this underground labyrinth. Within
a day‘s journey they had to fight first an outpost of the Dark Elves, then a
pair of the dreaded “lllithids” of Drow speech – creatures called mind flayers,
with a dozen wererat allies. Wending ever deeper into this weird underworld,
the party overcame various and sundry obstacles only to enter a great cavern
filled with hostile creatures. By clever tactics and hard fighting a
conglomerate force of servants of the evil elves, bugbears, trogs, and trolls,
along with various and sundry other monsters-were overcome. Valuable additional
information and possibly useful items were also gained, and the expedition now
presses on ever deeper, hot on the track of the Drow, bent on bringing a
reckoning to these hateful foes. [D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa – 2]
We learned that bugbears abound beneath the surface, that
troglodytes and trolls are as common as wererats, and that puddings and fungi
of every colour under the sun slither and shriek in the dark. Mostly, we
learned that the Drow are masters of their subterranean world. Although their
mastery is not uncontested.
This fact will become even more apparent in D2 Shrine
of the Kuo-Toa! Though liches treat with the dark elves, and Illithids plot
against them, there are other races in the deep dark who neither bow nor kowtow
to their supremacy; in fact, they thrive in spite of them; and in some cases,
vie against them. You’d expect as much, wouldn’t you? No nation reigns supreme
under the sun; why then would you expect otherwise in the depthless dark?
Who are these races? One such is hinted at in the title:
The eponymous Kuo-Toa.
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5e Kuo-Toa |
Ancient, they are also evil.
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil (chaotic
tendencies) [D2 – 13]
Description: A Kuo-Toan presents a cold
and horrid appearance. A typical specimen looks much as if a human body, albeit
a paunchy one, had been covered with scales and topped with a fish's head
squarely atop the shoulders. The huge fish eyes of the head tend to swivel in
different directions when observing an area or creature. Hands and feet are
very long, with three fingers and opposing digit, partially webbed. Legs and
arms are short for the body size. Coloration is pale gray, with undertones of
tan or yellow in males only, and the whole skin has a sheen from its slime
covering. Color darkens when the individual is angry, or pales when the
creature is badly frightened. [D2 – 15]
That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? It’s almost like I’ve
read similar descriptions before.
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The Deep Ones |
I think that these things were supposed to depict
men—at least, a certain sort of men; though the creatures were shewn disporting
like fishes in the waters of some marine grotto, or paying homage at some
monolithic shrine which appeared to be under the waves as well. Of their faces
and forms I dare not speak in detail; for the mere remembrance makes me grow
faint. Grotesque beyond the imagination of a Poe or a Bulwer, they were damnably
human in general outline despite webbed hands and feet, shockingly wide and
flabby lips, glassy, bulging eyes, and other features less pleasant to recall.
Curiously enough, they seemed to have been chiselled badly out of proportion
with their scenic background; for one of the creatures was shewn in the act of
killing a whale represented as but little larger than himself. [Dagon –
H.P. Lovecraft]
Gary Gygax’s Kuo-Toa are most assuredly an au mage to
Lovecraft’s Deep Ones (even if he declared otherwise). Sinister, evil beings long ago defeated and displaced by
the creatures of Good and Weal.
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1e Fiend Folio Kuo-Toa |
None of this is known, of course; or ought not to be. The
Kuo-Toa had long ago eschewed the bright world above, never to return, it is
surmised. They’ve adapted to their subterranean world.
Now the Kuo-Toa People are haters of sunlight and are
almost never encountered on the surface of the earth. [D2 – 13]
Why might they? To gather slaves, of course. Why else?
Kuo-toan War Party: These creatures will occasionally
go forth to capture slaves or raid a group that is hostile to their kind or has
given offense to Sea Mother. [D2 – 5]
It goes without saying that the heroes will come face to
face with these ancient fish-men, but Gary would never be so cruel as to throw
the PCs into the deep end, so to speak, without their having tested the waters
first. As he did in G3 with the Drow. This is not to say that said encounter
would be easy. “Not without peril” could easily be attributed to any of Gary’s
adventure modules. This one is no different.
Introduction to that initial encounter is familiar enough:
A deep, dark, dank tunnel, an obstacle that requires crossing.
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Thoopshib |
The noise of the river will mask normal sounds from
the hearing of the Kuo-Toan, but bright light in the cavern will certainly
attract his attention. He will come forth and offer in the common speech of the
underworld to take the party across for the proper fee each. [D2 – 6]
The PCs encounter an unfamiliar creature. Will it be “friendly”?
It might be.
The solitary Kuo-Toan does not care who or what he
transports. [D2 – 6]
The creature is just going about its business, after all.
Coin in coin. But communication with this hitherto unknown creature will be an
obstacle, in its own right, without some sort of aid or intervention. Failure
has its price, as they say.
Each time he repeats this offer (and it will not be
understood by the party without magical aid or an interpreter), he has a 10%
cumulative chance of going berserk and attacking. [D2 – 6]
Will this deranged Kuo-Toa fight fair? Not likely.
Thoopshib may be unbalanced, but he is very sly.
[D2 – 6]
He will use terrain and the river to his advantage. And
If the barge is threatened or attacked, he will leap
into the Svartjet and summon his only companion, a giant gar over 30’ long with
AC 2 and 65 hit points. [D2 – 6]
Our heroes will have to make up their minds concerning
this new species based on their encounter with Thoopshib. I expect that first impression
will not be good, regardless how communication went. Thoopshib will presumably
give off a creepy negative vibe. Which will also colour their reaction later,
while crossing the Kuo-Toan shrine, I imagine.
Far beneath the surface of the earth dwell the
Svirfnebli, the Deep Gnomes, a race related to the gnomes of the bright world.
[D2 – 16]
This first contact should be more benign.
ALIGNMENT Neutral (good tendencies)
[D2 – 16]
If the party stops and searches the area – or calls
out in friendly terms – the Svitfnebli leader will show himself and offer the
peace sign, recognizing the party as creatures from the upper world. He will
converse in sign language, or speak normally if some magical means of
communication/understanding is available. If the adventurers offer fewer than 1
100 g.p. gem per Deep Gnome, and agree to going "halfies" on any
others taken, the Svirfnebli will certainly agree to accompany the party to the
shrine cavern. [D2 – 7]
This will be the best stroke of luck the PCs could hope
The Deep Gnomes hate the Kuo-Tuo People as much as they
despise the Drow, and this group has spied upon the shrine, for they are
prospecting in the area. [D2 – 7]
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Unexpected Allies |
Much like D1 before it, this is a short module. D2
consists of two short encounters and a main encounter area. And in that regard,
it may well feel exactly like the prior, like a tournament module. It may not
repeat, but it certainly does rhyme.
Indeed, the Wandering Monster table are identical, except
for a few swap-outs: Illithids and bugbears and Jermaine for Kuo-Toa.
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The Shrine of Blibdoolpoolp |
The party is met by a chilling scene when first they
step far enough northwest to view the dimly lit space ahead. Greenish
phosphorescence from lichens, coupled with a grayish luminosity from slug-like
creatures as large as a man's fist which crawl everywhere (walls, ceilings,
floors) give the area an undersea appearance, and a strange salt tang is in the
air to enhance this impression. Directly to the north the adventurers will see
a huge dark green creature, rather like a giant lobster-headed woman, with one
pincer raised and the right extended ahead and open. […] The walls and pavement
of this place are well-made, but very worn. Obviously, this area is old. It
feels alien and foreboding. [D2 – 7]
I expect the description is meant to be as unnerving as
was the Weird Abandoned Temple in G1, and it is, albeit in a different way:
Where the former writhed with Elder Evil magnificence, here, the
phosphorescence evokes a murky seabed. As is should, seeing that their goddess
is a humanoid lobster woman.
the summit of the ziggurat stands a malachite statue 20' tall. It appears to be
a nude human female body, with articulated shell covering the shoulders, and a
lobster head and claws in place of the expected human head and arms. The right
claw is open and raised, the left is open and held out about 8' above the floor
of the tier. […] Blibdoolpoolp's name is carved into the base of the statue in
Kuo-Toan characters. [D2 – 8]
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On to the Vault of the Drow |
Can the party go around? They can, but it is a lengthy,
and likely even more perilous, roundabout route. And that will probably expose
them to as much combat as the shrine is sure to treat them to. Best not, knowing what they will soon be knee-deep in a den of decadence and evil intrigue!
“We shall dive down through black abysses...and in
that lair of the Deep Ones we shall dwell amidst wonder and glory forever.”
One must always give credit where credit is due. This post is made
possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard
Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E.
Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The
list is interminable.
The Art:
D2 cover, by David C. Sutherland III, from D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa, 1979
Kuo-Toa, from Monster Manual 5e, 2014
Kuo-Toa, by Alan Hunter, from Fiend Folio 1e, 1981
Thoopshib, from D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa, 1979
Svirfneblin, by Russ Nicholson, from Fiend Folio 1e, 1981
Svirfneblin Meeting, by David C. Sutherland III, from D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa, 1979
D1-2 cover, by Jim Roslov, from D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth, 1980
Underdark, by Erol Otus, from D1-2 Descent into the Depths of the Earth, 1980
9025 World of
Greyhawk Folio, 1980
1015 World of
Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
2009 Monster
Manual 1e, 1977, 1978
2011 Players Handbook
1e, 1978
2011A Dungeon
Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
9018 G3 Hall of
the Fire Mountain King, 1978
9019 D1 Descent
Into the Depths of the Earth, 1978
9058 G123
Against the Giants, 1978, 1981
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