“When avarice takes the lead in a state, it is
commonly the forerunner of its fall.”
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Tzunk |
The Flan were the first known humans to live in
eastern Oerik, and it is from them that the Flanaess gets its name. [LGG –
The fierce Oeridian tribes likewise moved east,
thrusting aside Flan and Suloise in their path. [Folio – 5]
Migrating bands began settling the eastern portion of
the Oerik Continent, Flanaess, over a millenium ago. The Flan tribesmen were
hardy and capable hunters but not particularly warlike, and their small and
scattered groups made no appreciable civilizing effect. [Folio – 5]
Thus, the
history of the Flanaess is theirs.
That’s what the
Oeridians believe, and that is what we now believe, seeing that theirs’ is the
written history we have. Such is the spoils and legacy of victors.
But they could
not erase what came before, not entirely. The Past persists, in song, in sagas
and legends, carved in clay tablets and stone.
Veralos |
The kingdoms of
the Ur-Flan?
Varalos. Sulm.
Itar. Ahlissa. And Nuria. These names endure. So too the wizard-priests of the
Isles of Woe, however forgotten and mysterious.
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The Long Lost Isles of Woe |
Rumors abound that the lake holds the sunken remains
of an ancient pre-Migration civilization known as the "Isles of Woe,"
though many have explored the lake to no avail. [LGG – 149]
According to legend, the Isles of Woe once stood in
the Nyr Dyv, but no reliable source catalogs their size, exact location,
population, or even their number (usually put at three but ranging up to seven,
depending on the story). The isles are said to be so ancient as to predate the
arrival of the Oeridians. The origin of their name is unknown, but they are
always said to have been highly magical. [TAB – 5]
The isles seem to be peaks associated with the
easternmost branch of the Cairn Hills, just north of the Duchy of Urnst. [TAB – 5]
The lake of
Unknown Depths is said to have once held a number (sources vary between three
and seven) of very magical islands called the Isles of Woe, which apparently
sank beneath the waves over a thousand years ago. [Slavers – 17]
Occasionally, strange silver coins and jewelry and
even stranger obsidian carvings, found by lucky divers, make their way to
market, but these are generally discounted as forgeries. [LGG – 149]
So much for
there was nothing here before We arrived.
Indeed, there was an entire history upon the Flanaess
pre-Migrations. An ancient history. None of it detailed in Oeridian annals,
except what little has leaked through the cracks in the whitewash.
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The Glittering Wizards |
The Wind Dukes?
The Glittering Wizards of the Isles of Woe? Once one scratches the surface the
Past begins to reveal itself.
Krovis’s avatar
has, in the past, emerged from his crypt to bring down several empires that
dominated the central regions of the Flanaess, including the dominions of the
Isles of Woe and the Empire of Lum the Mad (both of which occurred more than
1,000 years ago). [Dragon #167 –
What’s this? Evidence
that there were empires that date from more than 1,000 years ago? But … the
Great Migrations were a 1,000 years ago, at the dawn of recorded history. And
the only Great Civilisations that existed prior to the Twin Cataclysms were the
Baklunish and Suel empires, and those were to the west of the Crystalmist
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Evidence of Civilisations of Yore |
impossible, isn’t it? The Aerdi have informed us that there was no civilisation
of note east of the Yatals and Crystalmists when they arrived. No great cities.
Just migratory nomads and a few agrarian groups dwelling in adobe and sod.
Perhaps that was
what they encountered. Perhaps that is what they would have us believe.
Conquering heroes have little to gain by admitting to what came before, lest
those who live beneath their benevolence have thoughts that they themselves are
the heirs of the fields they toil for the benefit of their “betters.”
Who then were
these Glittering Wizards of the Isles of Woe? We don’t know. We only have
glimmers of who they might be.
Sages claim
that the Isles [of Woe] predate the Oeridian migration. Others believe that the
isles were once the location of Vecna’s spider-throne. [LGJ#2 – 19]
One could never
imagine the Whispered One to be a Glittering Wizard, though. He was never
referred to as such, ever. There are only a couple other names associated with
the Isles: One is Yagrax.
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Yagrax |
Aerdian? I think not! That enclave could not be Aerdian
when the Isles are the sunken remains of an ancient pre-Migration
civilization [LGG – 149], when the
Oeridians had still to conquer the Flanaess. [Such is the difficulty of
reconciling Apocrypha with accepted published canon.] If [t]he Flan were the first known humans to live in
eastern Oerik, [LGG – 5] then surely Yagrax must have been Flan. [One could
argue that “known” predicates the possibility of other peoples, but who might
they have been? There are none noted in any published sourcebook. One might
point to the Wind Dukes of Aqaa, but those fabled Dukes were declared by Skip
Williams not to be human at all, but extraplanar vaati. Had he left well enough
alone we might then have pointed to the Grey Elves or some long-forgotten
civilisation of Flan to their origin. But alas…] Was Yagrax a Glittering Wizard?
We know next to nothing about him.
of Tangibles and Intangibles” by Yagrax
(melt, transmute water to dust, item, material,
fabricate, crystalbrittle) [Dragon #82 – 58]
Nor much about another
Pre-Migration [thus presumably Flan] wizard coupled with the Isles, Tzunk,
either. He too wrote a tome.
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Tzunk |
(blink, invisibility, invisibility 10’ radius, improved invisibility, darkness, continual darkness,
vacancy, avoidance, mass invisibility) [Dragon #82 – 58]
But it is not
that tome with which he is most associated. He is best known by his use of
Yagrax’s most famous creation, the Codex of Infinite Planes.
Codex of
Infinite Planes
An ancient
book containing forbidden lore and the secret to travel between planes and
dimensions. Also called Yagrax’s Tome, after the fanatical wizard-priest of the
Isles of Woe. [Dragon #299
– 101]
Long ago the wizard-cleric who ruled the Isles of Woe
lost in the Lake of Unknown Depths used this work to gain knowledge of great
power. It is told that this arcane wisdom is what eventually wrought the
downfall of the mage-priest and caused the waters to swallow his domain. In any
event, the Codex of the Infinite Planes somehow survived the cataclysm, for the
Wizard Tzoonk, before his disappearance, recorded the following:
“. . . and thereupon the voice belled forth in tones
of hollow iron and spoke of the Coming of the City of the Gods. Such future
events interested me not, so I gave the command: ‘Answer in th …’ (here the
fragment becomes entirely illegible) … so knowing both the secret and the spell
which would unlock the Way to this horde of the Demon Prince Nql … (another
break in the writing unfortunately occurs here) … gathered the nine as required
and proceeded forth. With me in addition were the dyoph servants necessary to
transport the Code, for I would not leave it behind on even so perilous a
journey as this.” (Here the entire fragment ends.) [Eldritch Wizardry – 43]
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Tzunk |
“… , and the two strong slaves lifted it [the Codex]
from the back of the Beast. Thereupon I commanded the Brazen Portals to be
brought low, and they were wrenched from their hinges and rang upon the stone.
The Efreet howled in fear and fled when I caused the page to be read, and the
Beast passed into the City of Brass. Now was I, Tzunk, Master of the Plane of
Molten Skies. With sure hand I closed Yagrax’s Tome [the Codex], dreading to –
” [DMG 1e – 156]
Aside from these
missives, what is actually known about the life and times of Tzunk?
[I]t was
reported that the archmage Tzunk once used the power of the Codex of Infinite
Planes to raze the armies of his enemies and subjugate the entire region. [LGJ#2 – 19]
The Isles are
reputed to have been the home of the wizard-priest Tzunk, who used the Codex of
Infinite Planes to rule an empire. [Slavers – 17]
There’s that word
again: Empire. One presumes an empire is a subjugation of peoples, of city
states, and not a confluence of nomads and sod hut dwellers.
- an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress
- a large commercial organization owned or controlled by one person or group
- a variety of apple
I think we can eliminate the latter.
The Flan did indeed then have cities. There was, of
course, Varalos, as noted above, and fabled Haradaragh: The founding of the first Flan city in the
Lortmils "Haradaragh." This is counted as (3365 SD/1 FT)
First year of Flannae Tracking system (1 FT). [OJ#1 – 9] (-2150 CY)
Although no
written descriptions of the city of Haradaragh have survived, there are cryptic
fragments of songs still sung among those of Geoff, Sterich and the County of
Ulek who count themselves of Flan descent. These tell of the spectacular
visions of sunrise in the high plateaus of the mountains, the great wide
boulevards and plazas of the city, the many-stepped pyramids devoted to the
Sun-God, the agricultural terraces of the slopes, the labyrinthine walls
protecting the city, and the tremendous wealth brought from the mines below. [OJ#2 – 16]
And Tostencha:
Some two thousand years ago, the wizard Keraptis
established himself as "protector" of Tostenhca—a grand mountainside
city of wide streets and towering ziggurats. [Return to White Plume
Mountain – 3] (c. -2150 CY)
And Fleeth:
“The morning after the Feast of Himar, certain
citizens of Fleeth came out of the town and entreated upon the besiegers to
speak with Lord Vecna, the Whispered One, in his spidered pavilion. They told
him they were ready to place the city and all their possessions at his
discretion, provided their lives were spared.” [WGA4 Vecna Lives! – 3]
And Heraan [on the Isles, themselves]:
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Heraan |
Sail on to
the Isles of Woe
“Gone, like
the three of Heraan.” – A strange saying among the Flan hillfolk of the Cairn
Hills. [Dragon #294 – 90]
The long trek
through the limestone caves has brought you to this strange underground cove.
The cave entrance to this place is obscured by seaweed, and only a little light
trickles in through the vegetation. The walls are decorated with strange
symbols and artwork in a style unlike anything you have ever seen.
Upon the
shore sit three longships. None have sails, and all are made of what appears to
be corroded copper. In the center of each ship stands a column with a steering
wheel attached. [Dragon
#295 – 96]
This is the
Heraan Boathouse—the once-lost passage to the strange, obscured city that
dominates the Isles of Woe.
[Dragon #295 – 96]
An empire on
Oerth wasn’t good enough for one such as Tzunk. Tzunk moved on to bigger and
better things, in time: The City of Brass, for one.
Now was I, Tzunk, Master of the Plane of Molten Skies.
[DMG 1e – 156]
Not bad for a
scion of a people of little note.
But Tzunk, in
his ambition and hubris, would reach too far. One might think that it cost him
his life.
The Tomb of Tzunk's Hands:
Tzunk, Wizard-Priest of the quasi-mythical Isles of Woe which sunk below the
Nyr Dyv in prehistory, is said to have had his body sundered into a hundred
parts to thwart any attempt at resurrection. The portions were scattered to the
winds, burned in fire, dissolved in acidic waters, and buried below the earth.
Great golems with special powers such as paralysis, petrification, and worse
are said to guard a tomb holding his hands here. The approaches to the tomb
chamber are riddled with traps, mazes, secret portals and passages, and many
magical hazards. [WGR5 – 64]
What became
of the mysterious Isles of Woe, and who dwelled there? [LGG – 13]
The islands now lay somewhere beneath the
surface of the Lake of Unknown Depths. [LGJ#2 – 19]
Gone, but not forgotten.
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Warnes Starcoat |
I wish Warnes
Starcoat luck. His sponsored expedition, as well.
I would let long-dead
Flan wizard-priests lie, myself. They were/are all obsessed with the
continuance of their life – the necromantic ones, anyway.
If retrieved from their resting place, the hands are
said to animate themselves, serving the one who rescued them as divinatory
tools, but seeking out the other parts of Tzunk's indestructible, scattered
body and slowly beginning to take over the mind of their owner. [WGR5 – 64]
Tzunk, like
others of his ilk, doesn’t care a whit for the expedition members’ lives. Or
Warnes Starcoat’s.
Or yours, for
that matter.
“You’re some kind of thief, then?”
“That’s a very narrow-minded way of looking at it. I prefer to think of myself as
a merchant of delicate tasks.”
One must always give credit where
credit is due. This piece is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary
Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards,
Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean
Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his
compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.
The Art:
Veralos, by Kalman Andrasofszky, from Dragon #293, 2002
Isles of Woe map, by Sam Wood, from The Adventure Begins, Adventure Maps, 1998
Warnes Starcoat, by Sam Wood, from Living Greyhawk Journal #0, 2000
World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
9309 WGA4 Vecna Lives, 1990
9399 WGR5 Iuz the Evil,
The Adventure Begins, 1998
11434 Return to White Plume
Mountain, 1999
11621 Slavers, 2000
Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Eldritch Wizardry, 1976
Journal #1, 2
Grayhawk Journal #2
Magazine #82, 167, 293, 294, 295, 297, 299
Wilson, Steven B.
Jason Zavoda
map of Anna B. Meyer
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