Friday 1 July 2022

History of the South, Part 13: Come What May (584 to 586 CY)


“War does not determine who is right — only who is left.”
― Anonymous

Under the Influence
The War had run its course. Few, if any, could say they’d won; Iuz might boast as much, given his great gains; and so might the Scarlet Brotherhood, if they were given to doing so; but if truth be told, their victories were fragile, even if either would never admit to as much. Within, these newfound empires were already teetering, crumbling, even as the dust began to settle.

584 CY
Given their gains, the Scarlet Brotherhood suffered something they had never experienced before: vainglorious pride. Were they not entitled to such Pride, they reasoned? No nation had withstood their sudden foray into the fray. None could, they believed. None would.
By 584 CY, decade-old paranoia regarding the Scarlet Brotherhood came true, as advisors in courts throughout the Flanaess were revealed as Brotherhood agents. The Lordship of the Isles, Onnwal, and the Hold of the Sea Princes fell under the influence of the Scarlet Brotherhood thanks to treachery or invasion. Barbarians from the Amedio Jungle were used to secure captured lands. The Brotherhood was revealed as an order dedicated to preserving the culture and racial purity of the ancient Suloise Empire. [WoGG 3e – 4]
Prudence prevailed, though. The Land of Purity was a small nation, and despite its people’s dedication to duty, its resources were stretched to the very limit.
Sensing that his reach was nearing its limit, the Father of Obedience halted the troop advances and instructed his agents to solidify their holds in the Brotherhood-controlled governments, where new laws suppressed previous officials, and temples to Brotherhood faiths rose. [SB – 6]

Another could boast his own successes, even as they did theirs.
Turrosh Mak
Southwest of the City of Greyhawk, a half-orc named Turrosh Mak united the tribes of the Pomarj. Mak’s armies boiled north, conquering several cities, and capturing nearly half of the Principality of Ulek. The appeals of Prince Corond of Ulek to Yolande, the elven Queen of Celene, fell on uncaring ears. Celene closed its borders to even its most trusted allies.
[WoGG 3e – 4]
Turrosh Maks sudden surge into lands surrounding the Pomarj had taken those unsuspecting nations by surprise. Little thought was spared just then for reclaiming those coasts; containment was their only goal. The Free City was only too happy to aid those besieged cities and towns who had, until then, yet to fall to Mak’s hordes, cities and towns that had, until then, remained free of the Free City’s rule.
The remaining unconquered cities of the Wild Coast, Narwell and Safeton, formally concluded pacts of association with Greyhawk in Coldeven, 584 CY. Greyhawk stationed garrisons at both cities, and administered city law there, extracting tax and tribute from the cities in return. Faced with onslaught from the Pomarj, the rulers felt they had no choice. [FtAC – 50]
The Free City began rigorous pursuit of law and order and security. Enemies were everywhere, they reasoned.
The population of both cities has had a sharp turnover during the wars; many refugees fled there from vanquished cities, but many ruffians fled Greyhawk's rule, and while both cities had significant humanoids among their numbers before the wars, this changed in the infamous Night of Terror early in 584 CY. Every orc, half-orc, and hobgoblin in Narwell and Safeton was knifed, lynched, or burned alive by the humans, fearing they were Pomarj spies. [FtAC – 50]

The Night of Terror was for naught. There was no need—other than that the peoples of the Wild Coast had need to strike with rage at the image of what terrified them—Turrosh Mak’s hordes had ceased their relentless march north. Mak knew that he should not bite off more than he could chew, as did the Father of Obedience. Better to pause and consolidate, lest they lose what they had gained. It was best that the cessation appear to come from without, lest others think them weak.
Scarlet Sign Diplomacy
The Father [of Obedience’s] agents, acting as representatives of the nations in his grip, called for a Flanaess-wide truce. Some nations welcomed the chance for a rest; others were convinced via diplomacy and assassination.
[SB – 6]
Regardless how the nations came to the table, they did. They were exhausted. They were broke. And their people could fight no more.
Proposals for a great peace treaty gained rapid acceptance in many quarters, aided by the persuasive whisperings of the agents of the Scarlet Brotherhood. [FtAA – 9] (6099 SD)

For three years, the whole of the Flanaess flew banners of war. Nations fell as new empires were born. Demons and devils from the Outer Planes were summoned en masse by Iuz and Ivid V, and hundreds of thousands of mortals died. Finally, the battle-weary combatants gathered in Greyhawk to declare peace. Harvester 584 CY was to see the signing of the Pact of Greyhawk, fixing borders and mandating an end to hostilities. [LGG – 16]
Why the Free City? Because it was neutral ground.

When peace came in Harvester 584 CY, the whole world was weary of war. Many hoped that the treaty signed then marked the end of marching armies, bloody fields, and burning cities. [TAB – 1]
With the ratification of the great Pact of Greyhawk in Harvester 584, however, the wars came to an end. [LGG – 47]
In the month of Harvester, 584 CY, in the untouched Free City of Greyhawk, countless ambassadors assembled to inscribe their names on the treaty at the Day of the Great Signing. It very nearly didn't happen. [FtAA – 9]

Day of Great Signing
The Day of Great Signing was to have been a celebration of the end of three years of brutal conflict that touched nearly every nation in the Flanaess. [LGG – 38]
Weakened before the war had boiled over, the Circle of Eight declared that nothing should prevent the peace.
When the political rumblings that signaled the end to the conflict reached the Free City of Greyhawk, the entire Circle was on hand to ensure a favorable outcome to the peace process. Their network of agents researched the backgrounds of key diplomats and participants in the proceedings, and magical divinations were conducted to unmask any would-be saboteurs. [LGJ#0 – 8]
But shadows lurk in plain sight.
Never did the view of those scrying crystals turn inward, however, toward the plans of the single individual who could do the most harm to the delegates' cause. [LGJ#0 – 8]
All their preparations, all they diligence, failed them.
Instead, the day ended prematurely in a brilliant display of destructive magical fire that swallowed the building where the event was to have taken place only hours later. [LGG – 38]

Magical scrying and the strenuous efforts of sages have not availed to give the full story of what happened that day. All that is known for sure is that, within the Grand Hall where the treaty was to be signed, a fierce magical battle erupted and spread havoc through the Old City. [FtAA – 9]

The Death of Otiluke
On the Day of the Great Signing, however, Greyhawk suffered a great treachery: Rary, one of the Circle of Eight, destroyed his companions Tenser and Otiluke in a great magical battle, then fled. Many suspected that the former Archmage of Ket had hoped to hold the ambassadors hostage, perhaps capturing Greyhawk itself in the process.
[LGG – 16]

Afterwards, two members of the famed Circle of Eight, the great mages of Greyhawk, lay dead; Otiluke and Tenser were no more. Their magical clones likewise shrivelled and perished, and their own bodies could not be resurrected. It is also known that Rary of Ket, another Circle member, was last seen fleeing with Lord Robilar into the Bright Desert, and that Rary had turned traitor and had slain his old friends. Why this is, is a tale yet in the telling. A sideshow to the main event, to be sure, but one that still shook Oerth.
Despite this, the treaty was signed and the Greyhawk Wars drew to a close. The Pact of Greyhawk ensured peace—of a sort. [FtAA – 9]

Fearing further disruptions, the delegates hurriedly signed the Pact of Greyhawk. Ironically, because of the site of the treaty signing, the great conflicts soon became known as the Greyhawk Wars. [LGG – 16]

The Free City was fortunate, if not blessed. It had remained neutral in the war, fought no battles, risked nothing, yet it had waxed while others waned.
When the Pact of Greyhawk was signed in Harvester 584 CY, Greyhawk’s Lord Mayor and directors had laid claim to a large amount of territory guarded by the largest army Greyhawk had ever fielded in its history. [TAB – 62]

585 CY
The Circle had been shamed; they had failed to keep the peace; they had failed to maintain the balance. Mayhap that failure was only in their own eyes, but that shame spurred them to greater diligence. Evil had waxed. Under their very watch. They needed to act to correct their lapse; however, they needed to gather information first if they were to be successful in curbing Evil’s further growth.
Bay of Renho
This bay is best known for the numbers of dolphins visible here. Some suspect the dolphins visit a secret underwater city, or perhaps a secondary home of the wizard Drawmij. As Drawmij is displeased with the Brotherhood’s blockade across the Densac Gulf, he may be spying on them from this location. [SB – 30]
Allies in the Deep
And to get weapons of power into the right hands….
A school of dolphins has swum into Relmor Bay. They are clearly restless and troubled, but they swim away from those who approach them. […]
[T]he dolphins seek to guide sailors to a wreck off the coast of Onnwal, an Irongate vessel sunk by the Scarlet Brotherhood. The wreck contains important icons and one or two magical items of good (good-aligned weapons, etc.). Of course, the Brotherhood will not wish to see anyone dive down to the wreck, and will take steps to avoid this. Ixitxachitl are in the area of the wreck [.] [FtAA – 73]

Try as he might, Drawmij could not cast his eyes upon every shore, into every port, or into the hearts of every soul that looked out upon the azure seas to see if evil lurked there. If he were able, he would be blinded by the blackness that would surely gaze back at him.
Long years after they had first terrorized the southern seas, rumours began to drift about that yellow sails had been sighted on the horizons. Few believed them; the Slavers had been put to the sword, the skeptics said. It must be the orcs, they said.
Orcish ships begin to appear in Woolly Bay. Orc and human pirates raid the area from bases hidden in the Pomarj and southern Wild Coast. [Slavers – 120]
They were not wrong. Neither were they right.
Since 585 CY, the orcish Empire’s pirate ships have operated out of the Port of Elredd under the command of Davis the Reaver, a longtime ally of Turrosh Mak. [Slavers – 63]
Their disbelief is forgivable. So many had died in Turrosh Mak’s probing raids that few could imagine that others might have been carried off by ships other than his.
[Davis’] ships have been harming shipping in the Sea of Gearnat since 585 CY, and there are three important reasons to keep up the pressure. First, it keeps the northern Wild Coast and the Domain of Greyhawk off balance, tying up many of their resources to defend their merchant ships. Second, the confusion created by pirate raids helps in the transportation of slaves from the north. Third, the ships and crew captured by the raiders provide treasure, additions to the navy of the Pomarj, and slaves. [Slavers – 67]

Piracy increases as evil humans, hobgoblins, and orcs from the Orcish Empire put to sea to attack ports and shipping from Woolly Bay to Relmor Bay and the Azure Sea.
When the humanoid armies from the Pomarj invaded the Wild Coast, Greyhawk sent several warships to patrol the upper reaches of Woolly Bay to guard against humanoid and pirate attacks. These marines are largely crewed by Wild Coast slaves freed by edict of the City of Greyhawk. As such, they are very loyal to Greyhawk and full of pride in their service. [Slavers – 32]
Rumors during this time place the headquarters of the Horned Society along the coast of the Pomarj, in the Bone March, or even in the Bright Desert or Rift Canyon.
Rumors during the last five years have placed the group's headquarters along the coast of the Pomarj, in Bone March, or even in the Bright Desert or Rift Canyon. Most people no longer care, for Iuz is now perceived as the true threat. However, suggests Arkalan, the Horned Society has become even more dangerous since its dispersal. As the Archmage Mordenkainen was heard to comment last year during a conclave in Greyhawk, "Are their members now dozens, hundreds, thousands? Where are they headquartered? What do they plot? Can we rest assured of the death of the [Unnameable] Hierarch? To the one who could answer these questions would go the thanks of a free people."  [LGG – 157]

Nyrond and the South Province had never been friends. Indeed, they have a very long history of conflict as they vie for control of Relmor Bay.
Along Relmor Bay, South Province is engaged in a sporadic piratical war with Nyrond. The fleets of Prymp and Shargallen raid southern Nyrond, seeking slaves, plunder, and food. In return, Nyrondese vessels raid Ahlissa's northern coast and, indeed, mounted a major raid on Prymp itself in Coldeven. This piracy is still relatively small-scale because neither side seeks all-out war and neither has a truly dominant fleet. Still, this gives Reydrich concern. For one thing, building up defenses such as city walls is expensive, and local rulers demand help with such constructions which Reydrich is loath to give. [Ivid – 129]

Prymp is a major center for the vile trade of slavery, and in truth virtually anything is for sale here, including the loyalty of many of its mercenary and blackhearted defenders. Many are ex-slaves, pirates of old, or simply chaotic and utterly untrustworthy souls held in check by the rigid Lawfulness of the city's rulers. [Ivid – 132]

586 CY
Demons and Devils Walked the Oerth
Demons and devils walked the oerth. They brought mayhem and terror with them, misery and death. And where they took to the field, those nations of the world fell, riven and torn. The champions of weal searched for an end to their terror, and found it in Veluna.
The Flight of Fiends
In Coldeven 586, Canon Hazen of Veluna employed the Crook of Rao, a powerful artifact, in a special ceremony that purged the Flanaess of nearly all fiends inhabiting it. Outsiders summoned by Iuz, Ivid, or independent evils fell victim to this magical assault, which became known as the Flight of Fiends. [LGG – 16]
No one knows how many demons survived the Flight of Fiends in 586 CY; few have surfaced. [LGG  – 61]

Canon Hazen’s banishing the fiends wiped a blight from the face of the Oerth. Demons and devils ought not to walk the land. But none could have predicted what chaos might arise from such a righteous act.
[Spies] and agents of the overking [had always] kept careful watch on the actions of [the priesthood of Hextor, for its power was hardly contained.] The priests, lacking detection and subtler magic, were not well-equipped to uncover such agents. […]
What has happened subsequently is almost without precedent within this priesthood. Patriarch General Pyrannden has stood by Ivid. However, Krennden, Patriarch of Hextor in Rel Astra, has pronounced the Overking insane and renounced his sacred guardianship of the Malachite Throne on account of that. [Ivid – 21]

Immediately thereafter, priests of Hextor appeared in Rauxes, the former capital of the Great Kingdom, and announced that Ivid V was no longer Overking. Conflict engulfed the capital in a matter of hours. Many of Ivids generals and nobles, filled with spite and ambition, marched on Rauxes. No one can exulain what followed. but the city itself was engulfed by a strange magical warp. Few willingly approach Rauxes now, and bizarre eldritch forces still prevail where the city once stood. [WoGG 3e – 4]

As Rauxes burned, and the Great Kingdom broke apart, the herzogs and grafs and the Holds of the Celestial Houses saw fit to take what they might while they might. If they did not, others surely would. The Scarlet Brotherhood, mayhap….
Graf Reydrich of South Province, though hampered by the loss of his fiendish servitors to the Crook of Rao, set in notion his plans to enlarge his kingdom and turn it into a true empire. By unknown means thought to consist of a combination of spells, enchanted assassins, and a spy network of his own […] he was able to find and slay many of the Scarlet Brotherhood’s commanders in Onnwal and Idee. His powerful military units rode directly into Idee in late 586 CY, conquering the northern half. He planned to move on Onnwal as well, but bad weather and heavy fighting in Idee forced him to delay those plans. [TAB – 24] (SD 6101)

Reydrich, Graf of South Province
The Brotherhood suffered a major setback in 6101 SD when Reydrich, Graf of South Province, used his own spy network to discover and slay many Brotherhood members in Odee and Onnwal. He followed this with a military strike that conquered the northern half of Idee.
[SB – 6]

The fall of Idee to South Province in 586 CY and the emergence of the United Kingdom of Ahlissa in the following year panicked many in Sunndi, who already felt threatened enough by the Scarlet Brotherhood's attempts to overthrow the realm from within. A few heavy-handed overtures by Ahlissa for the county to join their nascent empire did not help matters. [LGG – 111]

Reydrich knew that he could not let such quiet aggression go unchallenged, not when those of his inner court knew what he did, that the mysterious nation of Shar to the south had infiltrated every level of his government. Why would they, unless they had meant to take control of it.
Reydrich told one of his generals to be prepared to ride to the Tilvanot Peninsula by year’s end over the bodies of the Scarlet Brotherhood’s finest spies, assassins and savages. [TAB – 24]

But Reydrich as truly fortune’s fool. Just as he declared his intent to march unto the land of Shar, fickle fate decreed otherwise.
The general returned to Reydrich’s quarters later that day to find the archmage dead, apparently slain during the casting of another spell against the Brotherhood’s leaders. His assassins were never found. [TAB – 24]

Assassins? Assassin. Fate does not require a hammer when a needle will do.
Tyrum is the man who killed killed the original Reydrich of South Province in 6101 SD, infiltrating the Graf’s domicile, slaying him, and transporting a piece of flesh back to the Brotherhood wizards to make a clone. The success of this solo mission caught the attention of the Father of Obedience whom after observing him in subsequent missions, appointed him [Foster Uncle of Faith.] [SB – 18]
A charismatic and evil man, he left his position in the Temple of Pyremius [years earlier] when he realized he could best serve his god and the Suel race by becoming an assassin, a profession recognized as part of the official Brotherhood government. [SB – 18]

The plot thickens. Was Reydrich truly master of his own fate? Not so, says the Scarlet Brotherhood.
[Reydrich had been] under the magical influence of the Brotherhood. The Father of Obedience used him to eliminate ambitious political rivals in Indee and Onnwal, then had the graf assassinated before he could overcome the enchantment. Idee and several units of savages seemed acceptable losses compared to the elimination of potential challengers to the Father’s leadership, and he retained several backup plans to compensate for Idee’s “freedom.” [SB – 6]
But is this truly true? I wonder. Reydrich was a powerful man, few his arcane equal. It would take an immensely powerful wielder of the Arts to have dominated one such as he. It would be far easier to spin such a tale, and to quietly spread it far and wide, and see how it might undermine trust.
With Reydrich dead, the Scarlet Brotherhood agents continued to try to fell the South Province, assassinating those members of the newly declared Kingdom of Ahlissa’s Oligarchy.
[A] coalition of military officers and nobles who briefly attempted to establish a realm of their own, renaming South Province the Kingdom of Ahlissa Several of this oligarchy were slain by Scarlet Brotherhood agents during the winter of 586-587 CY, but the oligarchy held together and oversaw the complete reconquest of Idee by the end of 586 CY. [TAB – 24]

Lord Drax
The fall of the hated overking and Rauxes in 586 CY caused Lord Drax to sever ties with the Great Kingdom completely.
[LGG – 93]
Wars are costly affairs. Lives are lost. Wealth too. In the aftermath, the peoples of the land need time to breathe, to replenish, to rebuild. And to heal old wounds. Re-establish broken bonds. Trade can help do that. It opens dialogues. It reminds those who fought that not all across the border are foes and fiend. The Scarlet Brotherhood preferred that not happen.
Merchant ships from Rel Astra ceased to appear in the Azure Sea after 586 CY. It is now known that the Tilva Strait had been blockaded by ships and possibly monsters under the command of the Scarlet Brotherhood and likely its puppet, the Lordship of the Isles. [TAB – 29]
This situation has led to an increase in trade along an overland corridor from the town of Dullstrand uphill to the Kingdom of Sunndi, and from there into the Kingdom of Ahlissa to Nyrond and on to the west. This trade has served to moderate tempers in diplomatic relations between the Iron League and Ahlissa. [TAB – 29]

Even the Scarlet Brotherhood can change their mind. A piece of the action is far more lucrative a proposition than a blockade, and less costly than the loss of a single ship and its crew, even if that crew are Duxchaners and subjects of the Sea Princes.
The Scarlet Brotherhood in Scant originally blockaded the Strait of Gearnat, but soon switched strategies, instead allowing ships through—with the payment of protection money. This is particularly irksome to the Domain of Greyhawk and the kingdom of Nyrond. [TAB – 25]

No siege lasts forever, although they can last a very long time, indeed.
Irongate lived under siege until late 586 CY, when the Scarlet Brotherhood suffered setbacks in Idee and Onnwal that prevented it from keeping the pressure on Irongate's defenders. Irongate is no longer pushed back on its heels and has tried to reestablish the alliance. [LGG – 58]
The Scarlet Brotherhood’s iron grip had begun to slip. The Father of Obedience had planned well, and his conquests had been swift; but he also knew that holding onto those swiftly gathered gains was quite another thing, altogether.
Onnwal continued to struggle against the Scarlet Brotherhood. The core of the rebelling force consisted of the entire [thieves’] guild of Scant, led by a notorious master thief, Rakehell Chert. [TAB – 25]
The barbaric treatment of the populace by the Scarlet Brotherhood whet the cry for revenge, and a general revolt was launched in late 586 CY before the Brotherhood could crack down on the rebels. The countryside became a battleground during a brief, bitter struggle in which the freedom fighters drove the Scarlet Brotherhood back to the city of Scant. [LGG – 80]
[Chert’s’ thieves had worked hand-in-hand with the dwarven clans of the Headlands and with Irongate [….] Chert also received considerable help from the famed archmage Bigby, once a resident of Onnwal, and a group of Bigby’s former associates and apprentices in Scant. The rebellion began on the first day of Brewfest, 586 CY, and lasted through Patchwall. [TAB – 25]
These insurgents have nearly convinced Lord Mayor Cobb Darg of Irongate that they can win back the whole land soon. [LGG – 80]

Since 586 CY, rebellious Onnwallers had tried to recapture [Chadwell] manor unsuccessfully, until a storm raging in off the Gearnat veiled their assault. Inside, they discovered a scene of unrivalled butchery amongst the Brotherhood's troops. Several of the Onnwallers remained inside overnight to investigate and were found dead the following morn. Both sides now avoid the area, unsure of what lurks below the house. [LGJ#0 – 12]

As the Brotherhood’s grip loosened, those ports who had languished sought to take command of their seas once again.
With Onnwal's rebellion in late 586, a counter to [the chaos of the piracy plaguing the Wooly Bay] has formed, with Safeton and Hardby sending out warships to patrol the north, and Onnwalish ships from Scant guarding the south. This reduced the incidence of piracy, but it has hardly eliminated the problem. [Slavers – 38]

Despite the Brotherhood’s attempt to usurp their autonomy, the Oligarchy of Ahlissa held firm and succeeded where Reydrich had failed.
In late 586 CY, South Province captured the northern half of Idee, and would own the whole of the territory by the end of the year. [LGG – 96]

For two years Irongate had endured the Brotherhood’s siege of Irongate.
Irongate lived under siege until late 586 CY, when the Scarlet Brotherhood suffered setbacks in Idee and Onnwal that prevented it from keeping the pressure on Irongate's defenders. Irongate is no longer pushed back on its heels and has tried to reestablish the alliance. [LGG – 58]

Calling on Ports of Call
One has to admire the Brotherhood’s pluck: Even as their newly conquered nations were wriggling free of their yoke, they changed tack and sent forth their puppets forth to do what they had been denied, gain access to those posts that had denied them.
How the Brotherhood-allied Lordship came to act as a “neutral” sea power is a controversial topic in any port city. Merchant ships flying the blue crown-and-anchor flags of the Lordship (minus the Iron League symbol once displayed at the bottom) traveled across the Azure Sea in 586 CY, carrying diplomatic personnel, merchants, sailors, and a few marines. No obvious members of the Scarlet Brotherhood could be found aboard the ships by scrying wizards, nor did other divination spells determine that the crews were under charm or duress. The diplomats requested an opening of relations with other major seafaring states, with the goal of restarting the considerable maritime trade that the Lordship enjoyed prior to the Greyhawk Wars. [TAB – 33]

One wonders how long Turrosh Mak will be able to keep hold of his conquests?
The Orcish Empire of the Pomarj now holds a large portion of the open land to the east between the hills and the Jewel River. This ground is in active contention by the principality and is by no means conceded to the invaders, but Prince Corond has been desperate for an edge to help him defeat the orcs and goblins of the Pomarj. In 586 CY, an alliance with the Knights of Luna produced a counteroffensive that recovered some of this land. [LGG – 121]
War between the Pomarj and the dwarves of Ulek has continued unabated to the present, and some of the land west of the Jewel was recaptured in a major battle in 586 CY. Mak now works to build an orc-and-human pirate navy with which to extend his power across the sea, at least until he has the power to overcome the elven kingdom of Celene. [LGG – 88]

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?”
― Mahatma Gandhi

One must always give credit where credit is due. This History is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable.
Thanks to Steven Wilson for his GREYCHRONDEX and to Keith Horsfield for his “Chronological History of Eastern Oerik.” Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.

The Art:
Scarlet Brotherhood Assassin, by Sam Wood, from The Scarlet Brotherhood, 1999
Wealthy Quarter Assassin, by Bill Willingham, from A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords, 1981

1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
1064 From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
9577 The Adventure Begins, 1998
9578 Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
11374 The Scarlet Brotherhood, 1999
11621 Slavers, 2000
11742 Gazetteer, 2000
11743 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Ivid the Undying, 1998
LGJ #0
Greychrondex, Wilson, Steven B.
Greyhawkania, Jason Zavoda
The Map of Anna B Meyer

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