“My liege, and madam, to expostulate
What majesty should be, what duty is,
What majesty should be, what duty is,
Why day is day, night night, and time is time.
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief.”
― Hamlet, Act 2, scene 2, lines 93-99
Were nothing but to waste night, day, and time.
Therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit
And tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes,
I will be brief.”
― Hamlet, Act 2, scene 2, lines 93-99
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Otto |
Otto is a member of the Circle of Eight; not an original
member—that distinction goes to the Citadel of Eight: Mordenkainen (wizard),
Yrag (fighter), Bigby (wizard), Rigby (cleric), Zigby (dwarf), Felnorith (elf),
Vram (elf) & Vin (elf), a group of adventurers who sallied forth from the
impregnable bastion (the obsidian Citadel) to fight evil—but one of seven
archmagi whom Mordenkainen put together later to act as neutral referees
between Good and Evil, lest either gain the upper hand on the other for two
The new Circle of Eight were Bigby, Otiluke, Drawmij,
Tenser, Nystul, and Otto. Jallarzi Sallavarian was recruited later, and hence
forth they were known as Mordenkainen and the Circle of Eight.
I’ll get to each of them in turn; but for now we are here
to discuss Otto.
So, what can be said about Otto?
Otto, Clr3(Boccob)/Wiz15: HP 78. AL N. Str 16. Dex 10. Con 15. Int 17.
Wis 15. Cha 17.
Otto is 44,
5‘10“tall, 332 lbs., with long curly brown hair and green-hazel eyes. He
usually wears voluminous rich robes of purple and gold, and several gem-set
rings. Hugely fat, the sociable and ebullient Otto travels widely, claiming to
be a merchant, and trading in luxuries, especially foodstuffs. Otto is a
gourmet, and what he doesn’t know about good food isn’t worth knowing. He has
been writing a book on special dishes and good places to eat for some ten
years, and is looking forward to visiting many more fine hostelries still.
Otto’s cornucopia of blissful satiation is an item which provides him with
three gourmet meals per day, but these must be ones which Otto has eaten
before, and no particular dish can be reproduced more than once per year by the
cornucopia—hence Otto’s desire to eat as many wonderful (and different) dishes
as possible on his travels. Otto is a cultured man. With a love of all arts and
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Young Otto, Cleric of Boccob |
In addition
to his own personal spells using alterations of sound accompanying, or causing,
magical effects, Otto is notorious for his bizarre singing firefalls and for
his casting magic missiles which leave a sound wave of polyphonic chanting
behind them as they streak through the air. One Frost Barbarian who incurred
Otto’s wrath is reported to have said, “I have been struck by that which the
foul dabblers in sorcery call an ice storm before, but never before by one
which yodelled as it hailed down on my head.”
Otto is
well-liked among the rulers of Almor, and has a large town house there. If he
needs to carry out magical research, he uses the resources of the Wizards’
Guild of Chathold, or those at Tenser’s fortress. He spends most of his time in
Almor, where he learns much of what is happening in the Great Kingdom and the
troubled lands of the Bone March and Ratik, information carefully studied by
the Circle of Eight. He is known to assist druids and rangers and their friends
in the Adri Forest, and generally his [tolerance of all peoples’ natures] is
tinged with good tendencies.
Otto is a
frequent visitor to the Free City of Greyhawk and keeps a well-appointed town
house there
[….] He visits to see Tenser, to trade, but mostly to attend major
cultural events in Greyhawk, especially the opera. Otto has been in love with
Aestrella Shanfarel for years, and adores listening to her. He has showered her
with flowers, gems, and gifts of all sorts, and has even dines with her twice
(as her way of acknowledging the funds he has donated to the Grand Theatre and
Opera House). He has no idea, of course, of her true nature […]. Otto greatly
enjoys the excellent food of Greyhawk, and often stays at the Golden Phoenix,
talking to the chefs and swapping hints and gossip. On his most recent visit,
Otto was able to add kraken steaks stuffed with fillets or rare star-eel,
poached in Celene nectarwine and served with a mousse of moonberry and lemon,
to his vast store of culinary experiences. He will travel far and wide to enjoy
such rarities, and will pay well for recipes he has not already recorded in the
many books which fill his bag of holding. [CoG:FFF - 23]
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"The King in Yellow" Grand Theatre and Opera House |
Ten years later,
Otto was much the same. A little fatter, maybe. But by then, Almor had fallen
and he had relocated to the Free City, his home away from home.
Otto, a wizard who, like Jallarzi, is of the Circle of
Eight, is well-placed as a new noble, having elected to live in Greyhawk after
his homeland of Almor was ruined a decade earlier. [TAB - 71]
It is well known that this old mansion is owned by a
member of the Circle of Eight […]. Since the destruction of his homeland, the
Prelacy of Almor, during the Greyhawk Wars, Otto has been seen in town much
more than he once was. Of late, he has travelled to Nyrond on several occasions
and visited the lands of Almor that Nyrond annexed, looking for old friends but
finding that most died in the fighting. He is present in the city [most] of the
time, working on various projects, patronizing the arts, or seeing visitors.
Otto is 53 years old, very fat, and extremely outgoing and cheerful. He is a
superb gourmet, has a keen musical sense, and has friends among artists and
actors everywhere. He has several elderly, quiet servants.
[…] Otto has a side interest in artifacts, though this
is not commonly known. Any [person] who brings Otto a new bit of knowledge
about an artifact of Oerth (or a previously unknown musical instrument, for
that matter) will win his attention and possibly his friendship. If befriended,
he is a good source of news on conditions in Nyrond and might know of some
adventuring rumours and locations. [TAB - 89]
Otto is a rotund 53 year-old Oeridian with long hair,
dyed light orange and worn in curls. At first glance, he appears foppish, as
suggested by the intricately designed silk and satin robes that round out his
voluminous wardrobe. Further study, however, reveals that he is possessed of
the sharpest of minds, tinged only slightly by eccentricity. At times, he acts
like the very image of Zagyg, and some have suggested that the attention of
that demipower aided greatly in his rapid advancement in the field of arcane
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Boccob |
Otto loves traveling. Before the wars, he boasted of
having visited every civilized nation in the Flanaess (and some considerably
less civilized, for good measure). He claims that his adventures are due to his
love of seeing new and exciting things. Those who know him well explain that,
more than the sights, Otto travels to exotic lands for the tastes that might be
discovered there. In fact, the mage has a specially enchanted cornucopia that
will reproduce any one meal once per year, with the exception that it must be a
meal that Otto has ingested in the last 360 days. Otto cherishes this item, and
often will brave hazards both magical and mundane to experience some new
culinary delight. Such travels have brought him further west than any other
member of the Circle save Mordenkainen, and dark secrets learned there have
caused him at times to wonder at the true drive of the Circle's founder.
Ultimately, Otto's studies have remained close to the
roots he followed before the Greyhawk Wars. He is obsessed with the structure
of magic on Oerth, but, unlike Mordenkainen, he takes the unorthodox opinion
that the form of magic and the form of music have some telling similarities.
His first experiments in this arena involved mixing musical effects with
mundane magical spells, but he has, of late, taken to composing chilling arias,
such as his Aestrella, which produce stunning magical effects when sung to
perfection. His latest endeavor is a piece for a chamber orchestra that, when
played correctly, will open a visual-only gate depicting the wild forests of
Arborea. It is slow work, but the commission paid by the Greyhawk Opera House
has allowed him to continue in lieu of actual adventuring or any other form of
income. [LGJ#0 - 10,11]
Otto was once a priest of Boccob, the god of magic,
but is now a major wizard and a member of the Circle of Eight. One of the
younger members at age 53, Otto is also one of the most colorful. Otto often poses
as a rich, cheerful merchant, but he is easily picked out in a crowd because of
his huge girth and his ruffled and beribboned clothing. He is a gourmet
constantly in search of new, exotic dishes to sample, and is a patron of the
arts. He has a natural talent for music and adds musical elements to his
spells, which include singing fjreballs and yodeling ice storms.
Once a native of Almor far to the east, Otto has moved
to the City of Greyhawk following the complete destruction of his country He
can be found visiting the opera house, the Wizards' Guildhall or his fellow
Circle members. [PGtG - 22]
Otto has
heard, from a contact in northern Nyrond, that Nystul [another of the Circle of
Eight] has been working with powerful druids within the Phostwood to develop a
potent form of faerie fire which binds the victim in addition to normal
effects, but what has come of this as yet is uncertain. [CoG:FFF]
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The Guild of Performing Arts Hall |
The guild
counts the archmage Otto among its patrons, and hence the entire structure is
literally bathes in magical protections. [LGJ#2 - 8]
The art gallery is magically warded against theft, to
an extreme degree. Many wizard and priest spells have been cast here, none of
the sort that would damage the artwork while drawing attention to the theft in
progress. Because of several attempts to steal works in the past, the guild has
great antipathy for the Guild of Thieves, despite the fact that some members of
the Guild of Performing Arts also secretly work for the Guild of Thieves. A
continuing, low-grade struggle goes on between the thieves, who want to get the
artwork, and the guild backers (including Otto […]), who lay down the casle’s
defences. [TAB - 113]
Otto’s House
This small
dwelling seems almost a cottage among the grandeau of the surrounding mansions.
Often it is inhabited only by the white-haired groundskeeper and his wife.
About 25% of
the time, however, Otto himself comes to stay here. […]
His house is
comfortably appointed, and the housekeeper is a splendid cook. The old man
tends the fine gardens on the estate. Otto keeps little of value here. [CoG:GotF - 63]
usually stays either at the house of his good friend Otto […], with Jalarzi
[…], or treats himself to a little luxury at the Golden Phoenix […]. [CoG:FFF - 22]
Valderesse Sharn, Tenser, Otto, Jallarzi Sallavarian (sometimes looking for
Edwina, who is friendly with the pastry chef here and may be too fat to fly
home), Nerof Gasgal, and Org Nenshen are all among the [Golden Phoenix’s]
regular patrons, so this is an ideal place to [meet personages] of the highest
levels of political involvement—or even members of the Circle of Eight! [CoG:FFF - 63]
The New Mill
The "New Mill," or New Mill College, is one
of two functioning mills within the city walls, and serves as the headquarters
for the Guild of Bakers and Cooks. Although some staffers at the Old Mill
resented its construction, in truth the output from the New Mill isn't high
enough to make any competitive impact since New Mill is first and foremost an
educational institution. Here the various skills of food preparation, from the
grinding of grain and the storing of milk to the final spicing and steaming of
an exotic dish, are well taught by expert chefs from across the Flanaess. The
college is also the site of a great cooking competition at the end of Brewfest.
The mill's cellar sports a small slaughterhouse and ale-brewing facility.
[LGJ#5 - 7]
The wizard Otto, an anonymous benefactor of the
college and sometimes guest-instructor, has now taken an interest in the
problems at the two mills, although his travels keep him away from the Free
City much of the time. [LGJ#5 - 7]
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Guildhall of the Performing Arts |
This is the
favorite gathering place of the powerful wizards of the Council of Eight, when
one or more of them are in Greyhawk. On most occasions, these wizards disguise
themselves before venturing out in public. Otto, Tenser, and Nystul are the
three wizards most commonly encountered here. [CoG:GotF - 63]
The Guild
includes performers of all types: jugglers, clowns, musicians, singers, actors,
acrobats, snakecharmers, and so on. It enjoys the patronage of the great wizard
Otto (od the Circle of Eight […]), and the Shrine to the goddess Lirr in the
guildhall seems to engender her favor as well. [CoG:GotF - 75]
The History
of Otto
First mention?
Robilar, Tenser, and Terik encountered him while
adventuring in Greyhawk Castle. Otto was subdued by Tenser, but decided to work
for Robilar, rarely straying from Robilar's side, at least until 570 CY when
Robilar’s Keep was sacked by the Forces of Good, led by Tenser, and the ranger
570 CY
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Lord Robilar |
- Heavy Cavalry: 50 (Regulars)
- Medium Cavalry: 100 (Regulars)
- Light Cavalry: 50 (Regulars)
- Light Horse Crossbowmen: 50 (Regulars)
- Heavy Infantry: 100 (Elite Qrcish)
- Light Infantry: 100 (Levied)
- Heavy Archers: 50 (Elite Orcish)
- Light Crossbowmen: 50 (Regulars)
- Pole Armed Infantry: 100 (Regular Orcish)
Many of the higher-level
figures were slain during the intaking of the castle, but Robilar has Otto, a
high-level magic-user, and Quij, an Orcish hero of high ability but low intelligence,
as well as some relatively low-level cohorts. This force is Lawful Evil but
suspect by the minions of Hell due to chaotic actions. [Dragon #37 - 11]
One would think that Otto was Robilar’s faithful servant.
Robilar certainly did. But was he?
Otto has been involved in the affairs of the Circle of
Eight since before the group's existence. In 570, with Robilar's part in the
release of luz revealed, Mordenkainen sought to keep tabs on the noble's
activities. Since Lord Robilar was said to have the ability to discover magical
scryes placed upon him, it was necessary to plant a spy within his sizable
host. Having found Robilar's servant, the euroz Quij, wholly incorruptible
(insofar as loyalty to his master was concerned), the Archmage of Greyhawk set
upon a more mundane plan. Working through contacts in the Prelacy of Almor, he
drafted an aspiring magic-wielding priest of Boccob as his mole. So it was that
Otto worked his way into Robilar's organization, and onto the path of events
that would see him as a founding member of the Circle of Eight. [LGJ#0 - 10]
571 CY
Otto had
served Mordenkainen well, and was rewarded for his efforts.
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Mordenkainen |
581 CY
An important though seldom noticed event
took place in 581 CY, when an agent of Vecna, the Whispered One of ancient Flan
legend, struck down the entire Circle of Eight […]. The Circle had acted
subtly as a balancing agent for years, preventing any one power from dominating
too much of the Flanaess. Though the Circle's leader, Mordenkainen, returned
his colleagues to life using powerful magic, the group was in disarray when war
again erupted in the distant north in 582. [LGG - 15]
Not all things go as planned. Sometimes, the most unexpected things can
happen, things that even the Old One could never have planned for.
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The Cult of Vecna |
Guaranteed immortality, Vecna
was still not satisfied. With his scheming mind, he has devised a plan to
ascend to greater godhood and humble his rival deities. With his usual long
patience, Vecna has been working on this plan for centuries. Working through
his avatar or others, the Whispered One has carefully found seven magical
items. Each item has been placed in a secret location, [their positions]
strategic to his plans.
These items, when fully powered,
will cast a mystical web of energy over all of Oerth, cutting off all other
gods from their followers. Already they are creating interference on a local
scale. Only Vecna will receive the adulation of his worshipers: the other gods
will weaken and leave the path open for Vecna to rise to the fore. Then the
Whispered One will open the gates of time and bring forth his faithful
followers from the past. Feeding on their devotions, Vecna will become the
greatest of gods.
There is only one difficulty
that remains for Vecna—finding his Eye and Hand. They are the final keys to
fully empower the web, the final keys that open the gate of time. He knows not
where these are. In the final confrontation with Kas, when they were sundered
from his body, the gods (perhaps foreseeing his powers) hid them from his
senses. Vecna cannot detect their energies; he can only find them by seeing
their effects on others, much like finding a boat by the wake it creates. Too
many times he has come close, only to have them escape his grasp. This time, he
is determined not to fail. [WGA4
Vecna Lives! - 7]
The Circle of Eight sensed a great danger, but somehow their
divinations were blocked. Mordenkainen sent some of his most trusted mages to
investigate. And they died. Every last one of them: Bigby, Drawmij, Jallarzi
Sallavarian, Nystul, Otiluke, Otto, Rary, and Tenser. Of course, death was not
the end of all of them, it rarely is for those as powerful as members of the
Circle. Mordenkainen sent others; their path led ever west and the name Vecna
was raised time and again. And Kas. And Iuz.
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Mordenkainen |
Though the Circle never acted concertedly during
the Greyhawk Wars, certain "hotspots" received a good deal of their
attention. Mordenkainen Bigby and Otto fought against the Old One's army at the
infamous Battle of Critwall Bridge, and Drawmij was instrumental in organizing
the flood of refugees from the Lost Lands to fastnesses in the Good Hills.
Nystul worked primarily alone in besieged Tenh, while Otto and Bigby left
Mordenkainen in the Vesve Forest to do what they could for the Iron League.
Citing pressing personal needs, Rary retreated to his tower in Lopolla and
refused to come to the aid of his companions.
When the political rumblings that
signaled the end to the conflict reached the Free City of Greyhawk, the entire
Circle was on hand to ensure a favorable outcome to the peace process. Their network of agents researched the
backgrounds of key diplomats and participants in the proceedings, and magical
divinations were conducted to unmask any would-be saboteurs. Never did the view
of those scrying crystals turn inward, however, toward the plans of the single
individual who could do the most harm to the delegates' cause.
Rary's treachery
that day killed Tenser and Otiluke, and gained the Archmage of Ket everlasting
infamy. Spurned from his family by his brother and banned from Greyhawk itself
by Mordenkainen, Rary fled to the Bright Desert, to uncover its secrets and
inaugurate an empire. [LGJ#0 - 6,7]
Did I mention
that Otto was an erudite soul? He might even be the most learned of the
Circle. He most certainly enjoyed a good mystery, doggedly chasing down leads
with the help of Jawal Severnain, Librarian, Guild of Wizardry.
582 CY
Letter from Otto to Mordenkainen following the
defeat of the Falcon, 22nd of Reaping,
My dear Mordenkainen,
Your inquiries into the
origins of the derro following the recent discovery of them beneath our city
streets will be satisfied in part by the account herein, taken from my personal
investigations. The heroes who last month saw to the defeat of the serpentine
Falcon and her derro followers saved us all from an unspeakable fate.
The creation of the derro,
the only servant race of the Suloise whose generation was publicly known and
debated, is an especially ugly page in our fragmentary history of the Suel
Imperium. References to their creation and uses appear in several buried
libraries in the eastern end of the Sea of Dust; I have made copies of some of
these if you wish to examine them, though as usual I do not wish to reveal the
exact location of my sources.
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The Derro |
The creation of this race
produced a permanent rift in the Suloise pantheon. Fortubo, the industrious god
of stone, metals, and mountains, was so outraged at the horrific mistreatment
of the captive dwarves used by Suloise wizards to create the derro that he
withdrew his favor from nearly all his human followers. Clerics of Fortubo were
apparently later responsible for instigating numerous anti-imperial revolts
among the empires few dwarven slaves, free workers, and merchants. Fortubos
efforts to destroy the derro and punish the Suloise who created them were seen
favorably by the dwarven gods Moradin and Berronar. They soon gave Fortubo his
hammer-artifact Golbi and joined forces with him in the Flanaess to destroy
enemies of the dwur-folk. Fortubo is the sworn enemy of the derro and their
patron deity Diirinka, whose origin I do not know but which I suspect lies in
the Suel Imperium’s time.
The derro gained a great
streak of possessiveness from their dwarven progenitors, but they craved magic
and knowledge, not gold, perhaps as a result of their Suloise ancestry. The
Suloise blood in them gifted the derro with extraordinary magical ability, and
the dwarven resistance to magic was magnifiedfurther as well. But the derro
temperament was most fully formed by their cruel mistreatment at the hands and
spells of the surface-dwelling Suloise.
Their slavery came to an end
1,000 years ago, when the Baklunish Rain of Colorless Fire slew the Suloise
above ground but failed to penetrate the deep mines dug out by the derro over
their centuries of enforced servitude. Derro regard the Rain not as a disaster
but as their deliverance and a blessing. There in the subterranean darkness
they survived and prospered, looting the many ruins above them now buried deep
under the ashen desert we call the Sea of Dust. In imitation of their former
masters, the derro began taking slaves of every sort from neighboring races in
the underworld, but especially from human adventurers or survivors of the
cataclysm. The derro continue this evil practice to this day.
Humans and dwarves of all
worlds would be horrified to learn of the truth of derro ancestry, that our
world Oerth is responsible for their creation. The dwarven priests of Fortubo
know this today, and they rarely share it even with their followers though they
act upon it to destroy their distant, wicked kin. It is suggested here that
this knowledge never leave our Circle, lest our world serve as a lightning rod
for the wrath of those elsewhere whom the derro have tormented.
[Dragon #241 - 40, More
Player Races for the Greyhawk Campaign, by Roger E. Moore]
585 CY
At the close of the Greyhawk Wars.
Otto, […] is believed to have gone to Almor to search
for his henchman, the priestess Johanna. Both Otto and Johanna hailed from
Almor’s capital, Chathold. [Dragon #230 - 8]
He found her. He rescued her. Why would risk life and
limb for her? Because she is his oldest and dearest friend.
Johanna is native to the Prelacy of Almor, where she
is an important official in the temples of Boccob. She has served in the
priesthood all her life. It was there she first met and tutored Otto. Later,
she was one of those who advised him to leave the temple. Johanna and Otto have
remained close friends ever since.
To others, this seems like an odd Mutt-and-Jeff
combination: the epicurean mage and the dour, strict priestess. In truth,
Johanna is much less formidable than the image she presents. Uncomfortable
among strangers, she lowers her defenses among friends, becoming warmer and
showing a sly sense of humor. [WGA4 - 92]
Sunset, 8th of Coldeven
My dearest friend and ally, Johanna,
Your letter of the 5th
arrived here in my residence on the same night, as no doubt you hoped it would,
but I fear I was dining out alone that evening in a vain attempt to calm my
anxieties over your safety; I did not enter my study until last night. I regret
I was not here to read your words and share in your grief, as I do now. Please
accept my apologies and know that I wept long when I read of your poor family’s
fate. I remember your two brothers as if they were my own. I curse the beasts
who delivered them and all in Chathold to such unspeakable evil. There will be
vengeance for this from me, I swear this night by Boccob’s brow, a vengeance
that will burn even the heart of a fiend.
I must also tell you that I
was profoundly distressed to read of the rumors you have heard regarding a
white orb said to have been seen in the claws of the Great Murderer of Almor, Duke
Szeffrin. This was news of the worst sort, and your report regarding the powers
that the orb is said to possess has only fed my nightmare that a true artifact
has fallen into the possession of our hated enemies. That this orb is held by
an undead wretch such as Szeffrin is ghastly news; between this and word of
your brothers, I have been robbed of my appetite, and I have scarcely eaten for
a day now. I have sent urgent word to Mordenkainen through Jallarzi to meet
with him, since he has resources that I lack, but she returned and said he was
“out,” likely swapping tales with that vile goat of a spell-hurler from Faerun
— rot him for delaying Mord in this hour of need! But I have been tardy as
well, and we must as a consequence handle this matter on our own.
The “white sphere” that you
described as “engraved with myriad serpents or dragons” is very likely one of
our world's Orbs of Dragonkind. You have heard of these, assuredly, but in the
event that you have made no further study of these artifacts, I am attaching a
copy of a short paper I wrote on this subject, which I read before the Eight
only four years past on Midsummer’s Night, 581 CY. At the time, this
information was little more than a part of a pet project to catalog the three
or four dozen families of artifacts of this great continent of Oerik, but now
the matter lies at the center of my worst dreads.
The information that I impart
to you must be kept only to yourself for now. Thanks to my many private
connections among the nobility of the central Flanaess, I have had access to
records in archives and libraries where no outsider would normally be welcome,
much less left alive once discovered. The general release of this information
would, first, endanger my treasured connections and, second, threaten our
whole, bloodied world, as it might motivate any number of individuals and
forces, from greedridden half-heroes down to such Abyss-spawned nightmares as
sit upon the thrones of Dorakaa and Rauxes to go in search of these orbs and
the great powers they possess. You and I would be in the very snake pit of
danger ourselves, since some of my research drew upon materials secured in
ruins beneath the Sea of Dust, guarded by intolerant fiends who would not
appreciate knowing I had been there among their treasures.
Read, then, and understand my
The Orbs of Dragonkind
Magical creations are
sometimes developed in parallel to a surprising degree of similarity. One of
the most famous cases of such independent convergence of thought concerns the
Orbs of Dragonkind, examples of which have been recorded on no fess than six different
worlds. While the specifics of each case vary considerably, with such orbs
covering a wide range in size, composition, power, number, and purpose, all
such items were created with the intent of bestowing upon the user a measure of
mastery over dragons. Doubtless, some such devices have inspired the creation
of others, but certain dragon affecting orbs seem to have had no antecedent in
their lands — the Dragon Orbs of Ansalon, for example, or the Orbs of Draconic
Influence of Faerun.
Why this consistent
combination of orbs and dragon control? What is confusing to the commoner is
obvious to anyone who has long studied the matter. The orb represents an eye,
and eye contact is crucial among all dragons in establishing communication,
dominance, and intent. No other geometric shape has the power so quickly to
arrest a dragon’s attention and make it prey to whatever powers the user would
work on the creature’s mind and will.
Oerth, it is well known, has
its own Orbs of Dragonkind, but their oral and written history is poorly known
even to the learned. Sages have long suspected a connection between these orbs
and the long-lost Suel Imperium (Suloise Empire, Empire of the Suel, whatever),
dead just over ten centuries. I have recently finished my own investigation
into this topic, and I now offer you the results, sparing you my bibliography
and the harrowing tale of my research until later this evening, after the fine
dinner that I have prepared for your digestive education. Attend my words:
In the ancient days of the
maturing Suloise Empire, starting about -2400 CY, a great series of wars was
fought between the emperor’s forces and the various monsters that populated the
southern Crystalmist Mountains, what we now call the Hellfurnaces. The emperor,
Inzhilem II of the House of Neheli-Arztin, was a surpassing wizard, the fifth
such among the Suloise to be known as a Mage of Power. Inzhilem wished to
establish mines deep within the Crystalmists to harvest rare minerals and
crystals for his personal research, though he also had a niggling interest in
throwing back some of the humanoid and draconic monsters that periodically
raided the eastern provinces of his empire and reduced their taxable resources.
Imperial armies, even supported by military
wizardry, found themselves hard pressed by their opposition. The great families
of red dragons throughout the southern Crystalmists had enslaved Iimitless
numbers of brutish humanoids for use as sword-fodder, originally to attack one
another’s territories or bring in additional treasures. These armies of orcs
and goblinkind were now turned upon the empire’s soldiers, hurling themselves
into battle with great ferocity and in numbers that well made up for their lack
of skill or foresight.
In addition, these dragons
were exceedingly skilled at magic; baneful extraplanar powers supplied them
with secret knowledge of spellcasting in return for great sacrifices of wealth.
Worse yet, certain of those red dragons had undergone sorcerous rituals that
infused their living bodies with shadowstuff from the Demiplane of Shadow,
granting them new and devastating powers. These were the first of the accursed
shadow dragons, and they and their servants built a vast network of caverns,
halls, and tunnels beneath the Crystalmists that exists even to this day. Even
the great Vault of the Drow is said by some sources once to have been the
cavern-hall of an elder shadow dragon of this bygone age, some treasures of
which may still lie hidden thereabouts. (The gods grant us that these treasures
yet remain undiscovered by the drow!)
Facing such evil strength,
the army commanders sent word to lnzhilem that the issue was in doubt, and they
asked for his personal intervention. Angered at first that his armies could do
no more than hold their own against mere dragons and orcs, lnzhilem quickly
became intrigued by the difficult problem posed by the Fiery Kings, as the
troublesome dragons were known in the eastern lands. He returned to the capital
to remedy the situation.
Historical references to
Inzhilem’s studies are sparse and contradictory. He was not in the habit of
recording his thoughts and deeds for posterity’s sake. It is recorded in
several places, however, that Inzhilem called upon and gained the direct
assistance of the Suel deity Wee Jas herself, who in those early days was of
greater aspect and power than she is now, and less concerned with matters of
death than of pure sorcery. Legend has it that other gods favoring humanity
were involved as well, though their names are lost; indeed, some of them may now
be dead and forgotten. Myth and legend claim that all these gods were
benevolent, but I have grave reservations about this. Whatever sources he used,
lnzhilem gained sufficient knowledge to produce a solution.
The emperor elected to
construct a limited number of identical artifacts that would give his forces
the ability to confront and destroy the Fiery Kings. Knowing the great
importance that dragons attach to direct eye contact, which among the most
paranoid and wicked of them is regarded as a challenge resulting in an
immediate fight to the death, lnzhilem set upon the orb as the ideal form for
these surpassing devices. Each orb would be carried into battle by a
war-trained wizard and used to subdue, assault, or defend against all dragons
present, while a group of elite soldiers and battle-priests who accompanied the
wizard would move swiftly to finish off the draconic foes; this group would
accompany a regular army, which would carry the battle to the dragon’s humanoid
supporters. This use of an orb with combined forces is important, as a single
orb was not meant to be carried out alone against a many-talented foe like a
dragon, much less the countless underlings who would soon overwhelm a lone
orb-bearer. This misconception of the powers and uses of these orbs has likely
undone more than one champion who was fortunate enough to gain an orb yet
unfortunate enough to use it unwisely and alone, perishing as a consequence.
Furthermore, lnzhilem planned
that each orb would be useful against every sort of evil dragon known, not
merely against the red and shadow varieties. To accomplish this, lnzhilem was
forced to have his entire collection of caged and charmed dragons in the
capital gardens slain by sorcerous means. A portion of the blood, bone, brain,
and spirit of each dragon was captured and imprisoned in each orb, though the
orbs themselves were not meant to contain true intelligence as such. So strong
were the enchantments with which lnzhilem hoped to fill the orbs that rumors
flew that every cruel dragon on Oerth would fall prey to them, and the evil
races of dragonkind would be wholly exterminated and cast into myth.
It was calculated that eight
orbs would be enough to deal with matters in the east. According to one record
I examined, lnzhilem secretly directed the Imperial Congress about the year
-2360 CY to produce such wizards as would be necessary to assist him in the
mighty enchantments that would have to be cast. Again, history fails to reveal
all that followed, but one major event in the following years has survived for
the telling. A smoldering feud within the House of Neheli-Arztin flared into
violence in -2354 CY, and lnzhilem II was slain and destroyed beyond recovery
before the struggle had ended. The partial house of Arztin ceased to exist as a
result of retaliation, and the victorious partial house of Neheli kept the
throne. Ubrond Thrideen (“Third-Eye”) became emperor.
A devoted but unremarkable
ruler, Ubrond apparently continued the project to produce the orbs and saw it
through to its finish, but considerable interference took place and the
original plan for the project went inexplicably awry. Eight orbs were still
made (the date of their completion has been lost, but it was after -2350 CY),
but the orbs were now of differing sizes and powers, each oriented toward the
control of dragons of differing ages. The reason for this alteration has never
been made clear, as it certainly reduced the effectiveness of these orbs when
used in battle against dragons of ages older than allowed for by any one orb.
This alteration was not the
only one made, and certainly some of these alterations were performed without
the knowledge or approval of the emperor or his staff. I conjecture that the
Fiery Kings were able to insinuate agents among the wizards involved in the
project, and without Inzhilem’s ability to grasp the full scope of the work and
oversee the critical details, errors and even curses were worked into many of
the final products. It is clearly known, for instance, that each Orb of
Dragonkind possesses a malign, innate intelligence that attempts to overwhelm
and destroy any user. Furthermore, each orb was given the power to affect good
and neutral dragons as well as evil ones — an obvious addition by the fiery
Once finished, the eight orbs
were given names corresponding to the age level of the dragons they were meant
to fight. In order from the smallest orb up, they were the Orb of the
Hatchling, the Orb of the Wyrmkin, the Orb of the Dragonette, the Orb of the
Dragon, the Orb of the Great Serpent, the Orb of the Firedrake, the Orb of the
Elder Wyrm, and the Orb of the Eternal Grand Dragon. When not activated, each
orb was a light, solid sphere of purest white jade, completely and elaborately
carved with the entwined figures of dragons in battle with one another. None of
these orbs could be damaged in the least by mundane forces, nor could any beast
or animated construct bring them harm. If there were any means developed for
their destruction, they have long been lost.
It may be presumed that these
orbs were delivered to the Suloise armies and brought into combat with the
Fiery Kings, but there is a break in the historical record here. A curious
fragment exists that appears to be a message from a provincial lord to the emperor
— whose name is not given — asking for the latter’s intervention to “deliver us
from those who hold the stolen Globe.” Considerable strife between army
commanders is also noted in some dispatches from the eastern provinces, with
several references to a renegade officer, apparently mad, who called himself
the King of the Fire Kings. It is apparent that one or more of the orbs either
fell into enemy hands, was seized as part of a coup, or possessed a power or
curse that led its user into insanity or rebellion.
As best as can be told, only
five of the orbs remained in the hands of the Suel until the time just before
the Rain of Colorless Fire. I managed to secure several authoritative accounts
— from a source I cannot discuss openly, so I must beg your forgiveness — that
list these five as the Orb of the Hatchling, the Orb of the Dragonette, the Orb
of the Dragon, the Great Firedrake’s Orb, and the Orb of the Elder Worm. Some
of you are surely aware of the contrary legends that five, not eight, orbs exist
on our world, and I believe that this discrepancy resulted because three had
been lost or fallen into the hands of the enemies of the Suel in the empire’s
last days. I think that the Baklunish held at least one orb, but I have as yet
found no evidence of this; perhaps our resident Kettite, Rary, will investigate
and enlighten us! Despite the slight renaming of some of the orbs in
late-empire records, I believe the missing original orbs to have been the Orb
of the Wyrmkin, the Orb of the Great Serpent, and the most powerful of them
all, the Orb of the Eternal Grand Dragon.
After the Rain of Colorless
Fire, the historical record is dotted with appearances of these orbs, but very
rarely is the exact identity of each orb known for certain. Obviously, most or
all of the orbs were transported out of the empire before it was burnt into
ashes. One orb, a small one said to be the size of a man’s fist, was held in
Rauxes by the Overkings in the youthful days of Aerdy, until it was stolen
after two centuries by unknown thieves. Another, a larger one, was discovered
and lost in 311 CY by explorers in the Hellfurnaces, though this report is
confusing in details. Everyone in the Flanaess must know the tale of the mad
Zagig Yragerne, who is said to have taken a large white crystal ball with him
when he left this city one spring day in 361 CY and returned the following week
with a hoard of treasure such as only a succession of kings would know, using
some of these riches of course to build Castle Greyhawk. He returned here without
the white ball, however, and never spoke of it nor even acknowledged its
existence before or afterward.
I have counted about two
dozen other confirmed or probable appearances of the orbs between the fall of
the Suloise Empire and the present day. The location of only one orb is known
for certain to our cozy group of the Eight: The Orb of the Hatchling is
unquestionably held in Rauxes, as Mordenkainen himself was able to demonstrate
to our satisfaction last year. It is almost certainly the same orb held by
Aerdy’s early overkings, but we do not know yet where the orb was found, how it
was recovered, the uses to which it is being put, or the identity of its true
owner or master.
Unlike the sections of the
fabled Rod of Seven Parts, the various Orbs of Dragonkind have never been
reported to indicate the presence of any of their fellow orbs, for which I am
sure we can all be thankful. No spell, not even a Wish, and some say not even a
god, will reveal the location of an orb; you simply have to be lucky enough to
find one and know it for what it is. They seem to function independently of one
another, though tales circulate that unexpected abilities become manifest when
two orbs are brought into proximity of one another. I believe most of these
stories are exaggerations and falsehoods, but I cannot discount the
possibility. Time, perhaps, will tell.
What do the dragons think of
the Orbs of Dragonkind? The dragons hate them, of course, as they would hate
anything that would give mastery over them to some other race. There is only
one tale of a dragon gaining an orb, but it is quite fanciful and its
information is subject to grave doubt. The dragon in the tale slays a wicked
knight who stole a magical white ball and attempted to control the beast. The
dragon then took the ball into its lair and hid it away from humans forever. I
cannot say what would happen if an orb was collected by a dragon, whether good
or ill would result from this. Surely, I think, this has happened at least once
in the past, but we do not know the truth.
You have all been most
patient with me, and I now arrive at the core of my lecture. My research has
also disclosed new information on the actual powers of these spheres. I will,
as I mentioned earlier, cover my sources later. For now, here are those powers
whose existence has been proven beyond doubt, as well as the most reliable
information on other potential powers.
Orb of the Hatchling
This, the least of the eight
orbs, is three inches across and easily fits into a pouch or pocket. As this orb
was used in public by the early Aerdy Overkings upon small captive dragons, its
powers are clearly established for anyone who researches the matter. This orb,
like ail of its kind, confers upon the one who holds it the ability to converse
openly with any dragons within hearing, both understanding the dragons and
being understood by them. Further, the orb upon command casts a charm that
affects a single young dragon aged five years or less, of any type or scale
color, the spell being so potent that the beast finds it difficult, if not
impossible, to resist. Thus the dragon may be led into captivity or slain from
surprise, if action is swift. This orb has a mind of its own whose thoughts are
devoted to wickedness and revenge. This is the weakest of all the orbs, and its
mind is weak as well. Still, the user must have above-average intelligence and
insight to maintain control over the globe, or else disaster results. This was
sufficiently and tragically proven when Overking Erhart I allowed his eldest
son to handle the Orb of the Hatchling in 98 CY; the orb proved too much for
the youth, who evaded his father and threw himself over a parapet, dying of his
injuries that evening. The orb was recovered in an undamaged state, of course,
though it had fallen eighty feet to a stone-paved courtyard. After this, the
orb was locked away beneath the castle until its theft only fifteen years
later. Beyond its ability to charm young dragons, this orb appears to confer a
low degree of magical protection on the one using it. It also grants the user
the ability to see heat sources in darkness out to forty yards, and it bestows
the spell clairvoyance at least six times a day, at the user’s will. It is thus
useful, but hardly a grand artifact.
This remains one of the least
known of the eight artifacts of its family. It likely confers the same
communication powers of the next smaller orb but can charm dragons of slightly
older ages. I would guess that it is four inches across. One of my sources
refers to this orb as cursed but does not say in what way; the Suel hated to
give away any secrets that an enemy might use against them, and they hated to
admit to failure. We must pass this one by for now and move on.
[Interestingly], this orb is
unmistakably mentioned several times in ancient Suloise literature. One wizard
was said to have used the orb to fly over the countryside and scout for
monsters and other enemies of the Suel Imperium, which the orb was capable of
stunning. This five-inch orb vanished after the Rain of Colorless Fire and may
still lie beneath the ash of the Sea of Dust.
This, like the previous orb,
vanished without a trace after the fall of the Suel Imperium and probably still
lies buried there. I discovered little about It, except that it was rarely used
thanks to a flaw in its construction that killed one commander who used it. It
is six inches in diameter.
Ah! This might have been the
orb that Zagig himself used in that great battle in which he won his own
dragon’s hoard. Several legends and tales about the Orbs of Dragonkind refer to
one the size of a man’s head (this one would be seven inches, so its about
right) that could blast enemies with waves of cold and ice, or turn aside the
largest red dragon’s breath. A useful item to the Suloise long ago, no doubt!
This orb is probably still at large somewhere in the Flanaess, but where, I
cannot say.
All the comments I made about
the previous orb apply to this one, too. This one would be eight inches across,
but I have found no records to distinguish it from the other. I assume from the
title that it is effective against red dragons, but who can say?
Nine inches across, this orb
was the largest one in the Suel Imperium at the time of its fall, and it had a
black reputation. Though it had great powers by all accounts, and could kill
any beast with but a word from the user, tales have filtered down that the orb
was alive in some way and demanded blood for its favors. This is very possible,
as I have seen notes that convicted criminals were attached to the army unit to
which this orb was assigned, but no provisions were sent along for the
prisoners beyond food for a few days. Were they executed by the orb or its
user? It is possible. Even the commanders were loathe to use this device in the
face of attacks by dragons, so its evil nature must have been great.
I would love to say that I
know something about this orb, but oddly even the Suloise records are sparse
about it, and the Suloise loved to brag when they had something worth bragging
about. There is a note or two to the effect that this largest of all orbs, ten
inches across, was kept securely locked away most of the time, but this is
understandable if it was terribly powerful. It is curious, however, that there
is no mention of its use during any battle.
This concludes my little look
at the Orbs of Dragonkind, and not a moment too soon, as I believe our dinners
should be ready at last. We will take this topic up again, but first — let us
Johanna, I have little more
to add to this missive; the hour is late, and I have much to do. I hope to join
you in Almor by the morrow at dusk. Should you be discovered by unwholesome
forces, you must destroy this letter at once and, dare I add, speak to no one
of its contents. We must immediately seek out our common enemy, the murderous
duke, and we must take from him that which he cannot be allowed to have. If the
orb is indeed the size of the duke’s skull, as you have heard, then it is
surely one of the more powerful of the orbs, and with it he could likely break
the stalemate that has kept poor, crippled Nyrond from total collapse and ruin.
I will warn the rest of the Five of my intentions, but we cannot wait for them
to act. Let us pray that Boccob has given us such insight and knowledge as we
need to bring this crisis to a satisfactory close.
And if, as a consequence of
our actions, grief should befall the Great Murderer of Almor, Szeffrin, then we
may take home with us the cold certainty that your brothers — indeed, our whole
ruined nation — have in some small way been avenged.
I remain ever faithfully
yours, dear Johanna,
[Dragon #230 - 8 to 15, The Orbs of Dragonkind, by Roger E. Moore]
Let us not think
that Otto was entirely sedentary. He was not. He never was, despite the girth
that one might think testament to the contrary. He did risk life and limb to
rescue his closest friend. He was ever travelling to expound upon his culinary
knowledge. And he was always keen on the goings on of his homeland and those
areas surrounding it.
A knot of heavy forest some
three miles in length and two miles wide, the Fern Groves have the usual
concentration of faerie creatures, with one special group—a community of 23
The groves take their name
from an unusually thick growth of ferns that carpets the forest floor here;
though tree leaf cover is thick, enough dappled sunlight reaches the forest
floor to sustain these shade-seeking plants. The mage Otto, on a visit to these
parts, claimed that sunlight bent around branches to reach the ground, and that
some magical force was at work here. On the latter score, at least, he was
surely right; there are many rumors concerning buried magics in the Fern Groves
[…]. [FtAC - 45]
One might add
that Otto was prolific, as well.
Manipulations of the Entourage”
By Otto [Book]
By Otto [Book]
(sleep, scare, fumble, geas, Otto’s
irresistible dance, confusion)
[Dragon #82 - 58]
Level One
Level Two
Otto’s Soothing Vibrations
Otto’s Tones of Forgetfulness
Level Three
Otto’s Crystal Rhythms
Otto’s Sure-Footed Shuffle
Level Four
Otto’s Drums of Despair
Otto’s Rousing Anthem
Otto’s Silver Tongue
Otto’s Tonal Attack
Otto’s Tin Soldiers
Otto’s Warding Tones
Level Five
Otto’s Gong of Isolation
Level 6
Otto’s Triple Chime
Level 8
Otto’s Irresistible Dance
[GA - 128/Complete Mage 3e – 112/PHB 1e – 90]
Otto’s Imperative Ambulation
Spells like […] ‘Otto’s Gelatinous Cube Transformation
to Edible Gel’ have been left off as too esoteric for even the most curious
spell crafter.
[Descriptions of spells found in the AD&D Player’s
Handbook, Greyhawk Adventures, Wizard’s Spell Compendium Volume III]
![]() |
Otto |
So, what have we
learned about Otto? He is entrepreneurial. A patron of the arts. A dandy,
perhaps a popinjay. He is also kind. He is loyal. Learned. And studious. He put
his curiosity to work, prolific too, if the breadth and preponderance of his
correspondence and his writings are any indication.
One might add
that Otto is a fan of his creature comforts, as well. Culture and cuisine are
his greatest loves, aside from those he holds dear.
This is not to
say that he is not powerful. And dangerous. To think otherwise would be
foolish. He has lived long, and no mage who has should ever be underestimated.
To do so would
risk your own life and limb.
One must always give credit where credit is due. This History is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable. Thanks to Steven Wilson for his GREYCHRONDEX and to Keith Horsfield for his “Chronological History of Eastern Oerik.”
Of course, this piece would not be possible if not for
the writings of James M Ward.
Special thanks to Jason Zavoda for his
compiled index, “Greyhawkania,” an invaluable research tool.
The Art:
Otto, by Sam Wood, Living Greyhawk Journal #0, 2000
Cleric by maylaa
The-King-in-Yellow-Theater by morkardfc
Lucian-Cleric-Of-Boccob-Commission by devtexture
Yelling-Theatre by kevissimo
Jallarzi Salavarian, by Sam Wood, LGJ #0, 2000
Theatre-Of-The-Night by intao
Lord Robilar detail, from the Epic Level Handbook, 2002
WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure cover, by Clyde Caldwell, 1984
Cleric by maylaa
The-King-in-Yellow-Theater by morkardfc
Lucian-Cleric-Of-Boccob-Commission by devtexture
Yelling-Theatre by kevissimo
Jallarzi Salavarian, by Sam Wood, LGJ #0, 2000
Theatre-Of-The-Night by intao
Lord Robilar detail, from the Epic Level Handbook, 2002
WG5 Mordenkainen's Fantastic Adventure cover, by Clyde Caldwell, 1984
Cult Members, by Ken Frank, from WGA4 Vecna Lives, 1990
Mordenkainen detail, from Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, 2007
Jellarzi, Mordenkainen and Otto in battle, by Joel Biske, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Mordenkainen detail, from Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk, 2007
Jellarzi, Mordenkainen and Otto in battle, by Joel Biske, Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Derro, by Vance Kovacs, from Underdark, 2003
Orbs of Dragonkind, by Larry Smith, from Dragon #230
Magic Tome, by...?
Magic Tome, by...?
1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed
Set, 1983
1043 The City of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1989
1064 From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
1068 Greyhawk Wars Boxed
Set, 1991
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide,
1st Ed., 1979
9025 World of Greyhawk
Folio, 1980
9027 S2 White Plume
Mountain, 1979
9309 WGA4 Vecna Lives, 1990
9577 The Adventure Begins,
9578 Player’s Guide to
Greyhawk, 1998
11434 Return to White Plume
Mountain, 1999
11743 Living Greyhawk
Gazetteer, 2000
Dragon Magazine #37, 230, 241
OJ Oerth Journal, appearing
on Greyhawk Online
LGJ #0, 2, 5
Greyhawkania, Jason Zavoda
Holy Pelor! I had no idea there was this much info concerning Otto! Never used him in my campaigns (he did appear in the Castle GH comic) and I'm starting to regret it. I assume you have more of these in the works? ;)