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The Pause Before the Storm |
This is not to say that the North was peaceful, because in truth, it was not and had never been. It is a harsh land, not given to pastoral pursuits. It has always been rife with raiding and banditry. New Evils were bound to rise up. And they did.
513 CY
Iuz’s absence, Evil still flourished everywhere in the North. A new name was
whispered in the taverns and inns, in the courts and halls of those who held
sway: The Horned Society. It was said that it was a foul haven of deviltry. And
like Iuz before them, it had designs on the North. It did. First, it must
gather its forces if it were to fester.
Deprived of their lord [Iuz], the euroz and jebli armies massing on
Furyondy's borders rapidly dissolved. The barbarous creatures fought the
regents of Iuz and won for themselves the east and west shores of Whyestil
Lake. East of the lake, savage chieftains and unscrupulous humans founded the
Horned Society. [Wars - 3]
515 CY
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Hierarchs of the Horned Society |
The Nomads and Rovers darted in and out of their armies’ reach, and
revelled in their early successes, but as those armies marched ever north and
as the Barrens open to their maneuvers were squeezed ever smaller, the Rovers
had no choice but to turn and fight. The inevitable battle did not go well for
the Rovers. They massacred at the Battle of Opicm River. A few escaped, but
the once proud and fierce Rovers had been brought low, and all they could do
was hide, and prey for a day when they could take their revenge.
The Nomads were more fortunate. They did not have the Icy Sea and the
Corusks blocking their flight. Or the Fists of the Stonehold at their back,
either. They broke into smaller bands and slipped away into the vast expanse of
the northern plains and the tangles of the Boreal Forest, and vanished as
though they were one with the wind and the trees.
At the great battle of Opicm River, the might or the Rovers of the
Barrens gathered to war upon a combined host from the land of luz and the newly
formed Homed Society. The wardog soldiers and light cavalry of the Rovers were
decimated and scattered, and many of their chieftains were slain. Perhaps three
or four clans of but a few tribes each are all that now remain of the force
which once sent the tumans of the Wolf Nomads flying back across the Dulsi
without their gray-tailed banners. [WoGA - 33]
There were those who remained loyal to Iuz, though, for they knew the
Old One could return, would return. They knew they must survive were
they to be of use to their absent master when he did, so, they feigned
allegiance, and added their strength to that gathering, their aim to placate
those who would otherwise take His lands, and as they seemed to lend aide, they
held back, all the while watching their foes weaken. They bided their time, and
520 CY
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Skrellingshald |
Their relative security aside, they understood that one day those Evils
to the West might come; so, they searched for uncharted passes that might be
hidden from them. And they searched for fabled Skrellingshald, for the elder
wives wove tales of the wonders that one might find there. But where was it?
None could say, but those fancy tales told of a becalmed climate and rich soils,
and steeply walled, easily defended, paths to it. That in itself made it worth
seeking. But did it ever actually exist? Were they indeed just fancy tales?
Most believed just that. Nevertheless, there were those who thought
differently. There was always a kernel of truth in even the wildest of fables,
they believed, and so, they shouldered packs and girded themselves for the
great dangers that lurked in those peaks. Few ventured into them, fewer returned.
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The Sinister Lost City |
What? You have never heard of Skrellingshald? Maybe you have, for
Skellingshald is what the northern tribes called that long forgotten city of
Hradji returned later that year with a diminished following and with a greatly increased wealth which consisted
largely of […] golden spheres. He quite naturally refused to disclose the
location of the mountain, as he planned to gather a stronger force for the next season and return
with still
greater booty.
Unfortunately, Hradji and the majority of his men died within the year, some of
them as soon as they arrived home. What is more, all those who had any
prolonged contact with the gold similarly sickened and died. Hradji’s heir
disposed of the hoard by trading it to merchant interests in the Great Kingdom, and reputedly the curse
still circulates as the coin of that land, although this last may be a tale
fabricated to weaken the Emperor’s currency. [GA - 93]
521 CY
Iggwilv need not be present to affect her world. She had left tomes
and artifacts behind, and they were much sought after. It was only a matter of
time before they surfaced.
History of the Nethertome
[The] Nethertome was absent from recorded
history, its whereabouts and owner unknown. Then, in CY 521, it turned up in
the library of Thillion “Flamefingers” Dern, an aged Bisselite mage who died
without an heir. During the auction of Thillion’s belongings, the tome was sold
to one Gelvin Torlar, a mage who, at the time he bought it, did not have the
magical wherewithal to employ its secrets. Surprisingly, Gelvin held the book
against all comers, even in those early years when his personal might was
lacking and those who wished to seize the tome for themselves assailed him on
what seemed a weekly basis. By the end of the decade, however, the constant
battle to hold the tome had exhausted Gelvin’s funds and magical resources, and
he was forced to sell the Nethertome for a mere pittance, else starve or be
slain in a spell duel. Although Gelvin made it known that the Nethertome had
been sold, the actual transaction took place secretly. Thus, the buyer’s
identity was never learned, and the Nethertome vanished once again. [Dragon #225 - 52]
522 CY
Not all news was bad. Indeed, some kingdoms were hale and
prosperous, their lines of succession secure, the transfer of power smooth and
free of strife. Such was the case in Furyondy, where King Belvor III took the
throne. Of course, courts everywhere are notorious for schemes and political
maneuvering; even the best of them.
As pressure from the north ebbed,
Prince Belvor III, King Avras’s son, energetically courted the Order of the
Hart. By playing on the suspicions of
the Great Lords of the south, Belvor III swung the Order of the Hart into the
royal faction. [Wars - 3]
523 CY
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The Burning Cliffs |
None of these more recent reports has been
sufficient to spur the practical northern peoples into any sort of action or
investigation, and it was quite by accident that anything more was discovered.
In 523 one Storrich of the Hold of Stonefist failed in an attempt to advance
himself by less than traditional methods. Poisoners are not highly regarded
even in that grim country, and so Storrich and his followers were obliged to
flee. Since the season was summer and the Ice Barbarians would not be likely to
let his ship pass unmolested, Storrich and his pursuers turned westward.
Unfortunately for Storrich and his men, the pilot of the ship ran it aground
offshore the Wastes, and Storrich’s company was obliged to take to the land,
the pursuit still hot on their heels. As a last desperate measure Storrich
attempted entry into the Burning Cliffs region, risking a stone path that he
and his men found leading into the smolder. Storrich’s pursuers turned back at
this point well satisfied, and informed the Master of the Hold that they had
driven Storrich to his death, having waited some days for him to attempt a
return and having seen nothing. It proved to be untrue. [GA - 97]
525 CY
Storrich surfaced in Dyvers spouting
outlandish tales.
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Volcanic Vision |
526 CY
It is a wonder that Dyvers is not the jewel of the Flanaess.
Indeed, it was the focus of government and commerce in the West of the Great
Kingdom until the Vicecounty of Ferrond seceded. It was a port then, and is a
port now. And rightly so. It was well situated as such: on the Nyr Dyv, at the
mouth of the Velverdyva, it was central to all trade north and south, and east
and west. It was truly the wonder of the West. “All roads lead to Dyvers,” it
was said. All the peoples of the Flanaess did indeed come to Dyvers, and all
the peoples of the world have made their home there. It is a secular place, the
worship of coin far more prevalent than that of Pholtus and Rao by a Gold
County Mile. And so it came as no surprise that Dyvers grew uncomfortable with
Furyondy’s close ties with Veluna.
city was originally a part of the Viceroyalty of Ferrond and contributed
heavily to the war which saw the institution of the Kingdom of Furyondy.
Because of the alliance and close ties with Veluna, whose policies the Gentry
of Dyvers see as restrictive, the city declared its independence. King Thrommel
II allowed this act to pass unchallenged. [Folio - 21]
people of Dyvers are a mercantile folk, prone to cutting corners to achieve
profit. Furyondy's relationship with Veluna troubled the freethinking folk of
the city, as Veluna's cleric rulers were highly principled, rather ascetic, and
encouraged great donations to church coffers. When many cities in Furyondy
established a code of "canon law," replete with church courts stocked
with Raoan doctrine and Cuthbertine punishments, the Gentry of Dyvers decided
that enough was enough. Preparing for the worst, they informed the crown of
their intention to split from Furyondy in 526 CY. Perhaps because Furyondy
feared the growing power of Greyhawk and felt it needed an ally in the region,
Thrommel II, the reigning monarch, allowed the secession to pass unchallenged. [LGG - 41]
537 CY
King Belvor III of Furyondy died quietly in his sleep; or so the
story goes. He had made a few enemies though, so who can say?
Some nobles accused the Great Lords of
assassination despite the fact that the Dread and Awful Presences -- the
Hierarchs of the Horned Society -- claimed their magic wrought the king's
death. A commission of wizards and priests led by Lord Throstin of the Hart
determined that King Belvor died naturally in his sleep. The Great Lords were
exonerated, but the Hierarchs never withdrew their claim: the deed only
increased their standing in the Horned Society. [Wars - 25]
After his father's death, Belvor IV used his
monarchial power to force the Great Lords back into the fold as [his father
had]. Though his reign was relatively short, Belvor's (III) coalition lasted,
holding the fractious kingdom together during the years of his son's regency. [Wars - 3]
c. 550 CY
Beartooth braved the dangers of the Griff Mountains because he knew his people
might need a haven. He also knew that his people sorely needed what wonders
Skrellingshald might have wielded to keep them safe those eons past, no matter
whether it was arcane or not, for the Fruztii had been decimated during the Battle
of Shamblefield, and were a shadow of their former selves.
Not so the Schnai. They had not spent themselves against the shields of
the south. They had taken to the seas instead. And so, when the Fists of the
Stonehold had swept out from the Griff Mountains, the Frutzii had little choice
but to treat with their cousins to the East. Help us fortify the passes, they
pled. And the Schnai were only too willing to help. They sent warriors to
strengthen the Bluefang-Kelten Pass. But not so many as did the Fruztii, for
they sent longships to Krakenheim to protect their poor cousins from what
retaliation might come from the Great Kingdom’s North Province and the fleets
of the Sea Barons. And the Fruztii found themselves under the suzerainty of the
Schnai. Their king was but a puppet. And they chaffed under their cousin’s
While the Fruztii were historically the most persistent in their raids
upon the Aerdy, the Schnai explored the seas and the northern isles. Their
discovery of Fireland during the early years of Fruztii raids southward was a
great distraction. Rather than seek conquest in the Flanaess, they chose to
explore the Lesser and Greater Isles of Fire, while they built settlements on
the more habitable islands of Sfirta and Berhodt. They would inevitably return
home with tales of monsters and giants, and of treasures almost obtained. [LGG - 106]
c. 556 CY
The Fruztii had asked for held, and they cousins were
only too pleased to “come to their aid,” but before too long, the Fruztii
understood their folly, for the Schnai had taken control of teir ports, their
Great Hall in Krakenheim, and their king. They had fallen under the suzerainty
of the Schnai, and there was nothing they could do to stop it.
The Fruztii have never recovered from the
Battle of Shamblefield, and have been under the suzerainty of the Schnai for
the past two decades – and several times previously as well. The supposed
figurehead placed upon the throne of the Fruztii has, however, built his
kingdom carefully, and in actuality it is now independent in all but oath. [Folio - 10]
558 CY
Scarlet Brotherhood set out to stir up trouble for the Great Kingdom. They sent
agents into the Rakers and whispered into the ears of the Euroz, the Kell, the
Eiger, and others, to encourage the orcs and the gnolls there to raid the Bone
March, for if Ivid’s attention was in the north, they might once again gain
influence in the south. (6074 SD)
559 CY
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Orcs on the Bone March |
560 CY
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And still the orcs came... |
Hordes of humanoids (Euroz, Kell, Eiger and
others) begin making forays into the Bone March, and these raids turned into a
full scale invasion the next year. [Folio - 9]
561 CY
forces of Marquis Clement tired. And still the orcs came. And when the orcs
found no resistance, the whisperers said, “The time is ripe. He has not the
strength to defeat you!” The orcs still did not trust the whisperers from Shar,
but they saw the truth in their words. And so the tribes flowed from their
mountains into the Bone March and laid waste to all that stood against them.
They flowed out into the Theocracy of the Pale, and into neighbouring
Nyrond. They flowed out into Ratik. Because that was what the agents of Shar
instructed them to do. But the greatest of their hosts spilled out onto the
Bone March, for the agents of the Brotherhood knew that turmoil within the
Great Kingdom was so great that it could not muster effective opposition. And
because they had parleyed with Herzog Grace Grennell of The North Province, and
he had promised to delay his defense. But also because they’d parlayed with
others, far darker in purpose than Grennell.
Thus, the orcs and the gnolls made great gains into the March in so
little time. But not so in the Theocracy of the Pale, Nyrond, or Ratik, for
there resistance was stiff, swift and sure.
563 CY
Bone March fell to the humanoids and all humans in that area were either
enslaved or killed, Lord Clement among them, as he was held up within the walls
of Spinecastle, waiting for succor from Ratik and the North Province, when it
fell after a prolonged siege, virtually overnight. Survivors say that the orcs
and gnolls had nothing to do with its fall, that it fell from within, that dark
forces rose up from its very foundations, causing those within to throw open
the gates in their haste to flee, and only then did the humanoids gain entry.
It was the castles’ curse, they said, making some gesture they thought would
ward off the Evil they said they saw that day.
The hordes did not hold the castle for long; for they too were struck by
such horrors that drove them from its halls. While within, they were driven
mad; and those that survived said that blood flowed from its walls, that rooms
rippled and disappeared, and that they were induced to strike one another down.
Retreating from Spinecastle’s horrors, they never again entered it.
The Knight Protectors of the Bone March were overwhelmed by the hordes,
and those who could fled to Ratik, bolstering the defenses of Ratikhill.
This land fell to the horde of invaders [Euroz, Kell, Eiger and others],
its lord slain, and its army slain or enslaved. Humans in the area were
likewise enslaved or killed, and the whole territory is now ruled by one or
more of the humanoid chiefs.
[Folio - 9]
The Euroz orcs and the gnolls continued to flow out of the Rakers,
betraying and attacking the North Province in their blood frenzy, even as
Spinecastle held out against them.
Grennell expected as much and was prepared. He met them within the
March, and drawing them into defensive redoubts, he slowed their advance, and
then halted it altogether. And having done so, he parleyed with them and allied
with them against Nyrond and Almor, for he believed that such a force could not
be defeated until it had blunted itself against hard resolve, and he much
rather it do so against that of other lands and not his. Then he would turn on
the humanoids, and take their spoils as his own.
What did the Scarlet Brotherhood think about their success? They were
elated. They were infuriated. The orcs slaughtered their agents along with all
the other humans, for the orcs understood that those red-robed whisperers were
not their friends. They understood that they were pawns in a greater game that
was not their own. And they recognized the scent of slavery when they smelled
The Death Knight Lord Monduiz Dephaar made good use of the chaos that
ensued, craving a kingdom for himself out of the lands surrounding his
stronghold somewhere in the Blemu Hills in the wake of the collapse of the Bone
March, and even now commands legions of humanoids and bandits, who call him
Dreadlord of the Hills.
Both Prince Grenell of the North Kingdom and the humanoids of
Spinecastle gave the Dreadlord wide berth.
565 CY
was in need of allies. Their most stalwart ally, Marquis Clement of the Bone
March had fallen and his lands were in the thrall of orcs and ogres and Death
Knights. Tenh was beset by Stonefist and the Theocracy of the Pale, and indeed,
the Fists had raided Ratik’s very north. Their only “ally” was the Theocracy of
the Pale, if having a common enemy could necessitate their being allies, for
the Theocracy was, if anything, hostile to all who weren’t blind adherents to
the Faith of their Blinding Light, and the people of Ratik were not.
But they were not entirely without hope. They had kin. Of a sort. The
Fruztii had passed them by in their raiding. Why? They’d been enemies once,
after all. Because the Fruztii had kin within their domain, and their kin had
become a people of Ratik.
Marner gathered those elders of Fruztii descent and asked them, “Will
your brothers to the north treat with us?” After much talk and deliberation,
the elders agreed that the Frutzii would. The Fruztii wished to be free of the
Schnai. They were beset upon by the Fists. And their strength had been broken
upon the shield of the Great Kingdom.
But who? They chose Korund of Ulthek, for his mother was of Fruztii
decent and his father was the Ward of the North. And Korund sailed north to
visit his kin north of the Timberway. And with their aid, he secured a meeting
in Djekul. And then in Krakenheim, where His Most Warlike Majesty, King Ralff
listened carefully and was intrigued.
Soon, Marner came to Krakenheim, and Krakenheim came to Marner.
“Where else might we find allies,” His Valorous Prominence, Lexnol, the
Lord Baron of Ratik asked.
The Fruztii pondered this question. Fireland, they said.
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Fireland |
566 CY
Rovers may have been defeated by the Horned Society at the Battle of Opicm
River, but they could still be a thorn in its side. Pride dictated that
they spit in the face of defeat. Pride dictated that they regain their lost
lands. They allied with the Weigweir and together, they began raiding
northeastern edge of Fellreev.
The young tribesmen who matured into warriors during the last two
generations avoided their old battling and hunting grounds along the Fellreev
Forest and the plains of the Dulsi, for they feared the might of luz’s hordes.
Instead, these nomads and woodland hunters withdrew to the steppes and other
sites to the north and east. Their numbers increased, and they practiced their
fighting skills against the men of the Hold of Stonefist and the savages and
humanoids they met on raids into the Cold Marshes. Despite the difficulties of
communication, the western tribes of the Rovers of the Barrens actually made
alliances with the Wegwiur.
In 566 CY there were a few light raids into the northeastern edge of the
Fellreev. In a few years, wardog parties were reported in the forest west of
Cold Run. [Dragon #56 - 27]
c. 570s
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Iggwilv |
Iggwilv reappeared in the late 570s, after the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
were rediscovered and her vampire-warrior daughter Drelzna was destroyed.
Iggwilv, who had apparently regained her old powers – and then some – on other
planes or worlds, attempted to attack the Flanaess with a vast army of fiends
and monsters. She was thwarted by Tenser, who sent heroes to recover a lost
artifact (the Crook of Rao) that blocked her extraplanar forces from entering
the Prime Material Plane on Oerth. Iggwilv thereafter secretly assisted her son
Iuz with his empire building. When she tried to recapture Graz’zt, she was
herself caught and imprisoned in the Abyss. [Rot8 - 55]
History of the Nethertome
it is known that the Nethertome did not accompany her on the journey to her
Abyssal prison, but the current whereabouts of the book cannot be confirmed. It
is generally believed that luz turned it over to one of his Boneheart wizards,
and most fingers point to Jumper or Null, as the Nethertome would be most
useful to them in their work at Fleichshriver. [Dragon #225 - 52]
One must always give credit where credit is due. This History is made possible primarily by the Imaginings of Gary Gygax and his Old Guard, Lenard Lakofka among them, and the new old guards, Carl Sargant, James Ward, Roger E. Moore. And Erik Mona, Gary Holian, Sean Reynolds, Frederick Weining. The list is interminable. Thanks to Steven Wilson for his GREYCHRONDEX and to Keith Horsfield for his “Chronological History of Eastern Oerik.”
The Art:
Black-and-White-159 by haiashouster
The-Nine-The-Lord-of-the-rings by anatofinnstark
The-Lost-City by artofjokinen
Deaths-Remnant by adamburn
Red-sketch by noahbradley
Volcanic-Vision by noahbradley
Ms-Orc-Queen by bayardwu
The-Nine-The-Lord-of-the-rings by anatofinnstark
The-Lost-City by artofjokinen
Deaths-Remnant by adamburn
Red-sketch by noahbradley
Volcanic-Vision by noahbradley
Ms-Orc-Queen by bayardwu
Orc-rider by zsoltkosa
Viking-Metropolis by ourlak
Iggwilv by nyaka-n
1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
1064 From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
1068 Greyhawk Wars Boxed Set, 1991
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
2023 Greyhawk Adventures Hardback, 1988
9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
9399 WGR 5, Iuz the Evil, 1993
9577 The Adventure Begins, 1998
9578 Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
9576 Return of the Eight, 1998
11742 Gazetteer, 2000
11743 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Ivid the Undying, 1998
Dragon Magazine
OJ Oerth Journal, appearing on Greyhawk Online
LGJ et. al.
Greychrondex, Wilson, Steven B.
Greyhawkania, Jason Zavoda
Viking-Metropolis by ourlak
Iggwilv by nyaka-n
1015 World of Greyhawk Boxed Set, 1983
1064 From the Ashes Boxed Set, 1992
1068 Greyhawk Wars Boxed Set, 1991
2011A Dungeon Masters Guide, 1st Ed., 1979
2023 Greyhawk Adventures Hardback, 1988
9025 World of Greyhawk Folio, 1980
9399 WGR 5, Iuz the Evil, 1993
9577 The Adventure Begins, 1998
9578 Player’s Guide to Greyhawk, 1998
9576 Return of the Eight, 1998
11742 Gazetteer, 2000
11743 Living Greyhawk Gazetteer, 2000
Ivid the Undying, 1998
Dragon Magazine
OJ Oerth Journal, appearing on Greyhawk Online
LGJ et. al.
Greychrondex, Wilson, Steven B.
Greyhawkania, Jason Zavoda
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